Barn Fucker Oct 11, 2014 @ 11:21am
Turn off aim toggle?
Is there really no way to turn off the aim toggle? I've been searching the internet forever, and there doesn't appear to be a fix for this. I even messed around in the defaultProfile.xml and actionmaps.xml files and still can't get it to work. Does anybody know a fix for this?
Originally posted by damstachizz:
Alright so since this is one of the first results on google, i figured i'd make a quick guide explaining the info above which does in fact allow you to use toggle aim down sight, no need for autohotkey or anything else.

Basically what you need to do is edit an XML file and create a CFG, this isn't too hard even if you don't know what you're doing:

1.) Go into your Crysis save game folder, normally found in C:\Users\[user]\Documents\My Games\Crysis, then go into the 'Profiles' and 'default' folders. In there you should see 3 files, actionmaps, attributes and profile (all .xml)

2.) Open 'actionmaps.xml' in notepad, to this right click on it and select 'open with' or open notepad through the start menu and drag and drop the file onto it

3.) We now need to find 2 lines, to do this in notepad ctrl+f and type 'zoom'. This should take you to the line '<action name="zoom" onPress="1" onRelease="1">'. Underneath this is a line called 'key name' and by default it should be 'mouse2', we need to change this to another key that isn't bound to anything, so i changed mine to 'k', making mine look like this '<key name="k"/>'

4.) Now we need to change the other line, 'xi_zoom'. It should be only a couple lines down from 'zoom', use ctrl+f again if you need to. This line is '<action name="xi_zoom" onPress="1" onRelease="1">' and we need to change this key name to 'mouse2' in the same method used above, so you should end up with '<key name="mouse2"/>' now under the xi_zoom line instead of the normal zoom.

5.) Double check everything, and save the file (File -> Save).

6.) Now we need to make the game realize these changes, and the method to use rather than manually typing thing every time you launch the game is to create a new file. To do this, we now need to find your crysis game install folder. In steam, this will usually be 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Crysis', if you've changed the install location you know how to find this anyway.

7.) Now that we're in the crysis game folder, go into 'Game' then 'Config', you should end up at 'steamapps\common\Crysis\Game\Config'. This is where we need to place the new file we're going to create.

8.) Open notepad again, and paste these 2 lines into a new blank note 'con_restricted=0' and 'hud_ctrlzoommode=1'. Don't include the ' and make sure they're on 2 different lines. We now need to save this as a config file, to do this go 'File -> Save As' and as the name put 'autoexec.cfg' and change the file type from '.txt' to 'all files'. Save it on the desktop to make life easy.

9.) Now we copy and paste 'autoexec.cfg' into the 'Crysis\Game\Config' folder, which should end up with autoexec at the top of a bunch of other .cfg files.

10.) We should be done now, load up crysis and press the tilde key '~' (above tab, next to 1). If you've done it correctly, it should have both of the 'con_restricted=0' and 'hud_ctrlzoommode=1' lines in green. Now just load up a save and you should have aim down sights as a toggle on your right mouse button.
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
SinderSalmon Oct 12, 2014 @ 4:43pm 
I searched a long time ago. There really is no way. Sowwy.
Retnu16 Oct 18, 2014 @ 2:17pm 
I managed to get hold to aim to work with a mouse without any third party apps. Go into actionmaps and move mouse2 from zoom to xi_zoom. (You might have to set the normal zoom to something else to keep it from resetting your actionmaps file when you start the game. I had some issues with that. I just put k in its place.) Then when you get into the game type con_restricted 0 then hud_ctrlzoommode 1 into the console or put it into a autoexec file if you know how to mess with stuff like that. When I figured this out I looked it up to see if anyone else has done this before but I couldn't find anything. Hope this helps.
Retnu16 is correct. This is a legitimate fix without a third party program. I'll word it a little differently just in case anyone misunderstood. If you are unsure of where your "actionmaps.xml" file is, search your whole PC for it. Mine is located in "Documents > My games > Crysis > Profiles > Default". Open with "Notepad" or whatever you prefer. Locate "zoom" by searching with Ctrl F. The key name is below it in quotes. Change it to a key you do not plan to use.
Now locate "xi_zoom". Change the key to what you would normally use for zoom such as "mouse2". Then when ingame, press ~ key to open the console. It is above the Tab key. Type in con_restricted 0 and then press Enter. Now type in hud_ctrlzoommode 1 and press enter again. Should be good to go.
Dan_G_303 Jan 4, 2017 @ 3:26pm 
Originally posted by Retnu16:
I managed to get hold to aim to work with a mouse without any third party apps. Go into actionmaps and move mouse2 from zoom to xi_zoom. (You might have to set the normal zoom to something else to keep it from resetting your actionmaps file when you start the game. I had some issues with that. I just put k in its place.) Then when you get into the game type con_restricted 0 then hud_ctrlzoommode 1 into the console or put it into a autoexec file if you know how to mess with stuff like that. When I figured this out I looked it up to see if anyone else has done this before but I couldn't find anything. Hope this helps.

