Manor Lords

Manor Lords

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Difference between horses and oxes?
Whats the difference between the horses and oxes?
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My observations at the moment are as follows:

Horses: Are used by merchants in your village to deliver goods to the trading stations or to collect goods from you. How exactly this works is still a mystery to me, as the horses only run alongside and only the actual trader uses a horse and cart.

Ox: Is only used for your productions and building projects. No trade is carried out using these animals.

Pack mule: Can be bought, but is not used by my people. they just stand around.
kJs- Apr 27 @ 9:15am 
Originally posted by TheGusion:
My observations at the moment are as follows:
Pack mule: Can be bought, but is not used by my people. they just stand around.

Pack mules are supposed to be for transporting goods from region to region using a pack station. I don't think they do anything else.

Edit: added quote and grammar
Last edited by kJs-; Apr 27 @ 9:15am
Originally posted by TheGusion:

Pack mule: Can be bought, but is not used by my people. they just stand around.
Use the pack mules for when you have more than region and want to move resources between the two.
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Date Posted: Apr 27 @ 8:38am
Posts: 3