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phr00t  [desenvolvedor(a)] 16/ago./2021 às 14:01
Troubleshooting? Questions? Check here first!
8089 crashes (and it isn't an OpenXR error)
Make sure your GPU drivers are up to date! FPS Infinite uses Vulkan exclusively, and the best support comes from your latest drivers.

If you have anti-malware preventing this game from writing files, try disabling it for this application (it may try writing crash files to your Documents folder).

If a certain resolution or fullscreen setting is causing issues, you can edit (or create) a DefaultResolution.txt file in the same local folder as the running executable. For example, try this in DefaultResolution.txt:


... which will make the game attempt to start as a window with a resolution of 1280 by 720.

If you still have issues, please post Event Viewer details on the crash!

1) Start -> "Event Viewer"
2) Windows Logs -> Application
3) Find "Errors" that describe 8089 around the time of the crash. Usually two errors get created.
4) Either paste the contents here for each error found (contents of the "General" tab should do).

I'm having trouble running the game and I have an AMD graphics card

These posts have some suggestions:



8089 crashes when trying to play VR with some OpenXR error!
SteamVR is the only OpenXR runtime that is supported -- make sure it is running! Windows Mixed Reality's OpenXR implementation doesn't support Vulkan, and Oculus's OpenXR doesn't appear to play nice with Silk.NET.OpenXR currently (validation errors). SteamVR works great, though! To set SteamVR as your OpenXR runtime:

SteamVR Settings > Show Advanced Options > Developer > Set SteamVR as your OpenXR Runtime

This will NOT mess with the vast majority of other games that use OpenVR or the Oculus SDK. It will make OpenXR games run in SteamVR, which is how Valve tests all OpenXR games that hit the Steam store & isn't a bad thing! If you want to switch it back, here are the instructions to do so for Oculus:


The registry key is a post or two above. I wish Oculus had a simple button like WMR and SteamVR!

What happened to Mac support?
OSX doesn't support Vulkan, and 8089 uses Vulkan. OSX has a proprietary "Metal" graphics API, and a compatibility layer called MoltenVK does exist that tries to bridge the gap. The problem is, working through these two complications is very difficult to maintain. Mac support did work about 2 years ago for FPS Infinite, but now even that game's Mac support has faltered after changes to both MoltenVK and OSX. After seeing wishlist numbers compared to Linux and Windows, Mac support was not worth the time pursuing. If you want to read more about this, see the discussion starting here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1256380/discussions/0/1744520688775831493/?ctp=6#c3114795024914161106
Última edição por phr00t; 25/nov./2023 às 21:41
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Tip for people having issues with the game not running that have a laptop with both dedicated and integrated graphics. On my Asus ROG G14 Windows 10 has a habit of "updating" the AMD graphics driver to an older version that causes issues with some games, 8089 included. Going to device manager and rolling back the driver actually put it back on a newer version that I had updated to and that fixed the issue.

I had the same issue with X4 and it was the same fix. My Nvidia drivers were up to date.
Jimbo_The_Mofo 14/jan./2022 às 5:46 
Playing in non-VR I can't get the FOV to change at all, DefaultResolution.txt is not created upon running the game and when I created the file it still doesn't work, my file reads;

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Many thanks.
phr00t  [desenvolvedor(a)] 14/jan./2022 às 6:38 
Escrito originalmente por FiveSixtyEight:
Playing in non-VR I can't get the FOV to change at all, DefaultResolution.txt is not created upon running the game and when I created the file it still doesn't work, my file reads;

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Many thanks.

You won't see the change in the main menu. Did you try starting a game to see if the fov was different? Also try changing resolution numbers to make sure the file is being picked up.
Jimbo_The_Mofo 14/jan./2022 às 6:59 
Hi there Phr00t! Yes I'm loading my save each time I try it and I've set the fov to 150 so that it will be obvious if it works lol
phr00t  [desenvolvedor(a)] 14/jan./2022 às 9:36 
Escrito originalmente por FiveSixtyEight:
Hi there Phr00t! Yes I'm loading my save each time I try it and I've set the fov to 150 so that it will be obvious if it works lol

Have you tried changing resolution numbers to see if those get picked up?
Jimbo_The_Mofo 14/jan./2022 às 12:55 
Escrito originalmente por phr00t:
Escrito originalmente por FiveSixtyEight:
Hi there Phr00t! Yes I'm loading my save each time I try it and I've set the fov to 150 so that it will be obvious if it works lol

Have you tried changing resolution numbers to see if those get picked up?

ok I changed the DefaultResolution.txt file to 1368x720 and it worked, the FOV still won't change though.
For some strange reason the fov works if I set the resolution to 1600x900. I'm happy though :)
Última edição por Jimbo_The_Mofo; 14/jan./2022 às 13:08
phr00t  [desenvolvedor(a)] 14/jan./2022 às 16:22 
Escrito originalmente por FiveSixtyEight:
Escrito originalmente por phr00t:

Have you tried changing resolution numbers to see if those get picked up?

ok I changed the DefaultResolution.txt file to 1368x720 and it worked, the FOV still won't change though.
For some strange reason the fov works if I set the resolution to 1600x900. I'm happy though :)

Hmmmm you may have just tipped me off to a bug... I will look into this!
Hug Life 27/ago./2022 às 11:54 
Hey, thanks for reading, any advice is appreciated.

