Mad Games Tycoon 2

Mad Games Tycoon 2

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 Este tópico foi afixado, portanto deve ser importante
Panda  [developer] 5 mar. 2021 às 6:27
General FAQ
Here's a general list of common questions about the game, gameplay and features.

This is updated as of August 2023 but I'll try to update it as more things get added and asked.


#1 - Common questions about current features and gameplay

#2 - Suggestions, balance issues, feedback etc

#3 - Answers about upcoming features

#4 - Game Mods - mods, how they work and where to find them

#1 Common Questions

Q: What is different from Mad Games Tycoon 1?

This answer is from the Dev prior to EA release in January 2021. More features have and will continue to be added since -

Originalmente postado por Eggcode Games:
Here is a list with the new features and changes (already available in the EA). Since I just wrote it, it will be incomplete, of course. But at least you have a rough overview.

And now I have to continue fixing a game, so you won't have a tantrum in 5 days. ;)

*** Rooms, Building & World
- Rooms are no longer limited to a square wheel.
- Windows can be set.
- Rooms can now be automatically updated with better items.
- All buildings are now on one map (moving is no longer necessary).
- Dirt, heat & quality system.
- Graphic studios, sound studios etc. can now also support each other.

*** Game character & staff
- You can create your own game character.
- Completely new employee characteristics.
- Employees now have professions.
- Employees now have special properties (e.g. don't make bugs).
- Employees can quit.
- Employee settings like crunchtimes, breaks or pressure.
- Employees now create dirt that needs to be cleaned up.
- Morale system for employees.

*** Development
- Addons & standalone addons also for normal games.
- Choice of lead designer for game projects.
- The financing of games can be regulated.
- Engines features & gameplay features are now separated.
- Engines now have a special platform.
- There is now a publishing phase where bugs can be slowly removed even without QA.
- A game description can now be written optionally.
- Age rating for games.
- AntiCheat software can now be selected.
- InApp purchases can now be set for all games.
- Online/Digital Sales.
- Deluxe & Collectors editions can now be produced.
- You can now choose between multiplatform game, retro game, exclusive game, etc.
- Platforms & Engines now have a tech level.
- Platforms now have feature requirements (e.g. controller support).

*** Other
- Launch year is now 1976
- New platforms, genre, themes, screenshots etc.
- Multiplayer mode
- Graphic studios, sound studios etc. can now do contract work.
- Servers can now overheat.
- Items are now unlocked depending on the date.
- Platforms now have a complexity value that affects development time.
- Platforms now have a flag if they are internet enabled.
- Search function e.g. for themes.
- You can now sign a publisher exclusive contract.
- A market research can be done.
- The support room can now answer questions & emails from fans.
- Significantly more statistics.
- Awards.
- Fans are now divided by genre.
- Publisher relationships can now drop if you neglect them.
- Most rooms must now be explored instead of unlocked very late in the game.

*** What's next (or ideas that could still come)
- Fan merchandise (added)
- Mobile Games - Has been added to the game now
- Arcade Cabinet Games - Has been added to the game now
- Game Pass (added)
- Port games - Has been added to the game now
- Multiplayer: Sabotage & Support (added)
- Multiplayer: Victory Conditions
- Make calls from fans chargeable. (added)
- Outsourcing (Freelancer)

Q: How long will the game remain in early access?

A: The game released May 31st, 2023 after a little over 2 years in Early Access.

Q: How do I clean up rooms?

A: in the corridor item listings, there is a robot to purchase to clean rooms.

Q: How do I invite people to my multiplayer lobby?

A: You need to invite people through Steam, your friends can click join through clicking on your profile and clicking the join button.

Q: The latest patch added a new feature but it's not in my current saved game?

A: A lot of big additions to the game (new game creation types, arcades etc) require a fresh new start and will not show up in ongoing saved games. You can still play your saved game, you just won't get all the benefits of the new features.

Q: I've got a virus warning! My game is stuck updating, I'm getting a "Mad Games Tycoon 2.exe" is missing error...

A: Unity games (the games engine it's programmed in) have a high false positive rate from some anti-virus programs (mainly Avast and AVG). This can cause your game to be flagged with a false positive (not a virus but the program falsely thinks it is), and also cause your games .exe to be quarantined making it seem the game is broken, when the issue is your anti-virus. If you run into these issues, check your anti virus program first to see if it's causing the problem.

Q: Help I can't move objects or sell the blue car?

A: Make sure that on the bottom right corner where you see multiple option icons you do not have furniture movement turned off. It's the second icon on the list, the computer chair.

Q: What staff does this room require?

A: If you click the room and then click the staff icon (the little person) it will popup a window that tells you what staff each room requires.

Q: Help! My games are really low rated?

A: Make sure you use the QA room and it's Game Reports feature to learn what genres and settings are most accurate for the type of game you are releasing. There is a puzzle element to releasing a game with the right settings and the closer you are to the right settings the higher your score will be! (along with many other factors).

Q: I can't place this item in the room where I want, it takes up too much space??

A: When placing items, you will notice on the left hand side there is a 'Snapping' check mark, if you un-check this, it will allow you to place items more freely with less restrictions. With snapping on, it's faster to place items but has some grid restrictions.

#2 Suggestions, balance issues, feedback etc

Assistance from the community

While the developer tries to be as active as possible on the forum, he also needs time to code!

