Cpt.McBacon Mar 29, 2016 @ 4:34pm
[MOD] Uplink OS - Total Graphical Modification [GOLD v104]
[UPDATE 03/03/2017]

Finally! After 2 years of work, UplinkOS has reached its final, Gold version! First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who reported bugs and suggestions, I couldn’t have done this without your help!

To mark the occasion, I’ve also put together a kind-of-a-launch trailer. Enjoy!


As usual, you can download it on ModDB!

You can read more about the launch and future plans here.

Thanks again guys! You're awesome! <3

[UPDATE 01/21/2017]

Hey guys! Hell, it's been such a long time...

Hope everybody had an amazing holiday season and is ready to let those New Year's Resolutions go to hell, yet again! Haha!

Sorry I've been away so much, the year started with a lot of work IRL and I didn't have time to work as much on Uplink (plus, played a hell lot of Titanfall 2), but I just released a new version!

Not much in the changelog, just regular improvements.

As usual, get it from ModDB!


[UPDATE 12/19/2016]

Hello, hello!

Last night saw the release of v101, RC2! You can grab it from the usual source, ModDB!

It had a few hiccups at the beginning, but I've managed to fix them and re-uploaded the files. Everything should be fine now! ^_^

The biggest changes in this version are the way apps work - they now have a minimum CPU usage, under which they'll be going slower or not work at all (ex. Bypass) - and the right-click menus hotkeys being externalized to the defaults file, so players can edit them as they wish.

I've also written a guide for the hotkeys, on ModDB.

That's about it.

[UPDATE 12/13/2016]

Heeeeey guuuys!

Just uploaded v100 of the mod! Still BETA, but it's also the first "Release Candidate" version. That means that the next few versions will focus almost exclusively on stability and if nothing bad happens the Gold version will finally be available!

As usual, you can download the latest Steam version on ModDB!


[UPDATE 11/24/2016]

Forgot to add the 097 update, doh! XD

Anyway, version 098 of the beta is up and running and you can grab it, as usual, on ModDB!

Getting oh-so-closer to that damned Gold version XD (gonna take a hell of a vacation after that)!


[UPDATE 10/30/2016]

Surprise weekend update!

Fixed some crashes and did some more bug fixing and polishing!

Go grab v096 it on ModDB!

Cheers and hope you had a great weekend!

[UPDATE 10/28/2016]

The Log Deleter HAS BEEN FIXED!

For real!

Trust me!


Hahaha! Right, so I'm uploading v095 right now on ModDB and will be HERE when it's done.

Again, a lot of improvements have gone into this one and I'm getting closer and closer to the promised land of GOLD. Still, there's a lot to do until then, but I couldn't have gotten here without your support and bug reports! :D

Cheers and have fun!

[UPDATE 10/23/2016]

Hello beautiful Steam people!

Version 094 is now live! Go grab it on ModDB!

The version contains the usual bug fixing and polishing, and stability improvements! I've also added the unused music tracks from the Bonus CD!

Thanks a lot for your support and continuing to submit bug reports! <3

[UPDATE 10/17/2016]

Hey guys!

Version 093 is now live! Go grab it on ModDB!

Again, the update contains a lot of bug fixes, including: Bank transfers! (for realsies this time)
LAN Tools hotkeys! Crashes begone! And the usual polishing and nit-picking.

Thanks a lot for your support and continuing to submit bug reports! <3

[UPDATE 10/12/2016]

Hey guys!

Version 092 is now live, on ModDB!

I'm not gonna paste the changelog here since it's pretty huge. This release features a ton of bug fixes which wouldn't have happened without your support!

In other news, Introversion gave the mod a try and recorded their shenanigans! So cool!


Also, last week, the fine folks at RPS wrote an article about it!

These have brought a ton of new players to the mod, which also in turn brought a lot more bugs to the light! Which is great!

Thank you very much, again and again! This month sure was crazy for me! Haha!

[UPDATE 10/03/2016]

Hey guys!

Version 091 is now live, on ModDB!

Lots of bug fixes, including that damn crash with the deletion of local files! Also, I think I got most of the scaling issues on different resolutions, so let me know if it still happens!

Here's the full change log, in case you're interested:
  • Saved Map connections are now saved in the userfile
  • Fixed issues with rescaling on different resolutions
  • Fixed a case in which the text in the E-Mail notification would not truncate correctly
  • Fixed a bug that caused lines to not render correctly
  • Added a confirmation pop-up when deleting user profiles
  • Added status icons to links to better see if it's already bookmarked or favourited
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Trace_Tracker to not reset after a trace
  • Fixed a bug that caused the BBS mission descriptions to not truncate correctly
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Apps descriptions to not truncate correctly
  • Fixed the UNIX Console. Works now!
  • Fixed the crash when deleting local files
  • Made the Connection Randomizer cheaper
  • Fixed Hotkeys from not working when NumLock was off
  • Added Read/Unread states to e-mails
  • Fixed a bug that allowed files/logs to be deleted even if the server had a Proxy/Firewall
  • Fixed the Company Links screen that displayed the search icon incorrectly
  • Fixed the E-Mails window get out of screen on 16:10 monitors

Thanks a lot for your patience!


