Underling Uprising

Underling Uprising

RockyVega Jul 25, 2022 @ 12:56am

Music, visuals, movement, attacking and overall presentation is great.

Definitely a nice package at the core and seems like it'll be a lotta fun.


1. Pause menu w/audio sliders: Should go without saying.

2. Sound effects: Attacking sounds like a kick drum. Doesn't fit by any means with something like a punch attack (or ANY attack for that matter).

A standard "punch" type sound is all you need (no need to fix what ain't broke).

3. Git Gud? Please make it say something else (a simple Game Over is fine).

Been a while since I rolled my eyes so hard at a game, but that almost made me take the game OFF my wishlist (yes it annoyed me that much).

You don't need corny elitism or juvenile "edginess" just to make your game stand out.

It already does a good job of that.

4. On the same note of "Git Gud", there needs to be i-frames when a character gets knocked down.

This is a standard in beat 'em ups to keep the player from getting hammered by NPC's and suffering from cheap deaths.

Kinda hard to "Git Gud" if you can't even get UP.

5. Skip options would be nice, too. No one likes having to sit through dialogue or cut scenes; especially if they just wanna try something out.

6. Would love if running could be done with back/forward (or left to right vice versa) inputs as well instead of only pressing forward twice.

Not a necessity, but would definitely be a nice touch.

I'm loving what's here outside of the criticism.

Definitely one of the better demos I've played today, so I do hope you'll consider all of this. =]
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Dummy Dojo Aug 31, 2023 @ 2:34am 
Thank you so much for the detailed feedback! Glad that you enjoyed it! Hopefully, we've fixed all of the issues that you mentioned with the updated demo.
< >
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