Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

My SFM Is Broken
My Camera Was Switching Between Work Camera and Camera 1 it glitches in between them
Sidst redigeret af I'm crippiling depression; 13. maj 2014 kl. 15:30
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Viser 1-8 af 8 kommentarer
Pte Jack 12. maj 2014 kl. 21:21 
Windows - layouts -return to default layout
Oprindeligt skrevet af Pte Jack:
Windows - layouts -return to default layout

Its still broken
Pte Jack 13. maj 2014 kl. 17:09 
Sorry Tacos, I think I posted to the wrong discussion here with my layout answer...

I find that opening the second viewport then assigning a work camera to one and the acyive camera to the other usually fixes things up.
Sidst redigeret af Pte Jack; 13. maj 2014 kl. 17:10
Oprindeligt skrevet af Pte Jack:
Sorry Tacos, I think I posted to the wrong discussion here with my layout answer...

I find that opening the second viewport then assigning a work camera to one and the acyive camera to the other usually fixes things up.
Pte Jack 13. maj 2014 kl. 19:39 
I think it's windows, show secondary viewport... then set one to camera 1 and the other to the work camera.
Sidst redigeret af Pte Jack; 13. maj 2014 kl. 19:39
Oprindeligt skrevet af Pte Jack:
I think it's windows, show secondary viewport... then set one to camera 1 and the other to the work camera.
I will try that
Oprindeligt skrevet af Pte Jack:
I think it's windows, show secondary viewport... then set one to camera 1 and the other to the work camera.

It still glitches when I go to the motion editor it switches back in forth but doesn't show that where you can change the camera
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Dato opslået: 12. maj 2014 kl. 15:11
Indlæg: 8