Thanks so much for this.

Also putting:
into Crysis\Game\Config\autoexec.cfg does work, meaning you don't have to type the commands each time you open the game :)
Antono Jan 11, 2017 @ 12:24pm 
Thank you VERY much for all this info, guys. It works like charm!
MidrangeBass Jan 30, 2017 @ 6:26am 
Originally posted by Retnu16:
I managed to get hold to aim to work with a mouse without any third party apps. Go into actionmaps and move mouse2 from zoom to xi_zoom. (You might have to set the normal zoom to something else to keep it from resetting your actionmaps file when you start the game. I had some issues with that. I just put k in its place.) Then when you get into the game type con_restricted 0 then hud_ctrlzoommode 1 into the console or put it into a autoexec file if you know how to mess with stuff like that. When I figured this out I looked it up to see if anyone else has done this before but I couldn't find anything. Hope this helps.
ummm what? You lost me at "Go into actionmaps". I don't know what that it and everything else you say means absolutely nothing to me.
Retnu16 Jan 30, 2017 @ 8:02am 
Originally posted by MidrangeBass:
ummm what? You lost me at "Go into actionmaps". I don't know what that it and everything else you say means absolutely nothing to me.
The comment under my original one explains it better.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
damstachizz Mar 4, 2017 @ 6:19pm 
Alright so since this is one of the first results on google, i figured i'd make a quick guide explaining the info above which does in fact allow you to use toggle aim down sight, no need for autohotkey or anything else.

Basically what you need to do is edit an XML file and create a CFG, this isn't too hard even if you don't know what you're doing:

1.) Go into your Crysis save game folder, normally found in C:\Users\[user]\Documents\My Games\Crysis, then go into the 'Profiles' and 'default' folders. In there you should see 3 files, actionmaps, attributes and profile (all .xml)

2.) Open 'actionmaps.xml' in notepad, to this right click on it and select 'open with' or open notepad through the start menu and drag and drop the file onto it

3.) We now need to find 2 lines, to do this in notepad ctrl+f and type 'zoom'. This should take you to the line '<action name="zoom" onPress="1" onRelease="1">'. Underneath this is a line called 'key name' and by default it should be 'mouse2', we need to change this to another key that isn't bound to anything, so i changed mine to 'k', making mine look like this '<key name="k"/>'

4.) Now we need to change the other line, 'xi_zoom'. It should be only a couple lines down from 'zoom', use ctrl+f again if you need to. This line is '<action name="xi_zoom" onPress="1" onRelease="1">' and we need to change this key name to 'mouse2' in the same method used above, so you should end up with '<key name="mouse2"/>' now under the xi_zoom line instead of the normal zoom.

5.) Double check everything, and save the file (File -> Save).

6.) Now we need to make the game realize these changes, and the method to use rather than manually typing thing every time you launch the game is to create a new file. To do this, we now need to find your crysis game install folder. In steam, this will usually be 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Crysis', if you've changed the install location you know how to find this anyway.

7.) Now that we're in the crysis game folder, go into 'Game' then 'Config', you should end up at 'steamapps\common\Crysis\Game\Config'. This is where we need to place the new file we're going to create.