I recently reinstalled my OS and am having some trouble getting the game to start.
Since reinstall, the game crashes as soon as I try to launch it, never populating anything on-screen.
This happens whether I'm launching from Steam or running the executable directly.
This is in desktop mode, not VR.

Tried a PC restart, reinstall of the game, switching to beta version, reinstall of GPU drivers, resolution fix above, and disabling Steam overlay.
I'm running Windows 10 Pro (x64) 21H2 (19044.1889) with an i5-12400F and RTX 3050 (driver version

Trying to launch generates these two error logs in eventvwr:

Faulting application name: OpenRPG.Windows.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x622f78e0
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.19041.1889, time stamp: 0xe9ede6d6
Exception code: 0xe0434352
Fault offset: 0x0000000000034fd9
Faulting process id: 0xddc
Faulting application start time: 0x01d8ba3e6d9c54ad
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\8089\OpenRPG.Windows.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
Report Id: 5bc224e6-1360-4533-93c1-ca149865ef9b
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:


Application: OpenRPG.Windows.exe
CoreCLR Version: 6.0.422.16404
.NET Version: 6.0.4
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Xenko.Rendering.BackgroundCubemapShaderKeys' threw an exception.
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception.
---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Xenko.Core.Native.NativeInvoke' threw an exception.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Could not load native library libcore.dll from path [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\8089\x64\libcore.dll] using CPU architecture x64.
at Xenko.Core.NativeLibrary.PreloadLibrary(String libraryName, Type owner)
at Xenko.Core.Native.NativeInvoke..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Xenko.Core.Native.NativeInvoke.Setup()
at Xenko.Native.Module.Initialize()
at .cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Xenko.Core.DataSerializers.Xenko_GraphicsSerializerFactory.Initialize()
at .cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Xenko.Rendering.BackgroundCubemapShaderKeys..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(RuntimeTypeHandle type)
at .cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Xenko.Core.Serialization.AssemblyScan.Xenko_EngineAssemblyScan.Initialize()
at .cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Xenko.Core.DataSerializers.OpenRPG_WindowsSerializerFactory.Initialize()
at .cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
phr00t  [desenvolvedor(a)] 29/ago./2022 às 9:29 
Sounds like it has something to do with this part:

System.InvalidOperationException: Could not load native library libcore.dll from path [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\8089\x64\libcore.dll] using CPU architecture x64.

Maybe that file got corrupted? Maybe you are somehow running this as 32 bit? Try deleting that file and Steam verify contents...?
Hug Life 31/ago./2022 às 16:24 
No luck with deleting libcore.dll. The verification restores it, but the same error occurs. How could I tell if the game was running as x86?
phr00t  [desenvolvedor(a)] 4/set./2022 às 15:20 
Escrito originalmente por Hug Life:
No luck with deleting libcore.dll. The verification restores it, but the same error occurs. How could I tell if the game was running as x86?

The game itself will definitely not be running as x86, as I only built x64. The error reads like it can't open them net core runtime dll.

Maybe try installing a net core 6 runtime...? I thought it came with windows, but I'm not sure what's going on here.
Hug Life 4/set./2022 às 19:05 
Don't ask me how, but it started working again. I've disabled a few Windows features and services for a separate problem since last time, but didn't do anything differently with the game.

Either way, thanks for the help man.
OKT 21/jun./2023 às 21:55 
My game periodically crashes with this error in event viewer. I can still progress in the game, but it's just annoying to have to restart the game every now and then.

Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.Exception: Couldn't allocate memory: ErrorTooManyObjects, NativeMemory: Vortice.Vulkan.VkDeviceMemory, type: 0, size: 5320
at Xenko.Graphics.GraphicsResource.AllocateMemory(VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryProperties, VkMemoryRequirements memoryRequirements)
at Xenko.Graphics.Buffer.Recreate(IntPtr dataPointer)
at Xenko.Graphics.Buffer.InitializeFromImpl(BufferDescription description, BufferFlags viewFlags, PixelFormat viewFormat, IntPtr dataPointer)
at Xenko.Graphics.Buffer.New[T](GraphicsDevice device, T[] initialValue, BufferFlags bufferFlags, PixelFormat viewFormat, GraphicsResourceUsage usage)
at Xenko.Rendering.Rendering.StagedMeshDraw.<>c__DisplayClass27_0`1.<MakeStagedMeshDraw>b__0(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, StagedMeshDraw _smd)
at Xenko.Rendering.MeshRenderFeature.ProcessPipelineState(RenderContext context, RenderNodeReference renderNodeReference, RenderNode& renderNode, RenderObject renderObject, PipelineStateDescription pipelineState)
at Xenko.Rendering.RootEffectRenderFeature.<>c__DisplayClass57_1.<Prepare>b__1(RenderNodeReference renderNodeReference, PrepareThreadContext batch)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.ExecuteBatch[TLocal](Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, Func`1 initializeLocal, Action`2 action, Action`1 finalizeLocal)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.Fork[TLocal](Int32 endExclusive, Int32 batchSize, Int32 maxDegreeOfParallelism, Func`1 initializeLocal, Action`2 action, Action`1 finalizeLocal, BatchState state)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.For[TLocal](Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, Func`1 initializeLocal, Action`2 action, Action`1 finalizeLocal)
at Xenko.Rendering.RootEffectRenderFeature.Prepare(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Rendering.MeshRenderFeature.Prepare(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.Fork(Int32 endExclusive, Int32 batchSize, Int32 maxDegreeOfParallelism, Action`1 action, BatchState state)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.For(Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, Action`1 action)
at Xenko.Rendering.RenderSystem.Prepare(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Rendering.Compositing.GraphicsCompositor.DrawCore(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Rendering.RendererBase.Draw(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Engine.SceneSystem.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
at Xenko.Games.GameSystemCollection.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.DrawFrame()
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.TickInternal()
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.Tick()
at Xenko.Games.GamePlatform.Tick()
at Xenko.Graphics.SDL.SDLMessageLoop.Run(Window form, RenderCallback renderCallback)
at Xenko.Games.GameWindowSDL.Run()
at Xenko.Games.GamePlatform.Run(GameContext gameContext)
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.Run(GameContext gameContext)
at OpenRPG.Windows.OpenRPGApp.Main(String[] args)
phr00t  [desenvolvedor(a)] 22/jun./2023 às 14:45 
Escrito originalmente por OKT:
My game periodically crashes with this error in event viewer. I can still progress in the game, but it's just annoying to have to restart the game every now and then.

Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.Exception: Couldn't allocate memory: ErrorTooManyObjects, NativeMemory: Vortice.Vulkan.VkDeviceMemory, type: 0, size: 5320
at Xenko.Graphics.GraphicsResource.AllocateMemory(VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryProperties, VkMemoryRequirements memoryRequirements)
at Xenko.Graphics.Buffer.Recreate(IntPtr dataPointer)
at Xenko.Graphics.Buffer.InitializeFromImpl(BufferDescription description, BufferFlags viewFlags, PixelFormat viewFormat, IntPtr dataPointer)
at Xenko.Graphics.Buffer.New[T](GraphicsDevice device, T[] initialValue, BufferFlags bufferFlags, PixelFormat viewFormat, GraphicsResourceUsage usage)
at Xenko.Rendering.Rendering.StagedMeshDraw.<>c__DisplayClass27_0`1.<MakeStagedMeshDraw>b__0(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, StagedMeshDraw _smd)
at Xenko.Rendering.MeshRenderFeature.ProcessPipelineState(RenderContext context, RenderNodeReference renderNodeReference, RenderNode& renderNode, RenderObject renderObject, PipelineStateDescription pipelineState)
at Xenko.Rendering.RootEffectRenderFeature.<>c__DisplayClass57_1.<Prepare>b__1(RenderNodeReference renderNodeReference, PrepareThreadContext batch)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.ExecuteBatch[TLocal](Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, Func`1 initializeLocal, Action`2 action, Action`1 finalizeLocal)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.Fork[TLocal](Int32 endExclusive, Int32 batchSize, Int32 maxDegreeOfParallelism, Func`1 initializeLocal, Action`2 action, Action`1 finalizeLocal, BatchState state)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.For[TLocal](Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, Func`1 initializeLocal, Action`2 action, Action`1 finalizeLocal)
at Xenko.Rendering.RootEffectRenderFeature.Prepare(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Rendering.MeshRenderFeature.Prepare(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.Fork(Int32 endExclusive, Int32 batchSize, Int32 maxDegreeOfParallelism, Action`1 action, BatchState state)
at Xenko.Core.Threading.Dispatcher.For(Int32 fromInclusive, Int32 toExclusive, Action`1 action)
at Xenko.Rendering.RenderSystem.Prepare(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Rendering.Compositing.GraphicsCompositor.DrawCore(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Rendering.RendererBase.Draw(RenderDrawContext context)
at Xenko.Engine.SceneSystem.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
at Xenko.Games.GameSystemCollection.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.DrawFrame()
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.TickInternal()
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.Tick()
at Xenko.Games.GamePlatform.Tick()
at Xenko.Graphics.SDL.SDLMessageLoop.Run(Window form, RenderCallback renderCallback)
at Xenko.Games.GameWindowSDL.Run()
at Xenko.Games.GamePlatform.Run(GameContext gameContext)
at Xenko.Games.GameBase.Run(GameContext gameContext)
at OpenRPG.Windows.OpenRPGApp.Main(String[] args)

How frequently does this happen?
OKT 23/jun./2023 às 11:05 
According to the event viewer, it was happening between 1:15 to 1:45 in each session. I think the 1:45 was when I paused the game to do something else for a bit though.
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