Easy Red 2

Easy Red 2

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Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Feb 15, 2021 @ 2:39pm
This post contains all the changes made in the game for RELEASE version.
For BETA version changelogs, check the Discord channel[discord.com].

Release date
Added features
26 July 2024
Fully reworked Stalingrad campaign for better quality and performance.
•Added 17 missions for the new Stalingrad campaign.
•Fully reworked British uniforms.
•Added Matilda tank.
•Reworked Panther driving vision port.
•Added setting to cap dead bodies count for performance.
•Auto transport vehicles can now be placed as static props.
•Added new setting to increase night moon light.
•Fully reworked Mosin animations (all variants)
•Updated localization.
•Small fixes in rigging.
•Fixes on aim-toggle system.
•Fixed the way AI uses Mission Editor waypoints.
•Fixes in maps.
•Fixes in missions.
•Fixed French boat driver uniform system.
•Fixed music volume.
•Various fixes in vehicles.
9 July 2024
•Fixed bug on Mosin 91/30
8 July 2024
•Added variant of Mosin 91/30 with straight bolt.
•Fixed a bug on OSX version where it was not possible to load an heightmap texture in map editor.
•Performance improvements on Soviet missions.
•Fixes with soviet medic helmet.
•Changes on Enfield rifle and Enfield revolver sounds.
•Other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
7 July 2024
•Reworked most of the soviet uniforms, gears and headgears.
•Added new soviet and german officer uniforms, vests and headgears.
•Added new soviet Telogreika uniform.
•Added new Bofors gun.
•Added some new vehicle camos.
•New drag injured soldiers anims.
•Added double tap to toggle lean.
•New TPS ADS anims system.
•Changes in AI in order to use the TPS ADS system.
•New auto-transport fishing boat.
•New soviet tram prop.
•New MC 200 and MC 202 Italian fighter planes.
•New TPS jump animations.
•New music for upcoming Tunisia camapign.
•Improved drag injured soldier system.
•Changes in gamepad key bindings.
•Fixes with multiplayer syncronization of lean.
•Improved collision system of aircraft carriers.
•Fixes in various missions.
•Async resources reload is now more reliable.
•Fixes in Shohatsu driver.
•Fixed a bug where sensitivity was not affecting TPS ADS.
•Fixed bug with calliope and other vehicles.
•New weapons damage formula based on kinetic energy of bullets.
•Fixes with polish names and localization.
•Fixes with some weapons.
•Fixes with some vehicles.
•Building destruction smoke now follows wind direction.
•Fixed bullet crack sound when ADS with scoper Kar 98.
•Enter vehicle animation removed when switching seat inside a vehicle.
•Improved UI navigation with controller.
•Improved slider usage with controller.
•Trackpad and Gyro can now be used toghether trough Steam Input with gamepad that supports them.
•Smaller improvements in settings UI.
•New Enfield sounds
•Kos map updated
24 June 2024
•Changes in sounds for some weapons.
•New TPS get-hit animation for no-weapon pose.
•Fixed "dead units gliding on terrain in MP" bug after recent update.
•Fixed Panzer IV (and variants) winter camo.
22 June 2024
•Changes in drag injured feature.
•Fixes with camo selection in Mission Editor.
•Other smaller changes and fixes.
21 June 2024
•Added Crossplay guide.
•Added a few more camos for some vehicles.
•Added Panzer III J (Short barrell).
•Smaller fixes.
20 June 2024
•Improved distant LOD colors for Autumn trees.
•Improved LOD cross fade transition for better graphic quality.
•Changes in missions.
•Changes in easy difficulty: now all friendly units are marked on you HUD.
•New stalinkas and other soviet structures.
•New Panzerbüchse 39 animations.
•New TPS hit reaction animations.
•New Bofors 40mm Anti-Air vehicle/emplacement.
•New Panzer 3 "J" variant.
•New Winchester Model 12 "Trench Gun" variant.
