Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

Modeling problems
While making an SFM I have added a gesture to the model and now I am unable to manually position most body parts and only a few of the bones show. What have I done wrong? is it the gesture and how can i regain manual positioning without losing the gesture?
Thanks for any help!
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Beiträge 14 von 4
By "gesture" you mean something like a movement, like a hand movement, or the turn of a head?

if youre using the term "gesture" differently- like as a technical term, then im unfamiliar with it. Im honestly, truely not trying to be a smartypants. i just want to be sure were on the same page.

After you animated the model, youre now unable to select most of the model's bones, correct?
level 1 customer support questions incoming:

you have the animation timeline or the keyframe timeline selected?
youre holding Crtl in the window and only a few of the bones that were once there show up?
Did you change the rig on the model?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Gahooligan; 4. Okt. 2015 um 14:26
b& 5. Okt. 2015 um 8:47 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Gahooligan:
By "gesture" you mean something like a movement, like a hand movement, or the turn of a head?

if youre using the term "gesture" differently- like as a technical term, then im unfamiliar with it. Im honestly, truely not trying to be a smartypants. i just want to be sure were on the same page.

After you animated the model, youre now unable to select most of the model's bones, correct?
level 1 customer support questions incoming:

you have the animation timeline or the keyframe timeline selected?
youre holding Crtl in the window and only a few of the bones that were once there show up?
Did you change the rig on the model?

"youre holding Crtl in the window and only a few of the bones that were once there show up?"
this. by gesture i mean the hand gesture say like a thumbs up which appears after certain voice commands if this helps
well, the only reason i can think of for bones to be disappearing is if you switched rigs for a model. i did a little bit of googleing and only really found results for people who have had problems after switching rigs. SFM if a long way from polished so it may be possible you hit a bug.

One workaround that might work is to blade the shot after the gesture, delete the model with the missing bones and add a new model to the new shot. then match up the new model with the positioning of the old one using either copy paste or copying from the playhead. That way youll get the bones back and you'll more or less have identical postitoning from the previous shot.
b& 5. Okt. 2015 um 12:20 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Gahooligan:
well, the only reason i can think of for bones to be disappearing is if you switched rigs for a model. i did a little bit of googleing and only really found results for people who have had problems after switching rigs. SFM if a long way from polished so it may be possible you hit a bug.

One workaround that might work is to blade the shot after the gesture, delete the model with the missing bones and add a new model to the new shot. then match up the new model with the positioning of the old one using either copy paste or copying from the playhead. That way youll get the bones back and you'll more or less have identical postitoning from the previous shot.
I have played around with it and now i have found what I did wrong, thanks for your help
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Geschrieben am: 4. Okt. 2015 um 14:05
Beiträge: 4