So no more updates? maybe they'll remaster it for Playstation 6, LMAO.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Marthos; 4 Μαϊ, 16:34
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It made zero revenue. They have no money from this product to continue updates.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Sparhawk122:
It made zero revenue. They have no money from this product to continue updates.

I mean regardless of any news stories about SQEX money issues, they still have plenty of it and could update it if they wanted to,.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Melodia:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Sparhawk122:
It made zero revenue. They have no money from this product to continue updates.

I mean regardless of any news stories about SQEX money issues, they still have plenty of it and could update it if they wanted to,.

But considering that it made zero revenue they wouldn't have an incentive to do so.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Drakzen:

But considering that it made zero revenue they wouldn't have an incentive to do so.

Sure, but that's a different issue all together.
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