Mass Effect (2007)

Mass Effect (2007)

CuNaMo Nov 21, 2016 @ 7:11am
Tips for a Renegade run? [MILD SPOILERS]
I am replaying the ME series having not touched it since the 3rd game.

I played as Paragon the first time (as it seems most people did) and now am playing a Renegade. I am really enjoying it so far since the writing/acting is really good in this game. I especially love how the other characters react to Ren-Shep's in-your-face attitude.

I am having two problems however: 1) it seems that a lot of Renegade options either refuse quests, or end them early locking me out of XP/Money. 2) so many quests give Paragon points! (and again, refusing to do them would lock me out of XP/Money).

For example, on Feros all of the sidequests for the colonists (there are five I think) give money, XP, and Paragon points. I did this mission before Noveria and I am still in the early game so these quests evened out my Paragon and Renegade points! I retried three of the quests and there is no way to complete them without gaining Paragon.

Another example is the "inspection" of the Normandy on my second trip to the Citadel. When I selected the Renegade options I gained Renegade points, but NO XP/Money. I reloaded, and did it again choosing all Neutral options and I received XP/Money, but NO Renegade. ARGH.

So, any tips for me?
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
EastcoastCrushr Nov 22, 2016 @ 4:41am 
Be nice.
Kalikoded Nov 22, 2016 @ 8:10am 
Accept losing xp and money. That's the only way honestly. It's kind of a "consequence" for your actions, but you usually are over powered and super rich by the end of the game anyway if you do everything. Treat it like skyrim where you know you don't have to do every quest to make it.
CuNaMo Nov 22, 2016 @ 4:45pm 
Well crap.

I was hoping there would be alternate missions or something that Renegades could access. I suppose I had too much faith in Bioware...
CoolLew Nov 29, 2016 @ 12:04pm 
I played all 3 games as the ultimate Paragon, this current play through I thought about going Renegade.
But are there any particular advantages or storylines that make being "bad" fun?
Demon of Elru Nov 29, 2016 @ 1:41pm 
Originally posted by Eastcoastcrushr:
Be nice.
Until its time to not be nice.
CuNaMo Nov 29, 2016 @ 3:08pm 
Renegade is really fun. I feel like most of the side characters are either whiny and pathetic or angry jerks. It is extremely enjoyable putting the whiners in their place and kicking the jerks' butts.

The council is another prime renegade opportunity. The Turian council member is still going to be a jerk and the council will still not believe in the reapers if you are Paragon Shep. So why not go Ren-Shep and shove their idiocy back in their faces?
My Name is Mud Nov 30, 2016 @ 11:10pm 
There is absolutely no reason to not take quests and get a few Paragon points. This doesn't work like some other games. Scoring a Paragon point does not cost you Renegade points. Scoring Renegade points does not cost you Paragon points. They are totally separate scores.

So you can still be nice to a team mate or two, and be mean to every politician on Citadel. And randomly shoot people.
Carmac Dec 1, 2016 @ 3:21am 
If you don't want to butcher whole Feros colony, just kill all the nameless colonists for some renegade points when given choice to use stun grenade.
CuNaMo Dec 1, 2016 @ 6:23pm 
Aw man, I wish I had thought of that Carmac! I ended up killing everyone to counterbalance the Paragon I gained helping them... >_>

Sadly, I am long past Feros now.
BloodyMares Dec 4, 2016 @ 1:30am 
Tip 1. Don't be afraid to gain some Paragon points. Unlike in Mass Effect 2, your Paragon score doesn't affect your Renegade score and viceversa. This brings up Tip 2.

Tip 2. Focus on the total amount of renegade points you can get:
2.1. Not every lower option gives you Renegade points so sometimes it's wise not to pick those options.
2.2. Some paragon options unlock content that rewards you with more Renegade points in the long run than you can gain by picking renegade options only.
2.3. Occasionally renegade options (usually killing someone) grant you more Renegade points than Intimidations. But usually it's the other way around.
2.4. Use Morality Guide that shows which actions / sentences give you the amount of Paragon/Renegade points so you can decide which options you'd like to choose.

Tip 3. If you don't like some Renegade options as being stupid or illogical then simply don't pick them. I always say this: both ultimate Paragon and ultimate Renegade are ultimately stupid. It's not worth shooting yourself in the foot.
Last edited by BloodyMares; Dec 4, 2016 @ 1:32am
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Date Posted: Nov 21, 2016 @ 7:11am
Posts: 10