Steam Deck
Gamescope doesn't work in Desktop Mode
After several hours of research, I guess it's because of the currently installed `gamescope` 3.13.7-2 version. It should be fixed with 3.13.8, which was released on Nov 21, 2023.


I tested `gamescope -- glxgears` in the terminal which should display a little window, that you could see if you run `glxgears` without gamescope.

Interestingly it doesn't crash if you also use the -e parameter for gamescope, but then it simply runs in an invisible xwayland window. You can run a steam game this way too, then it doesn't instantly crash but stays in an invisible xwayland window.

If I then run `set DISPLAY :1` and `xrandr --listmonitors` it gives me the output:
0: +XWAYLAND0 1280/339x720/190+0+0 XWAYLAND0
so gamescope is creating the window but it is invisible.
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Ngày đăng: 23 Thg01 @ 5:18pm
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