Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Can't export model
I'm trying to export a model out of Blender for use in SFM, but whenever I try to export it, I get this error: "Scene unconfigured. See the SOURCE ENGINE EXPORT panel in SCENE PROPERTIES." Help, anyone?
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28 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Looks like you haven't reset your game configuration files. If you're trying to export for use in SFM launch the SFM SDK panel when you start SFM. Click RESET GAME CONFIGURATIONS in the utility menu. Say OK to the 2 popup menus. Go back into Blender and set the following in the Blender Sorce Tools setup fields.

In the Export utility Export Path... Points to where you want Blender to dump your model source files.

I recommend using DMX as the export format.

The up axis is how you have your model standing on the floor, which way is the head pointed?

Engine Path Point this to the SFM\game\bin folder. Once you enter the engine path the DMX version buttons will disappear.

Enter your material path in relation to the materials folder (If I put my materials in the usermod\materials\models\myproject folder the path entered here would be models\myproject

If your model has flexes, leave this Shapekeys set to simple (unless you know what you're doing and can work the advanced controller info)

The game path in the Source Engine QC Compiles section points to usermod (where your gameinfo.txt files is) and then finally point the qc path to your qc file.

Now press Export and your DMX files will be created. Now if your qc is ready, press the button with your qc name on it and compile your model.

I think this is the third time I've tried to help you with this same question. If not you, then I think I'm developing my guide just at the right time.

En son Pte Jack tarafından düzenlendi; 16 Nis 2014 @ 15:52
After tons of searching I finally found Scene Properties XD *slaps self* Thanks for all the help you've given me though.
The model I'm exporting is based off of a model that I took out of SFM, as you might remember, so would it be OK to just use the QC file from that?
If your model has flexes and you export to SMD, the export will create a VTA file containing the flexes. The qc that was generated when you decompiled should work. If you export to DMX as I suggested, then your going to have to remove the VTA reference and all the controllers except for the
flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 eyes_updown
flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 eyes_rightleft

For example

This is a QC opening for a model using the SMD format with Flexes and a VTA file


$model "scout" "modelnamehere.smd" {

eyeball "eye_right" "bip_head" -1.251646 75.814273 2.141015 "eyeball_r" 1.4 4 "iris_unused" 0.6
eyeball "eye_left" "bip_head" 1.251646 75.814273 2.141015 "eyeball_l" 1.4 -4 "iris_unused" 0.6

flexfile "vtaNameHere.vta"
defaultflex frame 0
flexpair "CloseLidLo" 1 frame 1
flexpair "CloseLidUp" 1 frame 2
flex "WQ" frame 3
flex "OO" frame 4
flex "MB" frame 5
flex "SH" frame 6
flex "Y" frame 7
flex "FV" frame 8
flex "AH" frame 9
flex "AE" frame 10

flexcontroller right_CloseLid range 0 1 right_CloseLid
flexcontroller left_CloseLid range 0 1 left_CloseLid
flexcontroller multi_CloseLid range 0 1 multi_CloseLid
flexcontroller WQ range 0 1 WQ
flexcontroller OO range 0 1 OO
flexcontroller MB range 0 1 MB
flexcontroller SH range 0 1 SH
flexcontroller Y range 0 1 Y
flexcontroller FV range 0 1 FV
flexcontroller AH range 0 1 AH
flexcontroller AE range 0 1 AE

flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 eyes_updown
flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 eyes_rightleft

%CloseLidLoR = 0.5 + right_CloseLid / 2 - multi_CloseLid / 2 * (1 + right_CloseLid)
%CloseLidUpR = 0.5 + right_CloseLid / 2 + multi_CloseLid / 2 * (1 + right_CloseLid)
%CloseLidLoL = 0.5 + left_CloseLid / 2 - multi_CloseLid / 2 * (1 + left_CloseLid)
%CloseLidUpL = 0.5 + left_CloseLid / 2 + multi_CloseLid / 2 * (1 + left_CloseLid)
%WQ = WQ
%OO = OO
%MB = MB
%SH = SH
%Y = Y
%FV = FV
%AH = AH
%AE = AE

