Capcom Arcade Stadium

Capcom Arcade Stadium

Why does this game have 201,219 concurrent players on Steam?
This game usually has around 20 players, why are there 200,000 concurrent players?
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I'd like to know as well
Most likely trading card bots
It's now 220,000. Laughter

The article above speculates that it might be because someone has realised that they can't live without Final Fight. Maybe so.
Searching for an answer to this as well...
I was just wondering the same, sounds like a bug.

300000 now.
Ultima modifica da Bruno; 30 nov 2021, ore 2:56
Осознайте количество ботов в Steam,.. :steamhappy:
Похожая ситуация, если вы помните, была с игрой
после чего Valve ввели возможность отмены выпадения коллекционных карт для халявных раздач.
И вот сегодня ситуация повторяется один в один.
...причём их количество за три года выросло вдвое. Конечно не все из них боты, но я так думаю большая часть.
Ultima modifica da Userilla; 30 nov 2021, ore 3:22
Messaggio originale di CyrisTM:
Most likely trading card bots

I made a post on NeoGaf about this as well and someone said the same thing.

I guess all the trading cards are now 1p.
Its Steam Trading Card Bot Accounts. it happends when games with Cards go free to add to account. Other examples are Life is Strange 2 and Postal.
It must be the best game ever. I'm buying it.
Trading Cards.
Not only bots here
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