•Added Tunisia buildings for Map Makers and for upcoming Tunisia Campaign.
•Added many desert camo variations to tons of vehicles.
•Improved vehicle collision physic with units.
•Fixed first Kos mission.
•Changes in other missions.
•Fixes with AI when the turret they drive is out of ammo.
•Fixed wrong daimler ammos.
•Fixes in Sten MKV.
•"Force end match" for multiplayer match admin has been moved to pause menu.
•Many other smaller fixes from user feedbacks.
3 June 2024
•Improved balancing in some missions.
•Improved sounds in some weapons.
•Fixes with some weapons.
•Smaller UI fixes.
31 May 2024
•Improved experience for Steam Deck.
•Improved Map Editor.
•Smaller fixes in vegetation.
30 May 2024
•Added new bamboo plants and trees.
•Fixed vegetation shader not moving anymore.
•Fixed with some destructible plants and trees.
•Other smaller fixes.
29 May 2024
•Fixed AI in turrets start firing way before aiming at enemies.
•Fixed AI turret sounds.
•Fixed penetration and hitmarker always active by mistake.
•Fixed Ammo refill box being invisible after recent big update.
•Fixed turrets not being able to fire again even after ammo refill sometimes.
•Multiplayer netcode fixes.
•Other smaller fixes.
28 May 2024
•Fixed LOD fading shader.
•Smaller changes in water shader.
•Fixes in reload and bolt action sounds.
•Fixes in some sounds.
•Fixes in tutorials.
•Localizations fixes.
27 May 2024
•Completly reworked tutorials.
•Added more reworked particle fxs.
•Added optional ammo counter UI and pose stance UI.
•Added graphic and simulation presets in pause settings.
•New SMG TPS animations.
•Added new season system to change colors of some vegetation assets based on misison settings.
•Added minimap visualization in Map Editor.
•Added some new vegetation props.
•Localizations fixes.
•Improved player on-screen hints.
•Fixes with Map Editor.
•Reworked various vegetation props.
•Smaller improvements in UI.
•Other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
20 May 2024
•Fixed issue with artillery strike not always working after previous update.
•Smaller fixes in UI for Map and Mission editor.
•Fixed a bug where rebind-UI prompt was not appearing after detaching a Steam Input device.
•Fixed a bug where door and windows for Kos Buildings where not syncronizing in MP.
•Other smaller fixes for issues caused by patch.
19 May 2024
•Reworked controllers to support bot Steam Input but also direct controller input.
•It's now possible to rebind controller buttons from pause settings.
•Added vibration and gyro support for controllers both with Steam Input and direct input.
•Improved on-screen input UI.
•Added new optional setting to display the available actions at any moment (To help new players).
•Various changes and imporvements on UI.
•Added M3 Grant and M3 Lee (Desert variants).
•Added crouch sprint.
•Reworks in netcode to improve multiplayer latency and stability.
•Reworked TPS bazooka locomotion animations.
•Added a French Chasseur uniform.
•Added new dead tree prop.
•Added indicators on each spotted Enemy at easy difficulty to help new players recognizing enemy units.
•Added new setting to automatically reload weapons when magazine is empty.
•Increase hold breath sounds.
•Reworked deprecated ruined buildings.
•Improved translations.
•Stuka syren now works also at slower speed.
•Improved Springfield reload sounds.
•It's now possible to press R to reload a different projectile on a turret.
•Fixes in missions.
•Other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
05 May 2024
•Added multi prop selection in Map Editor (Either with Shift+Click or using drag cursor box)
•New tools to deform terrain preserving prop elevation.
•New tools to move props preserving their elevation.
•New tools and shortcuts to manipulate and duplicate selected props.
•New selection outline effect for Map and Mission editor props.
•It's now possible to select props in Map and Mission editor by clicking on the prop itself instead of it's label.