Opening for the same model with flexes but exported in DMX format (no VTA will be created or exported on export)

$modelname "myproject/mymodel.mdl"

$model "scout" "modelnameHere.dmx" {

eyeball "eye_right" "bip_head" -1.251646 75.814273 2.141015 "eyeball_r" 1.4 4 "iris_unused" 0.6
eyeball "eye_left" "bip_head" 1.251646 75.814273 2.141015 "eyeball_l" 1.4 -4 "iris_unused" 0.6

flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 eyes_updown
flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 eyes_rightleft


En son Pte Jack tarafından düzenlendi; 16 Nis 2014 @ 16:50
So basically remove all parts of it that say flex except the eyes?
Alright, it failed, here's the compile log: Compiling...

WARNING: Environment Variable VMOD usermod and -game C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\hl2 do not end with the same valueqdir: "c:\users\declan\desktop\decompiled source rigs\jake finished\"
gamedir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\hl2\"
g_path: "jakehedgehog.qc"
Building binary model files...
Working on "jakehedgehog.qc"
ERROR: c:\users\declan\desktop\decompiled source rigs\jake finished\jakehedgehog.qc(5): - could not load file 'jakehedgehog_reference.smd'
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'Skittmodels/Jake.mdl'

...Compiling finished. Check above for any errors.
I'm gonna try the other format and see if it works instead.
Didn't work. This was the log result:


WARNING: Environment Variable VMOD usermod and -game C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\hl2 do not end with the same valueqdir: "c:\users\declan\desktop\decompiled source rigs\jake finished\"
gamedir: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\hl2\"
g_path: "jakehedgehog.qc"
Building binary model files...
Working on "jakehedgehog.qc"
SMD MODEL jakehedgehog_reference.smd
ERROR: c:\users\declan\desktop\decompiled source rigs\jake finished\jakehedgehog.qc(12): - could not load file 'jakehedgehog.vta'
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'SkittModels/JakeHedgehog.mdl'

...Compiling finished. Check above for any errors.
I tried compiling without modifying the files at all after export, but still got the error above(with different filenames).
You pointed to the wrong Bin folder... You want to point to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\bin not C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\hl2
Reset your SFM Game Configurations This is what the reset confirmation box should say...
I tried using smd format with the qc like I'm using dmx format. There weren't materials for him, so I went and copied the ones from the Sonic model I modified in the first place. The results?
Materials were missing, he was just colored black and purple all over XD I probably got the name of the folder wrong, I don't remember the exact name of what I set in the qc, I'll check that later. Bones were there, didn't test moving anything yet. The model looked to be exactly the way it was when in Blender. As I feared would happen, there were no flexes to move the mouth. It was a success in the only way I thought it would be.
How can I make it so that it's possible to load the vta file as well, so I can get the model's mouth to move?
Fixed materials, but he looks just like Sonic. I'll fix that later.
Ok, in Blender, you have to import the vta to the scene in order to get the flexes. I haven't ♥♥♥♥♥♥ there yet in the guide. and it is really hard to explain here.

But here goes. Ok, with the model imported into blender, you have to import the vta into blender. Once the file is imported your going to see a whole lot of dots. These are mismatched vertexes. Click on Sonics head and go to the vertex tab in the properties panel and in the shapekeys area, see if the shapekeys are there. if they are, click on one of the dots until they disappear. When they disappear and only dots are selected, press x and delete it. Now click the head again and see if the shapekey are still there. If you make a mistake Ctl-Z back to the point you made the mistake.
Well, if you may have noticed, the errors I was getting earlier were saying that the vta file couldn't be loaded. That's the main thing I'm having trouble with.
By the way I was using Crowbar to compile. Is there anything in the Blender Source Tools that could compile everything properly?
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Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 16 Nis 2014 @ 14:59
İleti: 28