8.) Open notepad again, and paste these 2 lines into a new blank note 'con_restricted=0' and 'hud_ctrlzoommode=1'. Don't include the ' and make sure they're on 2 different lines. We now need to save this as a config file, to do this go 'File -> Save As' and as the name put 'autoexec.cfg' and change the file type from '.txt' to 'all files'. Save it on the desktop to make life easy.

9.) Now we copy and paste 'autoexec.cfg' into the 'Crysis\Game\Config' folder, which should end up with autoexec at the top of a bunch of other .cfg files.

10.) We should be done now, load up crysis and press the tilde key '~' (above tab, next to 1). If you've done it correctly, it should have both of the 'con_restricted=0' and 'hud_ctrlzoommode=1' lines in green. Now just load up a save and you should have aim down sights as a toggle on your right mouse button.
Last edited by damstachizz; Mar 4, 2017 @ 6:20pm
Barry Shitpeas Mar 12, 2017 @ 8:51pm 
Thanks for the help guys! Worked perfectly.
Shintaro Apr 10, 2017 @ 4:20am 
So easy for Crytek to have offered this in the options when the game shipped.
shano Jun 15, 2017 @ 1:36am 
This doesnt work for me, i did as said by damstachizz and it didnt work, im using 64bit exe if that means anything.
Powernesto Aug 10, 2017 @ 9:21am 
Works Perfectly for me.
Thanks :)
DeadEffort Mar 5, 2018 @ 2:14pm 

Originally posted by damstachizz:
Alright so since this is one of the first results on google, i figured i'd make a quick guide explaining the info above which does in fact allow you to use toggle aim down sight, no need for autohotkey or anything else.

Basically what you need to do is edit an XML file and create a CFG, this isn't too hard even if you don't know what you're doing:

1.) Go into your Crysis save game folder, normally found in C:\Users\[user]\Documents\My Games\Crysis, then go into the 'Profiles' and 'default' folders. In there you should see 3 files, actionmaps, attributes and profile (all .xml)

2.) Open 'actionmaps.xml' in notepad, to this right click on it and select 'open with' or open notepad through the start menu and drag and drop the file onto it

3.) We now need to find 2 lines, to do this in notepad ctrl+f and type 'zoom'. This should take you to the line '<action name="zoom" onPress="1" onRelease="1">'. Underneath this is a line called 'key name' and by default it should be 'mouse2', we need to change this to another key that isn't bound to anything, so i changed mine to 'k', making mine look like this '<key name="k"/>'

4.) Now we need to change the other line, 'xi_zoom'. It should be only a couple lines down from 'zoom', use ctrl+f again if you need to. This line is '<action name="xi_zoom" onPress="1" onRelease="1">' and we need to change this key name to 'mouse2' in the same method used above, so you should end up with '<key name="mouse2"/>' now under the xi_zoom line instead of the normal zoom.

5.) Double check everything, and save the file (File -> Save).

6.) Now we need to make the game realize these changes, and the method to use rather than manually typing thing every time you launch the game is to create a new file. To do this, we now need to find your crysis game install folder. In steam, this will usually be 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Crysis', if you've changed the install location you know how to find this anyway.

7.) Now that we're in the crysis game folder, go into 'Game' then 'Config', you should end up at 'steamapps\common\Crysis\Game\Config'. This is where we need to place the new file we're going to create.

8.) Open notepad again, and paste these 2 lines into a new blank note 'con_restricted=0' and 'hud_ctrlzoommode=1'. Don't include the ' and make sure they're on 2 different lines. We now need to save this as a config file, to do this go 'File -> Save As' and as the name put 'autoexec.cfg' and change the file type from '.txt' to 'all files'. Save it on the desktop to make life easy.

9.) Now we copy and paste 'autoexec.cfg' into the 'Crysis\Game\Config' folder, which should end up with autoexec at the top of a bunch of other .cfg files.

10.) We should be done now, load up crysis and press the tilde key '~' (above tab, next to 1). If you've done it correctly, it should have both of the 'con_restricted=0' and 'hud_ctrlzoommode=1' lines in green. Now just load up a save and you should have aim down sights as a toggle on your right mouse button.
Thank you so much this works :steamhappy:
this should be stickied
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