•New hold breath sounds (Realistic difficulty)
•Now AI planes make sure to finish all the main weapon ammos before going to refill.
•Adjustments in missions.
•Fixes with AI spawning on top of bushes sometimes.
•Some improvements in sounds.
•Other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
30 April 2024
•Fixed weather randomly set when entering map editor.
•Fixed attack from side order not getting updated when player reaches the icon position.
28 April 2024
•Increased default tickets multiplier online.
•Smaller fixes with vehicle physics.
27 April 2024
•Reworked skybox dynamic clouds.
•Added Carcano 91 Cavalry (M91 variant).
•Small reworks on vehicle physic.
•Fixed vehicles flipping when turning at high speed.
•Fixed turret gun scopes flickering sometimes.
•Fixed a mission editor bug that was preventing from saving sometimes.
•Fixed an issue where British troops were using US voice acting sometimes.
•Fixes in Italian squad loadouts.
•Fixed a bug that was preventing from unwearing vests from inventory.
•Other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
24 April 2024
•Added a new voice acting for the US Army.
•Added new switch weapon animations in TPS.
•It's now possible to see other online players in the same faction on the Mini-Map.
•Fixed issue causing tutorials not to work properly.
•Fixed explosion sound fxs not changing volume with the sound fx volume setting.
•Other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
22 April 2024
•Reworked some more VFXs.
•It's now possible to add up to 5 objectives per phase in Editor Mission.
•Some smaller fixes after previous update.
21 April 2024
•Huge changes on how AI moves around and takes cover.*
•New "Covert Movements" order to make the AI sneak close to the enemies before opening fire.*
•New system to make soldiers less visible from enemy AIs when they move crouch or they crawl*
•Max AI count have been increased by a lot*
•New AI count system to set custom AI count for each faction.*
•New tickets count system.*
•Rework on the way AIs follow paths to have better movements and less issues.
•Rework on AI aim system to make them turn, aim and fire more realistically.*
•Various other changes in AIs.
•Increased squad sizes.
•New BF-109 Interiors.
•New TPS animations for revolver reload.
•New TPS medical animations.
•Other new TPS animations.
•It's now possible to see squad member positions from within the mini-map.
•Reworked Carcano Cavalry model.
•Changes on the way AI planes execute ground units targeting.
•Added new smoke grenades for British and Japan.
•Completly reworked US Marine vests and headgears.
•Added new clothings for Italian SS.
•Updates in Italian uniforms.
•Added new props.
•Added new vanilla squads.
•Various changes in sounds.
•Changed the way AI uses Pointe du Hoc ropes (More dynamically, so allies can fight back from the beach before starting climbing).
•Big changes in various maps.
•Huge improvements on Multiplayer network stability.
•Despawn time online now is a fixed value for everyone (stability network reasons).
•Fixed placement of units inside vehicles getting weird sometimes.
•Spotted squad marker now doesn't point squad leader anymore, but stays in the middle of a squad.
•Various fixes in items and uniforms.
•Changes in screen blood effect.
•Fixes with giving squad orders from within a vehicle.
•Fixes with AI not firing from within LCVPs MGs.
•Improvements with Ai vision.
•Rebalancing and improvements on most missions.
•Improvements on FPS uniforms.
•Improvements on Anzio building textures.
•Improvements with interactions with injured units.
•Fixed a bug that was not making Roi-Namur torpedo storage exploding in MP.
•Fixed a bug where it was not possible to shoot your pistol sometimes after ejecting from planes.
•Fixed a bug that was not refreshing ammos correctly when entering vehicles in MP.
•Various improvements in performance.
•Multiplayer is not region-divided anymore to cause less confusion across players.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
3 April 2024
•Complete rework of the Pathfinding system.
•Reworked US Marine uniform (vests will come later)
•Improvements in AI.
•Fixes with music slider.
•Changes in sound FXs.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
29 March 2024
•Reworked French Uniforms and vests.
•Reworked Italian Uniforms (Vests still to be reworked).
