Cursed to Golf
dontnormally Jun 13, 2022 @ 10:07pm
Frustrating Tutorial
I found it really slow and talky and it was difficult to actually learn what I was being told because there was so much talking and waiting between reading things and trying them out
Originally posted by LiamBME:
Originally posted by Artan:
The OP nailed it here. I was intrigued by the game but the demo was so tedious and mostly clicking A to skip past bad dialogue to try and actually get to the game that it has put me completely off. After quitting the tutorial after 23 mins of clicking through bad dialogue I checked the steam reviews and saw many folk complaining about having to watch the same animations of the swing and then in boss levels of the opponent swinging with the reviews describing this as lots of tedious un-skippable waiting while supposedly 'playing' the game too.

With the experience of the demo I can believe what they are saying and no thanks!

Hi there!

Just a quick update - the demo is now almost a year old and does not reflect the final game's demo. Which has since had quite a few updates. Including the ability to SKIP & FAST-FORWARD the entire tutorial.

I hope you will potentially give it a second chance in the future!
< >
Showing 1-15 of 53 comments
LiamBME  [developer] Jun 13, 2022 @ 11:20pm 
Thanks for your feedback!
As Cursed to Golf is quite a mechanically dense game, we want to make sure that you don't accidentally skip an important piece of tutorial, hence why our friend Scotty explains in detail. We will make sure to review towards the final release!
It's coming Jun 14, 2022 @ 12:40am 
I just gave up on the tutorial and turned the game off. It doesn't seem like a bad game, but the tutorial is just so laboriously slow and tedious to get through.
dontnormally Jun 14, 2022 @ 9:20am 
Originally posted by LiamBME:
Thanks for your feedback!
As Cursed to Golf is quite a mechanically dense game, we want to make sure that you don't accidentally skip an important piece of tutorial, hence why our friend Scotty explains in detail. We will make sure to review towards the final release!

The tutorial has the opposite effect - since so many things I don't need to hear are said, I ended up skipping everything.

A shorter tutorial that doesn't do forced slow pans, and is light on plot, would be better.

I enjoyed the game once I skipped the tutorial, though!
Last edited by dontnormally; Jun 14, 2022 @ 9:21am
DustyBronco Jun 14, 2022 @ 5:51pm 
Agreed on this, the talking after every shot hurt the pacing of the game. I wanted a skip option, or at least a fast-forward. Like hitting B to have the character instant-complete their line.

My game soft froze while introducing the cards. Characters just stopped talking and stood there.

Edit: Style is cute though and I love the music. Keeping an eye on it.
Last edited by DustyBronco; Jun 14, 2022 @ 5:55pm
classyfennekin Jun 14, 2022 @ 9:20pm 
also you really need yo let players have the escape menu in tutorials
LiamBME  [developer] Jun 15, 2022 @ 12:38am 
Originally posted by DustyBronco:
Agreed on this, the talking after every shot hurt the pacing of the game. I wanted a skip option, or at least a fast-forward. Like hitting B to have the character instant-complete their line.

My game soft froze while introducing the cards. Characters just stopped talking and stood there.

Edit: Style is cute though and I love the music. Keeping an eye on it.

Just to let you know, if you hold "RT" or the "Space Bar" you will actually initiate a fast forward :)
dontnormally Jun 15, 2022 @ 11:17am 
Originally posted by LiamBME:
Originally posted by DustyBronco:
Agreed on this, the talking after every shot hurt the pacing of the game. I wanted a skip option, or at least a fast-forward. Like hitting B to have the character instant-complete their line.

My game soft froze while introducing the cards. Characters just stopped talking and stood there.

Edit: Style is cute though and I love the music. Keeping an eye on it.

