Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Any Meet the medic maps?
if there is please, send me a link to it. (one with meet the medic props works too)
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Zappy 10.1.2015 klo 14.28 
sfm_drogentote exists, but I can't find where I downloaded it from...
I think it was a fabricated map and was never released. If I remember correctly I read an article/discussion on it that linked to a list of models that were used. Do a search on the discussions to find it.
Zappy 10.1.2015 klo 14.32 
Pte Jack lähetti viestin:
I think it was a fabricated map and was never released. -
I downloaded it from a public release, but searching sfm_drogentote doesn't find it for me. It was together with Meet the Scout, Meet the Demoman and Meet the Spy replica maps.
I think that map left us with the demize of SFM_box vintage... I thought someone had uploaded it to the workshop, but I just looked and it's not there.
Zappy 10.1.2015 klo 14.34 
No, I did not get it from SFMBox. No, I did not get it from I think I got it from FacePunch, but I'm not sure.
Oh wait... Not sure if this one works, but the link in the description does go to mediafire and attempts to download the map... There is also a link to the props... I knew I read it somewhere...
Zappy 10.1.2015 klo 14.41 
No, it was an official release by the makers, with screenshots as well. But I guess what you linked to works, too.
looks like the map has to go through a rebuildcubemaps though!!!

If I remember correctly so did the original

Edit: I know the one your speaking of Vintage, but I didn't want to go through the 900 pages of the facepunch article. Too Lazy, this one was faster.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Pte Jack; 10.1.2015 klo 14.55
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 10.1.2015 klo 14.11
Viestejä: 10