•Reworked US Marines uniforms (Vests still to be reworked, uniforms to be adjusted)
•New sound FXs.
•Fixes with grenade icons.
•Fixes in ission editor.
•Fixes in in FPS uniforms
•Fixes with multiplayer match invitation trough Steam.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
19 March 2024
•Implemented new TPS reload animations for Sten-like weapons.
•Added new ammo types and fixed wrong ammo types for weapons.
•Added a new system to eaisly find correct ammo and magazines for custom loadouts.
•Added three new grenades for the Italian army (1 frag, 1 smoke, 1 training).
•Added one new smoke grenade for the Soviet army.
•Improvements in scroll views for both mouse and gamepad.
•Fixed scroll view issues with the server list.
•Updated Luger sounds.
•Resolved a bug where switching seats in a vehicle or selecting ammo was possible while the game was paused or the inventory was open.
•Fixed a bug allowing faction switching in the shooting range during a multiplayer session.
•Corrected a bug where units spawned in T-Pose on vehicles when the vehicle was spawned far from the camera.
•Further improvements in various translations.
•Continued UI reworks.
•Fixes made to maps and missions.
•Rectified a bug where the enter vehicle animation sometimes played when taking control of planes already in the sky.
•UI Blur enhancements.
•Fixes applied to UI navigation.
•Adjustments made to fog issues.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
12 March 2024
•Partial UI Rework. We focused on improving the current UI style, however more radical changes are planned for the future.
•New in game font for better readibility and compatibility across different alphabets.
•New bullet whizz sounds.
•New customization options for realistic plane controls. (Notice: Realistic plane controls are still completly optional).
•New graphical options to add an anti-tiling effect on ground and water textures (High end setting).
•Reworked Arisaka Type 38.
•New TPS reload animations for top-magazine weapons.
•New TPS animations for climbing ropes (Will get more changes).
•Big changes in the recoil system for better and more stable shooting experience.
•Fixes on Arisaka scope LODs.
•Smaller changes in AI
•It's not wpossible to vault even if out of stamina.
•Changes on Fidelity FX for Ubuntu.
•Fixes in UI Blur.
•Changes in plane tutorial.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
4 March 2024
•Reworked TPS shotgun animations.
•Reworked Arisaka bolt action animation.
•Fixed Arisaka scope randomly changing render texture.
•Fixed Arisaka scope causing bad performance on maps.
•Improved Japanese localization.
•Improved some sounds in planes, explosions, and guns.
•Fixed bug with jumping inventory cursor when using gamepad.
•Fixed inventory tab filter not working.
•Fixes in Kos map and missions.
•Fixed hands animations not working in TPS sometimes.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
29 February 2024
Fully reworked Kos campaign with completly new buildings.
•Added Type 99 Arisaka in 2 variants.
•Added Johnson LMG.
•Added new realistic controls for aircrafts. Old controls can optionally be selected in pause menu.
•Added new VFXs for grenade explosions and smoke.
•Reworked F4F Wildcat interiors.
•Reworked Plane tutorial.
•Reworked various sound FXs.
•Reworked US Ranger Assault Vest.
•Added new reworked TPS anims.
•Added new german landing ship.
•Fixes with bomb drop using controller.
•Fixes with switching in TPS with controller while using bandages.
•Fixes with planes.
•Fixes with squads.
•Fixes with inventory navigation with gamepad.
•Stone wall is now destructible.
•Fixed various bugs with map & mission editor.
•Steam Cloud now syncronize custom maps and missions.
•Improvements in sounds.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
19 February 2024
•Reworked F4F Wildcat interiors.
•Reworked Plane tutorial.
•Reworked various sound FXs.
•Reworked US Ranger Assault Vest.
•Some changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
17 February 2024
•More reworked TPS animations.
•Xbox Release.
•Fixes in planes.
•Improvements in sounds.
•Fixes in LOD shaders.
