Manor Lords

Manor Lords

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Some typical 'problems' and 'fixes' - will add more.
1: Using the castle planner on the Manor to build walls around my town overlaps and causes buildings to be un-usable.

- the manor is not meant to surround the village - at this stage. it is meant to be your Manor/Castle that sits next to/inside your village depending on your layout of course. Its not necessarily a bug, it is just how the mechanics of the Manor reacts with building it where it 'shouldnt' be built. I'm sure they will add actual outer defensive buildings!

2: Building the livestock trade depot then buying horse/ox/mule from relevant buildings will place the animal in the trade depot and be unusable?

- This is just symptoms of broken under developed mechanics. Make sure you have stable space in your hitch posts, pack barters, stables and animal pens whenever you wish to purchase an animal from them. So in practicality build the livestock depot AFTER the other buildings so you don't confuse your current stable space with the space incorporated from the livestock depot.

3: Demolishing or removing hitch posts/stables makes my animal run away?

- only workaround for this is to make sure that you have enough stable space in another building before moving/demolishing this one, however doesn't always work it produces the problem much less often.

4: Bandits keep stealing my stuff... are they invisible? can i stop it?

- GO KILL THE DAMN CAMPS ON THE MAP! funny enough, your AI lord (enemy) will often march troops around due to claiming land, as well as some random mercs, they often will encounter the camps and kill the bandits for you. All you have to do then is rally your retinue and then send them to the camp to take back loot and receive silver :)

5: (Forwarded by GTexperience) archers deal no/unnoticeable ranged damage.

- for now use them as melee fighters instead. although they will not always respond to the melee command either. i also tested the 'fire at will' command, where they no longer volley but have constant shooting at low--med range, this seems to do a whole lot more actual damage than using them normally, something to keep in mind.

6: (Forwarded by GTexperience) army banner moving away from army, causing army to walk in opposite direction of the direction commanded to.

- there is likely a soldier stuck in the town, causing the banner to move/ stretch in the direction of the soldier. Disbanding and reforming didn't help, reloading save did.
i tried some different movement commands, double right clicking makes your units automatically run without changing to sprint stance, seems to unbug the 'stuck' unit(s) in town/buildings. May have to spam the movement command in different locations for them to fully unstuck. Keep note of the white line that appears when issuing movement, it will give you an idea of their pathfinding.
Last edited by Mr_And3rs0n; Apr 27 @ 7:22pm
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
"- the manor is not meant to surround the village - at this stage. it is meant to be your Manor/Castle that sits next to/inside your village depending on your layout of course. Its not necessarily a bug, it is just how the mechanics of the Manor reacts with building it where it 'shouldnt' be built. I'm sure they will add actual outer defensive buildings!"

--> I would still consider it a bug as it allows you to build a wall around your village in the first place. No where is it stated, that u cannot do that. Only after u have build it, can u no longer place buildings inside. A simple, buildings can not overlap message before placing/building would fix this problem. Nonetheless, I am curious to see how this will continue to develop as the game gets more updates. It may change a lot 2 years from now.

Found some more bugs for your list:

5: archers deal no/unnoticeable ranged damage.

- for now use them as melee fighters instead. although they will not always respond to the melee command either.

6: army banner moving away from army, causing army to walk in opposite direction of the direction commanded to.

- there is likely a soldier stuck in the town, causing the banner to move/ stretch in the direction of the soldier. Disbanding and reforming didn't help, reloading save did.
Originally posted by GTexperience:
"- the manor is not meant to surround the village - at this stage. it is meant to be your Manor/Castle that sits next to/inside your village depending on your layout of course. Its not necessarily a bug, it is just how the mechanics of the Manor reacts with building it where it 'shouldnt' be built. I'm sure they will add actual outer defensive buildings!"

--> I would still consider it a bug as it allows you to build a wall around your village in the first place. No where is it stated, that u cannot do that. Only after u have build it, can u no longer place buildings inside. A simple, buildings can not overlap message before placing/building would fix this problem. Nonetheless, I am curious to see how this will continue to develop as the game gets more updates. It may change a lot 2 years from now.

Found some more bugs for your list:

5: archers deal no/unnoticeable ranged damage.

- for now use them as melee fighters instead. although they will not always respond to the melee command either.

6: army banner moving away from army, causing army to walk in opposite direction of the direction commanded to.

- there is likely a soldier stuck in the town, causing the banner to move/ stretch in the direction of the soldier. Disbanding and reforming didn't help, reloading save did.

Yea definitely agree on the Manor bug, should be giving some sort of warning and not allowing you to even build it like that! but yea game will change soon, im just loving it for how it is now :)

With the archers, Melee definintely does seem to work like you say, i also tested the 'fire at will' command, where they no longer volley but have constant shooting at low--med range, this seems to do a whole lot more actual damage than using them normally, something to keep in mind.

in regards to the weird banner placement, i tried some different movement commands, double right clicking makes your units automatically run without changing to sprint stance, seems to unbug the 'stuck' unit(s) in town/buildings.
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Date Posted: Apr 27 @ 8:45am
Posts: 2