Defense Grid: The Awakening

Defense Grid: The Awakening

Infinite Money Mode? Sandbox mode?
A mode as the title states would be insanely fun. Then either use preset alien waves, other level's waves, or even make your own.
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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
Do u know how long this game has been out of development ? It's like saying it would be nice if a Commodor-64 had a CD-Drive :p
Rob-P eredeti hozzászólása:
it would be nice if a Commodor-64 had a CD-Drive :p
Yes! Agreed!
Rob-P eredeti hozzászólása:
Do u know how long this game has been out of development ? It's like saying it would be nice if a Commodor-64 had a CD-Drive :p

That's one of the worst comparisons i've ever heard considering in the 90's a few companies like Rainbow Arts and Codemasters actually released CD-Rom Interfaces (so you could connect any CD-Rom Drive/Player) for the C64 even though the system was completely outdated and abandoned by Commodore ;)

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13/3 megjegyzés mutatása
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