•Fixes in some props.
•Some changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
08 February 2024
•New TPS animations.
•Fixed a bug causing some sort of mouse acceleration for some users.
•Imporved the way AI and player move characters around for better performance.
•Some changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
29 January 2024
•Added M9A1 Bazooka.
•Added carcano M91.
•Added carcano Cavalry.
•Added Type 97 Chi-Ha tank.
•Reworked Type 97 Chi-Ha Kai tank.
•Reworked Mitsubish AM6 Zero + added White camo variant.
•Reworked HBT Uniforms.
•Reworked Ranger uniforms.
•Added various new US helmets.
•Added Dragon's teeth prop.
•Improved mortar reload sound.
•Improvements in squads.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
23 January 2024
•Added Join/Invite friends through Steam UI.
•Added more reworked TPS anims.
•Added Artillery crew squad types.
•Added various new Uniforms, Vests and Headgears.
•Added various new props for upcoming Kos rework.
•Added Eukaliptos and Fir trees.
•Reworked various reload sounds.
•Improved various FPS reload animations.
•Fixes in Japanese headgears.
•Fixes in various missions and maps.
•Improvements in performance.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
15 January 2024
•Added more reworked Japanese uniforms.
•Added more reworked rifle animations.
•Added Brightness setting.
•Added feature to visualize Steam profile of MP players.
•Added feature to check what platform MP players are playing from.
•Fixed radio crew voice not working correctly.
•Fixes in GUIs, expecially when using controller input.
•Fixed issue that led to Mission Editor GUI fail.
•Smoother loading.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
08 January 2024
•Reworked all US Infantry uniforms and vests.
•Reworked US MP uniform and vest.
•Some new reworked TPS pistol animations.
•Some more reloads now has the optional shaking effect.
•Reworked Depth of Field effect.
•Fixes in parachute animations.
•Fixes in some scopes.
•Fixes in some Afrika Korps uniforms.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
30 December 2023
•Reworked Japanese SNLF uniforms, vest and headgears.
•Reworked some Japanese infantry clothings (more to come).
•Reworked Japanese 47mm AT gun.
•Fixed head scale in units.
•Fixed some bugs in Map Editor.
•Fixes in some missions.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
28 December 2023
•Fixed "Watch your fire" line not playing.
•Fixed road decals overlap issue.
•Improvements in shaders.
•Fixed TPS Sten hand placement.
25 December 2023
•Some more reloads now has the optional shaking effect.
•Fixes in MP40, MP41 and Walter P.38 animations.
•Fixed a bug with Bren LMG.
•Fixed a bug in the interactable indoor fireplace.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
22 December 2023
•Changes in loading screen.
•Reworked heat distorsion and explosion distorsion fxs.
•Reworked water shader.
•Added new underwater effect.
•Updated game engine to a newer version to solve a crash issue happening with some graphic crads (usually RTX 3060).
•Added camera shake effect on some more FPS reload anims (Optional setting).
•Fixed bug that allowed firing while throwing a grenade.
•Improved mortar explosion sound.
•Improved DoF and UI Blur performance.
•Fixes in some vehicles.
•Updated textures of various clothings.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
14 December 2023
•Added new sound FXs.
•It's now possible to zoom on the minimap with controlled D-Pad.
•Reworked Sten MK II animations.
•Improved shooting range weapon selector.
•Fixed textures for a soviet helmet.
•Improved italian helmets texture.
•Fixes to improve mods stability.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
11 December 2023
•Added some new reworked TPS anims.
•Reworked selector menus in shooting range.
•Fixes in Panzer II.
•Improved Map Editor Performance.
10 December 2023
•Added new soviet pilot headgear.
•Added some new reworked TPS anims.
•Improvements in some missions.
•Improved Tokarev pistol sounds.
•Improved MG34 barrell change sounds.
•New Thompson reload sounds.
•New SVT reload sounds.
