Password Breaker doesnt work on Bank codes
So I was having big diff getting into banks because my breaker didnt work on the manage account login area so I checked some tutorials on youtube and saw they were using the breaker on the screen it just closed on for me.

Does\ anyone else have issues on the manage account login screen, I input the bank acc # and then open the breaker and select the code area but it just closes everytime, on every bank.
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Показані коментарі 110 із 10
Copied from the forum (not mine):
"Thats a Bug, not a User Input Error.

That mostly happens when someone (mostly the Player) hacks the Banks Admin and has a Look at the Accounts avvailable.
There are 2 Buttons.
Close and Commit. Where Commit kinda cancels the Account that u view right then, because of the missinformation thats present.

The Commit Button is there for changes made to the account. Name or password changes namely.

I tried on my own account. The account is still there, but u have no access to it anymore."

And here's an apparent workaround (didn't try it):

"1. If you look at all the customers accounts using the admin account in order to find *all* the passwords, be sure you hit "commit" after each one
2. After that you go in logs and delete all the ones about "making changes in account #"
3. If you type the name and password when you log in as a customer, don't hit "tab" key when you want to advance a field, use the mouse"
I do not have that issue at all.
Yeah keeps happening to me out of nowhere, even on systems I have never hacked admin on.

The hack admin and commit all accounts thing doesnt work either, It fixed itself after I got caught and restarted another game, but seems to crop back up on at least one banking system per game.
I'm dealing with the same problem right now. It's pretty annoying.
If you want to break in to a definite account on a bank, you need to input the username, because there are multiple users. From various account names to 'admin'.
Thing is, it may or may not be a bug but it does add a layer of realism.
It is happening to me in various Bank Systems, not only one =/
The password breaker will only close at such a time when there is no valid username in the box. By default, the password breaker will attempt to hack the admin account if there is no username entered (and will proceed to do so if there isn't a username box at all). For bank accounts, you MUST enter a valid bank account number (can be recieved from mission emails or by hacking the bank admin) to use the password breaker.
Probably got the wrong account number in it. If you don't have a valid account number when you try to break the password, it will just disappear.
The solution to this annoying problem is:
Go to MANAGE existing account and then type victim INITIALS instead of bank_acc_number! e.g: "Stephen Morphis" and run password breaker! Enjoy!
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