[UPDATE 10/01/2016]

Check it out on the ModDB page!

[UPDATE 09/26/2016]

Super sneaky update! Just finished putting together a gameplay video with the first five minutes of the game! Check it out in the ModDB update HERE!

or on the YouTubes here:


[UPDATE 07/01/2016]

Hello Agents!

I posted a new update on ModDB! It's right HERE!


[UPDATE 04/06/2016]

Hello again!

There's a new status update on ModDB. Check it HERE!


[Initial post 03/30/2016]

Hello beautiful people of Steam!

If by any chance you found my "Slick" Theme Package around the web or these forums and, like me, have found out that that's not really enough to make the game feel "fresh", well, I have some big news!

Around the same time I released that theme package I started getting more in depth with programming and though that I would really need a project to work on in my spare time. And, what do you know, Uplink's source code was for grabs! Hence, I started developing a total graphical modification for it.

Without further ado, here's the nitty gritty:

The mod has been, and continues to be, actively in development for a bit over an year. Most of the hard work has been done, the graphics engine was re-written and most of the UI elements/systems are in place. What remains is the actual content and a very needed polish and testing pass.

The first release will be Beta (as in "it may halt, crash and catch fire!") which will hopefully have everything needed to make the game actually playable and the campaign finishable.

The final, Gold version will feature extensive bug fixing, a better tutorial and some nice polishing touches. Maybe even some new mission types, who knows?

After that, if I still have the drive to work on it and the community wants it, I may add some post-launch features and updates that will hopefully include a proper localization support for the community and guides and resources for modding the interface (just like the old Uplink!)

For more info and screenshots, please visit the mod's ModDB page HERE

Cheers and happy hacking!
Cpt.McBacon, OUT!
Last edited by Cpt.McBacon; Mar 3, 2017 @ 3:12am
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Showing 1-15 of 508 comments
Baguette Mar 29, 2016 @ 5:15pm 
Just checked it out, that looks amazing, great work, can't wait to try it out!
Rhonda Mar 30, 2016 @ 4:20am 
Great job!
AI-bino Mar 30, 2016 @ 9:18am 
Hey man, this sounds like a really cool project! Mind if I add you so I can ask some questions?
Cpt.McBacon Mar 31, 2016 @ 2:02am 
Thanks guys! :D If everything goes as expected (it rarely does, but...) the Beta will be released towards the end of this Summer.

@Gamecool 10: Sure!
cjraven Mar 31, 2016 @ 3:11pm 
i found the download link for your theme but where do i put it in the uplink folders?
cjraven Apr 1, 2016 @ 12:23pm 
i fond it here
there are instructions in the zip on the readme folder
cjraven Apr 1, 2016 @ 12:24pm 
and i found out where to put it in the folders
Cpt.McBacon Apr 2, 2016 @ 4:06am 
@cjraven2003: Yeah, sorry for the late reply. Was offline for quite some time... ^_^ It's great that you managed it! Happy Hacking!
SudoPotato Apr 2, 2016 @ 6:20am 
Oh! You are the guy who made the slick theme!? Just installed yesterday, and I love it!
Really looking forward to this mod, now!
AI-bino Apr 2, 2016 @ 7:56pm 
Hey uh... how did you get Upkink's source code?
Cpt.McBacon Apr 3, 2016 @ 3:38am 
@Phaenomenom: Thanks! I'm happy you like it!

@Gamecool 10: I got off Introversion's official store HERE[www.introversion.co.uk]. A thing to take note of, they're a bit slow with granting access to the source and you'll probably have to get through to them on their support page. (I waited about 2 weeks before I got it)

@Soda in A Plastic Bottle: Unfortunately, no. The mod is just in alpha now. That means that there isn't much to do in the game at the moment and a lot of stuff are broken (you can finish the low-level missions though). The mod will be available for download once it's in Beta, which will be around this summer, I hope (depends a lot on how much free time I'll have).
Cpt.McBacon Apr 6, 2016 @ 5:05am 
Hey guys!

I've just made a new status update up on ModDB. You can check it out HERE!

TL;DR Version: I've mostly finished the windows with only the LAN View and the Cheats Screen remaining. I'll have to come back later to them, since I really want to start working on the Apps.

I also added a bunch of new screenshots, which you can view here.

fremen Apr 16, 2016 @ 5:21pm 
It looks awesome :D
_galaxy Apr 17, 2016 @ 8:00pm 
hey buds you're all messing with the source code of this game right?

well maybe if you worked with the developers you guys could do some stuff so that the devs could implement achievements on uplink? That would be awesome!
Cpt.McBacon Apr 18, 2016 @ 1:59am 
Originally posted by fremen:
It looks awesome :D


Originally posted by ℜenato ℒopes ⌬:
hey buds you're all messing with the source code of this game right?

well maybe if you worked with the developers you guys could do some stuff so that the devs could implement achievements on uplink? That would be awesome!

That's actually a pretty cool idea! Thanks!
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