With that in mind, myself (Panda) and Reamos-X01 have communication with the developer to alert him to urgent issues, and also provide feedback from the community in a compact, easy to follow way for the developer.

As the two active community managers - we do not have all the official answers, but we will try to provide help using both our knowledge of the game and it's mechanics, and from our communications with the developer to assist with your questions and issues.

Q: I have an idea for a feature or addition to the game, can this be added?

A: Post your suggestions! The game is fully released now but suggestions and feedback are still encouraged. Note - Just because you do not get an official response about your suggestion or idea does not mean it wasn't read or the Dev isn't aware of your idea. Things that will get added take time!

Forum etiquette note - Avoid overly harsh criticisms of other people's suggestions and ideas. Some ideas aren't possible or great ideas but let's avoid pointless arguments and encourage an active community by sensibly engaging in discussion. The more players, the more successful the game is - and the better it can be developed.

Q: My game crashed, I found a bug or this feature isn't working right!

A: If you experience a crash, find a bug or broken feature, make a post detailing your issue, if you've found a way to reproduce the bug post how, and try to be detailed as possible explaining it! It makes it easier to address quickly.

Time zones are a thing and there are a lot of different ones. Bugs tend to be officially addressed very quickly, through responses and patches but some patience is required, everyone needs sleep!

Q: I think this part of the game is too hard, too easy or not realistic, can you fix it?

A: Balancing has reach a level we're confident in to fully release the game but feedback from players is important. For gameplay purposes not every feature will be 100% based on realism, however feedback on how to make things better is welcome!

When providing balancing feedback, it's helpful to say what difficulty you are playing on, the game speed and to mention if you're playing on a significantly older game save as things may have changed in recent patches.

Q: I have an idea for a new genre, or topic?

A: Feel free to make suggestions on what topics and genres you would like to see added. Topics are added much easier to the game. while new genres are a bit bigger of a change and tend to open up more debate on what classifies as a genre.

Fortunately, whether your suggestion is added to the game or not, you always have the option to mod your game and can add any topic or genre you want to your game! You can find some more details further below in the Game Mods section.

#3 Upcoming features

The game has ended early access, and reach full release. However updates and development on the game continues but just like the process through early access - there is no direct road map or list of features to be added.

Feedback from the community is important in this aspect, as many ideas come from the players.

#4 Game Mods

There is a small but active modding community. Game mods allow you to add real life companies, game names, consoles, new genres, topics etc. These aren't officially supported by the game. and are user made content

With the game being in active development, game updates are regularly released that may change the content of the game, affecting your mods and requiring you to update them again as they get overwritten by changes. You can backup your files you've changed to mitigate this issue.

Running an out of date mod on an updated version of the game will make you incur crashes or unexpected behaviors

A few highlights...

Modding is a fairly simple process, mainly involving editing text and image files but it's been made even easier by a mod tool provided by user LMH01 at the link below -

Mad Games Tycoon 2 Mod Tool

Another mod that updates a lot of of the current game content to it's realistic counterparts and more is a mod by user FenomeN

Realism Mod

You can find additional mods in the mod forum, and also create and post your own there!
Última alteração por Panda; 22 ago. 2023 às 8:25
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A mostrar 1-15 de 56 comentários
Eggcode Games  [developer] 5 mar. 2021 às 6:37 
Perfect. Pinned! ;)
Panda  [developer] 5 mar. 2021 às 7:01 
Cool! Happy to help!
zz登Dua郎♂ 5 mar. 2021 às 8:02 
I want to play my own console
Tsukasax 6 mar. 2021 às 11:02 
Will they put the auto function to fill a room with furniture as in the first version?
Luis 6 mar. 2021 às 11:54 
Wird es eine Möglichkeit geben Räume zu copy pasten um mehrere gleich aufgebaute Räume zu bauen. Bzw leichter diese zu verschieben?
ЖКХ 6 mar. 2021 às 12:11 
Все игроки ждут консоль,почему разработчик настолько глуп,что игнорирует?
Sewer 6 mar. 2021 às 12:34 
Originalmente postado por ЖКХ:
Все игроки ждут консоль,почему разработчик настолько глуп,что игнорирует?
Может это ты настолько глуп, что предъявляешь к Раннему доступу, требования как к релизной версии?...
newtontlod 11 mar. 2021 às 17:10 
Originalmente postado por Tsukasax:
Will they put the auto function to fill a room with furniture as in the first version?
this. I just want this to start playing again. Will we see it any time soon?
Panda  [developer] 12 mar. 2021 às 6:17 
If I had to guess, I'd say the fact that placeable items are still being added to the game (and some item levels aren't even unlocked) that this feature is still a ways away.
秋叶海棠 12 mar. 2021 às 7:46 
Originalmente postado por Eggcode Games:
Perfect. Pinned! ;)
You have great ambitions, and maybe the ceiling of game development will still be yours. Finish your goals well, and let us take care of the rest.
秋叶海棠 12 mar. 2021 às 7:47 
Originalmente postado por zz登Dua郎♂:
I want to play my own console
LittleDevil_999 13 mar. 2021 às 10:47 
When will we be able to buy other developers?
kuruku 13 mar. 2021 às 14:32 
Do you have any plans to support Japanese?
IkarosDeath 8 abr. 2021 às 3:35 
Wird es Steam Workshop geben?
Panda  [developer] 8 abr. 2021 às 6:30 
Steam workshop has been suggested, no indication if it will be added or not yet.
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