Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters

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Concerned about the greed
A new companies first game, you might think they would desire to build a good reputation with customers by being pro-consumer. yet we have;

- Deluxe edition. Pay a third more than the base game to get an entire character (class) with unique gear.
- Preorder bonus. Pay without an upfront return for the promise of new items you couldn't otherwise get when they deliver their end of the transaction.
- Twitch drops. Pay with your time to act as marketing for the game by pushing viewership and interesting the market range for the promise of future items.

This is all content that has already been made and held back from customers, effectively claiming that it is worth too much to be included in the £35 price of the base game.
Whilst they could give you the best game they could make, they decided that they won't, that isn't for YOU, not unless you will give them more time and money.

I realise these items might not be a big deal. The worst of the AAA companies (EA) do this as standard, but they can afford to. Warhammer games have a long history of bad monetisation. However this is a new company showing us who they are.

What omens do you think this means for the future content of the game?
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115/26 megjegyzés mutatása
Just try it for 2 hours and refund it if it’s a cash grab unfinished game.
yes its ♥♥♥♥.

But it is how the industry is now.

Even Fromsoftware have pre order bonuses for Elden Ring.. no one is exempt anymore.
these decisions would be made by the executives and share holders.. not the developers.
Zarquon eredeti hozzászólása:
A new companies first game, you might think they would desire to build a good reputation with customers by being pro-consumer. yet we have;

- Deluxe edition. Pay a third more than the base game to get an entire character (class) with unique gear.
- Preorder bonus. Pay without an upfront return for the promise of new items you couldn't otherwise get when they deliver their end of the transaction.
- Twitch drops. Pay with your time to act as marketing for the game by pushing viewership and interesting the market range for the promise of future items.

This is all content that has already been made and held back from customers, effectively claiming that it is worth too much to be included in the £35 price of the base game.
Whilst they could give you the best game they could make, they decided that they won't, that isn't for YOU, not unless you will give them more time and money.

I realise these items might not be a big deal. The worst of the AAA companies (EA) do this as standard, but they can afford to. Warhammer games have a long history of bad monetisation. However this is a new company showing us who they are.

What omens do you think this means for the future content of the game?

It is probably not the dev behind this marketing strategy, but the editor (Frontier). As you say, it is not glorious, but it is the standard now for AA or AAA games, alas.
b3nje909 eredeti hozzászólása:
But it is how the industry is now.
And yet there are a lot of developers who doesn't sacrifice their dignity just to grab few more bucks from the customers.

Part of me thinks this game is gonna be a pretty good xcom style singleplayer game on WH setting while another part of me thinks it is just gonna be another cash grab under 40k IP with 100 overpriced DLCs.

I hope we get the first part and not the second.
b3nje909 eredeti hozzászólása:
yes its ♥♥♥♥.

But it is how the industry is now.

Even Fromsoftware have pre order bonuses for Elden Ring.. no one is exempt anymore.
these decisions would be made by the executives and share holders.. not the developers.
The pre-order bonus was an early unlock for an emote you get later in the game. They delivered a good game, didn't use Denuvo, Day-1 DLC or any other hateful acronyms and priced the game reasonably.

The industry is not perfect agreed, but there are still great companies out there which know how to balance the customer's satisfaction and their interests. We shouldn't try to find excuses for its rotten apples.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: lukaself; 2022. ápr. 23., 8:57
Frontier is a fairly old, established company, that like to 'tick box' any game that they have made or published - even if those are slightly anti consumer.

A recent stunt they pulled with the Elite Dangerous - Odyssey expansion has made be very wary of Frontier - so I'll be watching the reviews carefully. I'm not very happy with all the 'extras' doing the rounds already, so if the reviews tank - it'll be a refund from me.

Fed up with it all to be honest - I liked the old days when you paid a price and you got the whole package.
I've not played any other game very much at all since Odyssey was released. Yes, it was a bit buggy to start with, however I find it's now extremely stable and performance on my 5 year old computer is quite acceptable at 60fps at ultra in space or in surface settlements. Yes, you can buy cosmetic ship and suit kits/decals etc etc but none of it affects your gaming performance at all. No pay to win on Elite. Also, you get free points just playing the game which allow you to get kits and computer voices (like Leo aka Holly from Red Dwarf) for free if you're patient. I've never bought any Arx points, but have custom paint jobs for most of my 30+ ships and carrier.
This is unfortunately the standard for the games industry now, unless its an indie title, every game does this garbage. Dont even bother with this, you already know this is just gonna be another mediocre warhammer game, as is custom for every single warhammer game. Also another turn based game, yawn. Just wait a month or two after it comes out for it to be 50% off if you want to play ANOTHER turn based Warhammer game.
This stuff is pretty standard now, you can simply opt out and you're not missing out on much. When it comes to greedy and shady business practices, I find the ones you've listed here to be among the most innocuous of them all. It always seems like people who use the term WHILST always like to complain about the most inane things.
It is the "standard" because you allow this buying this kind of games, it is because there are players who resign themselves to settling for mediocrity, you don't protest properly is that it is NOT pre-purchasing the game, NOT participating in its marketing campaigns and NOT expressing disagreement enough in the forums.

I do not understand how today they continue to insist on releasing video games that want to imitate the original board game (which is really what gives GW income) instead of innovating with new concepts that really make it attractive to buy a game based on Warhammer .

(Some are good ideas but poorly executed)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Alnajo; 2022. ápr. 25., 9:25
it's the reason why I wait.
Same here, I just redeemed my game key, and surprisingly I see in the store Im still gonna miss playable content, and I hate it
How is it possible? Chaosgate Twitch drops are already unobtanaible in full? Only a 2h stream left before event is gone? Needing like 6h to get all drops? Way to disrespect a paying customer if so.Base edition already misses preorder reward, deluxe ed. extra class
I'll just put it in my wish list and wait until a Christmas sale in two years when you will be able to get the base game and all the dlc in a dirt cheap bundle.
XOskeletal eredeti hozzászólása:
I'll just put it in my wish list and wait until a Christmas sale in two years when you will be able to get the base game and all the dlc in a dirt cheap bundle.
Yes, dont be an idiot like me and preorder without checking how many anti consumer elements / cut content there is.

Now, realizing I probably miss 2 of the 3 sources of cut content, I must enslave myself not to miss the two unique streams so I can get some of the cut loot, delivered via twitch drops.

Regretting the preorder one day after doing it, 10 days before release. Never been in this situation in like 30 years of gaming
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115/26 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2022. ápr. 20., 14:47
Hozzászólások: 26