Core Keeper

Core Keeper

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reliable way to get seeds?
hi everyone.

im wondering if there is a reliable way to get seeds (like buying them from a merchant) or is the only way to get some to hope that the planted plants will drop one?

also as a bonus question: which (cooked) food would you recomend for different situations, like
- fight
- exploring/get your hunger bar full
- healing

thanks for your help.
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Make mob farms for most seeds. You will get a ton of the basic ones from just slimes.

Depends on your style:
Ranged: PewPaya+BloatOats for Good Range Damage + HP Regen
Melee: PineGrapple+BloatOats for Good Melee Damage + HP Regen
Exploring is bomb pepper+glow tulip for the speed+glow
Hunger filling is Bloat Oats
Healing Also Bloat Oats (Just use healing potions though)
You'll eventually get 100% chance to regain seeds from crops you planted - 75% at start + 25% from Grateful Gardener.

Slimes and Shrooman can drop Heartberry and Bomb Pepper seeds, Larva can drop both those and Grub Kapok Seeds. Caveling Gardeners can drop all the afore mentioned but also drop Bloat Oat, Carrock, Glow Tulip, Puffungi and Root seeds. Infected Cavelings and Mold Tentacles can drop only Puffungi seeds. Pewpaya and Pinegrapple seeds come from the plants or (as with all other seeds) breakables in the appropriate area.

Favourite foods for early game are Mushy Berry Pudding('shrooms and heart berry) for +max HP and regen and Spicy Tulip Salad(bomb pepper and glow tulip) for speed and glow, possibly switch in something with Rockjaw for melee damage.

Most filling food is anything with Bloat Oats, which also offers the highest regen per second. So later I drop the pudding completely and swap to either Filling Tropics Smoothie (pinegrapple and bloat oats) or Filling Shark Fillet (bloat and mold shark) for melee damage or Filling Fruit Smoothie (pewpaya and bloat oats) for ranged damaged.

For mining I use Filling Barbel Fillet (bottom tracer and bloat oats)

Then finally the big boys I save for boss fights. Those are Filling Veil Fish Balls (spirit veil and bloat oats) for movement speed and HP regen, Golden Eel Sushi (vampire eel and golden dart) for dodge and life on hit, then either Moldy Feather Fillet (emerald feather fish and mold shark) for melee damage and crit or Coral Red Palace Fish Balls (pink coralotl and teal palace fish) for ranged attack speed and ranged damage and last of all Black Mold Cheese (black steel urchin and puffungi) for armour, thorns and reduced boss damage. Those are combined in that way to take advantage of the duration times and are eaten so that if any overlapping buffs occur (+regen) then highest gets eaten last.

Don't think I missed anything. How's that? :partygoblin:

Edit: Forgot to point out that if you can cook them with golden ingredients the buffs are higher and the names change, but I use the same mixtures.
Dernière modification de DY5L3X14; 7 juil. 2022 à 4h31
DY5L3X14 a écrit :
You'll eventually get 100% chance to regain seeds from crops you planted - 75% at start + 25% from Grateful Gardener.
Yep, pretty soon you'll always get all the seeds you plant back.

I haven't done much fishing, so I've been using meals made from crops almost exclusively. Even on hard difficulty these easy meals have been enough to let me kill every boss so far (I only have the sea titan left atm).

My Food Recommendations a écrit :

Exploration I use Bloat Oat + Glow Lily = Glow & HP regen

Oat gives high HP regen (saves on potions) and the lily lets you see in the dark. If you don't have oats yet you can sub in mushrooms since they give decent HP regen early game.

Early Game Boss Battles:
  1. Carrock + Bomb Pepper = Armor & Move Speed
  2. Larva Meat + Mushroom = Crit Chance & HP regen
  3. Heart Berry + Mushroom = Max HP + HP regen
    (if you prefer to save your larva meat for late game)

Late Game Boss Battles:
  1. Pewpaya or Pinegrapple + Larva Meat = Ranged or Melee Damage & Critical Chance
  2. Carrock + Puffungi = Armor & Boss Damage Resistance
  3. Bloat Oat + Bomb Pepper = HP Regen & Move Speed
  4. Heart Berry + Glow Lilly = Max HP & Glow

I recommend supplementing your food with stoneskin potions (slime + carrock) for more armor.

As I mentioned at the start of my post I haven't done much fishing, but the Emerald Feather fish from Azeos' (the bird boss) biome is pretty easy to catch (even with no fishing levels) and gives the same crit buff as larva meat but at a longer duration (I think).

You're probably rolling your eyes thinking about having to farm fish or larva to get crit buffs, but the first merchant starts selling regular and gold larva meat after you deal with the first three bosses. If you save what you find while exploring the hive area and what you buy from him to cook with your damage fruit of choice you'll probably end up with more food than you ever use. Gold Pewpaya/Pine Grapple + Gold Larva meat makes some insanely potent buff food. Gold crops in general all give pretty crazy buffs.

If you find yourself running out of regular slime, just throw on your larva accessories and go do a lap around the map in the track Ghorm makes. Unless you're farming it regularly that place should have a ton of slimes to kill.
Goo 7 juil. 2022 à 16h38 
Jack Forsythe a écrit :
Make mob farms for most seeds. You will get a ton of the basic ones from just slimes.

Depends on your style:
Ranged: PewPaya+BloatOats for Good Range Damage + HP Regen
Melee: PineGrapple+BloatOats for Good Melee Damage + HP Regen
Exploring is bomb pepper+glow tulip for the speed+glow
Hunger filling is Bloat Oats
Healing Also Bloat Oats (Just use healing potions though)

Also for bosses that you need to move a lot use bomb-peppers and bloats or bomb pepper PineGrapple depending if health or damage is priority
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Posté le 7 juil. 2022 à 2h47
Messages : 4