•Improvements in some vehicles.
•Improvements in Mini map GUI.
•Improved translations.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
2 December 2023
•Fixed jagdpanther tracks.
•Improved WZ35 sounds.
•Fixed pathfinding inside Ardennes buildings.
•Upgraded BAR to new variant for Bulge campaign.
•Improvements in some uniforms.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
30 November 2023
•Added Panzer 38(t).
•Added German Tropical uniform.
•Added optional ADS blur.
•New TPS animations.
•Added US pilot helmet.
•Added soviet pilot uniform.
•Improved random camo selection algorithm.
•Various fixes in French DLC vehicles.
•Improved Japanese uniforms.
•Completly reworked UI blur.
•Completly reworked depth of Field blur.
•Adjustments in several missions.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
25 November 2023
•Added Japanese SNLF troops.
•Fixes in Mas 36 sight and animations.
•Fixed size of French 155mm gun.
•Fixes in France invasion missions.
•Fixes in plane AI.
•Changes to avoid crashes after previous update.
24 November 2023
•Released Makin campaign.
•Released Ardennes 1940 & 1944 campaigns.
•Changed bayonet range.
•Fixed some animations.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
21 November 2023
•Added MP41 smg.
•Added new US and German pilot uniforms.
•US Marine uniforms now uses short sleeve system.
•Added some new achievements.
•Fixed collar and proportions of US and German winter coats.
•Improvements in rigged uniforms and faces.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
20 November 2023
•Added a system to manually select vehicle camo in mission editor vehicle spawner.
•Added some more vehicle camos.
•Added mission editor option to force short sleeve uniform variants.
•Added Type 92 MG bunker variant.
•Improved hitboxes of some static weapons.
•Fixes in some animations.
•Italian grenade now explodes on impact.
•Changes in PPSH41 recoil.
•Fixed overweight system not working corretcly anymore.
•Fixed bug where static guns were not damaging vehicles sometimes.
•Improvements in some sounds.
•Fixes in push the frontline gamemode.
•Improvements in vehicle syncronization in multiplayer.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
16 November 2023
•Added F1 Grenade in Stalingrad campaign.
•Added new anti-aliasing as dedicated setting.
•Added new Anisotropic texture as dedicated setting.
•Added new FidelityFX SS as dedicated setting.
•Changes in the way the player moves around to achieve a smoother experience.
•Improved Anti alieasing and Fidelity SS filter.
14 November 2023
•Added wet ground when it rains.
•Added some more new TPS animations.
•Fixed head clipping when ADS on TPS open-top turret.
•Fixed breath effect not working anymore after rig change.
•Improved turret rotation sound system.
•Improved the UI at higher screen resolution.
•Improved head movement system in TPS.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
6 November 2023
•Added new standing relaxed anims TPS.
•Added new no-weapon jump anim TPS.
•Added new melee anims TPS.
•Added new cover anims variants TPS.
•Added some new pistol animations TPS.
•Added new German helmets.
•Added turret and static guns rotating sound.
•Unit wheel selector now displays units armament type.
•AI doesn't aim when standing toward a wall.
•Improved pistom placment in TPS for new anims.
•Fixed custom patches/music/sounds when joining workshop missions online.
•Fixes in some uniforms and helmets.
•Fixes in some squads.
•Fixed a bug where modded props where not being cached correctly.
•Improved Gewehr 43 model.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
27 October 2023
•Added Enfield No1 MK2 revolver in 2 variants.
•Added new auto-short sleeve system*
•Added new vehicle drift sound and fx.
•Added early war german side cap.
•Added new AI cover animation reacting to suppression fire.
•New TPS Bazooka anims.
•Improvements in TPS controls.
•Big changes in Plane's physic.
•Improvements in Physic of Wheeled Vehicles and Tanks.
•Adjustments in shoulder patches.
•Improved uniform riggings.
•Small improvements in sound system.