Just to let you know, if you hold "RT" or the "Space Bar" you will actually initiate a fast forward :)

Yes but what this causes is that we skip the 95% dead air AND the 5% info we actually need.
JonJaded Jun 15, 2022 @ 9:53pm 
Yeah I literally skipped thru his talking because it just went on for so long... Even skipping took forever. The game is fun after you figure out the knacks though.
VinTJ Jun 16, 2022 @ 12:09pm 
Originally posted by LiamBME:
As Cursed to Golf is quite a mechanically dense game, we want to make sure that you don't accidentally skip an important piece of tutorial!

if I may suggest, you could implement a dialogue-history system. kind of like a chatlog. Like let players see up to the last 20-50 textboxes or lines in the game at any point.

most games with a lot of text has this, (The Great Ace Attorney, Elsinore) and it also helps us if we accidentally skip THAT important part of the game. I know I have accidentally skipped some text box from the Scotsman talking. And for these players in the thread, they can just skip through quickly and then open the text log to skim through and find relevant information.

still, I gotta say I love the new and improved demo. The stun animation on the bossfight, the Scotsman's music change, and the map being a bit decorated.
Last edited by VinTJ; Jun 16, 2022 @ 12:09pm
Nilabraz Jun 17, 2022 @ 9:57am 
The game gave me the choice to play the tutorial or not and it even said it was a 15 minute ordeal. I begrudgingly said yes and boy was I bored out of my mind. I understood everything but as I finished the tutorial, i died and it gave me more tutorial about the spin mechanic and i got through that and made it to hole 3 and i just gave up. The game looks and sounds beautiful, but I guess this game is not for me. I remember playing Mario Golf on the nes when I was a wee lad and just figuring things out by myself and that was fun. I'm sorry, I guess it says something about me, that I can't sit through the talky parts or the long pans, i don't know maybe i'm just dumb lol
404Bug Jun 18, 2022 @ 10:24am 
Originally posted by Survivor droppings:
I just gave up on the tutorial and turned the game off. It doesn't seem like a bad game, but the tutorial is just so laboriously slow and tedious to get through.
Same here.
HellSlayer Jun 18, 2022 @ 5:56pm 
There should be no tutorials.. Games used to have some slides with explanations in options.. that was optional and easy to read.
Also forced tutorials really makes me dislike the game as if belittling the intelligence.
tsilver33 Jun 18, 2022 @ 11:41pm 
I'll second/third/fourth/whatever that the tutorial is suuuuper sluggish. The characters are charming but holy cow, it's impossible to get into any sort of rhythym because theres so much explanatory dialogue after every single shot. And then when you think it's done you go into the 'actual' tutorial and it's *significantly* worse with the scottsman.

My recommendation? Voice acting for the newscaster. Or have the dialogue box overlay the gameplay as youre taking shots. Then when youre in the scotsmans tutorial, just... stop. You know all the basic controls now. Have images pop up instead of long dialogues for new controls like panning the camera or opening the card menu. Have scotty explain that you need to hit the ball into the red landing areas, and have him shout instructions via an overlay 'as you're playing'. But it's SO tedious to get through the tutorial. Definitely a sour spot on the game.
tsilver33 Jun 18, 2022 @ 11:46pm 
I'd also just like to quickly add that tutorials are *especially* out of place in a rougelite like this. Rougelites are *about* learning from failure. Gods imagine if something like Isaac stopped to teach you all of it's small, intricate rules like breaking special rocks, the ability to destroy shopkeepers, the morality system that dictates devil/angel rooms...

Point being, just let the players out of the playpen and fall down. The games actual shooting mechanics and such are super fun, most of the UI is really intuitive (you REALLY don't need to explain the shots counting down, for instance. :p ) and if players fail because they didn't understand how they could use something in the environment *let them fail*. They'll accidentally hit an idol and learn what it does at some point. (Or just... guarentee Hole 1 shoves one in their path they'd really, really struggle to avoid.)

The game is fun. Have enough faith in the game that players will enjoy playing it even when they lose.
joemoulding Jun 19, 2022 @ 4:59am 
Yeah very nice demo with lots of attention to detail, but the tutorial was too slow and I almost quit. Most of the mechanics were super obvious, I just need to know the correct button, not hear 10 lines of dialogue about it ;) Once the tutorial is over, the game moves at a faster pace, although even then I would like a setting or button to speed up skip / the transitions between shots. The ghost teleporting between shots looks good but after a couple of times I'd rather not be waiting for it.
< >
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