•Small improvements in AI.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
13 October 2023
•Added new TPS bazooka reload anims.
•Added auto short sleeves system.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
11 October 2023
•Completly reworked TPS rigs. All the uniforms have been re-skinned to a much more quality and more optimized skeleton system.
•Started implementing new TPS animations (for the moment no-weapon locomotion and some rifle animations). More reworked TPS animations will come every week.
•Added new uniform modding system.
•Added setting to keep reading mouse input when binded input is a controller.
•It's now possible to keep aiming down sight in TPS when cycling bolt.
•Added new grass types in map editor.
•Uniforms can now have short sleeve or can integrate gloves.
•Uniforms can now have hood and/or cover the head.
•Updated Normandy map.
•Added more icons in server browser.
•Removed vignette suppression fx at easy difficulty.
•Added new sound fxs.
•Fixes in new pine trees.
•Fixes in DoF.
•Fixes in missions.
•Fixed switch faction button when there is no other faction.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
20 September 2023
•Added new feature to set a delay in mission respawns.
•Added ambient sound preset selection in Mission Editor (Other than the previous feature that allows to use a completly custom sound anyway).
•Added new sound effects for raining and snowing.
•Added new flower types.
•Improved ambient sound muffling when entering buildings.
•Improved environment sound fadings.
•Fixes in missions.
•Fixes with collisions in some props.
•Changes in snow shaders.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
15 September 2023
•Added new separate setting for voices volume.
•Improved FPS rig at low settings.
•Improved Units performance at high settings.
•Improved cursor interaction.
•Improved reload sounds of various weapons.
•Fixes in uniforms.
•Fixes in crosshairs.
•Fixes in battles.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
12 September 2023
•Added animations to ammo belt and ammo clips in Static MGs and vehicle's MGs.
•Added Early War German AT squad with WZ35.
•Added Stamina system for Realistic difficulty.
•It's now possible to add custom music and background sound effect in custom missions (Check Mission Editor Steam guide).
•Added mod support for custom crosshairs and color corrections.
•Fixes in Ponderosa Pine tree.
•Fixes in WZ35.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
5 September 2023
•Added WZ.35 AT rifle.
•New multigrass painting tool.
•Added 22 new grass mesh types for Map editor.
•Added new Sugar Pine tree.
•Added new Ponduras Pine tree.
•Added possibility to switch faction in SP missions (only if the mission was beat at least once)
•Added 2 new bridge props.
•Added new Canadian vest & radio gear.
•Upgraded tents and grass in Kos.
•Added new barracks in Roi-Namur.
•Fixes in loadouts for some squads.
•Fixed a bug with squad leader orders.
•Fixed bug with old tent model.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
31 August 2023
•Added Geman winter coats & Helmet (Available in Stalingrad missions & Mission Editor).
•Added M36 German uniform (Available in Stalingrad/Kos missions & Mission Editor).
•Added British RAF cap, helmet and squads (Available in Kos Airport mission & Mission Editor).
•Added static MG34s.
•Added early war SDKFZ 251.
•Completly reworked all Items and vehicles icons.
•Changed Latitude and Longitude input system in Mission Editor.
•Improved tank engine sounds.
•Fixes in DoF in Map & Mission Editor.
•Smaller fixes in animations.
•Smaller fixes in some props.
•Changed the way Mission Editor manages the props limit to allow having more props if really needed (Still props should be put in Maps and not Missions for performance reasons!).
•Fixed a bug that was forcing the player to leave a vehicle on phase change.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
18 August 2023
•Added new US and German tents props.
•Added new Japanese barracks.
•Added feature to export and import custom squads from custom mission into a file to reuse them in other custom missions.
•Improved pathfinding of wheeled vehicles and tanks.
•Improved Anzio map.
•Fixes in vehicles.
•Added M8 Scott to some battles.
•Improvements in some weapons.
•Fixed a bug when sometimes vehicles where spawning on top of some buildings.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
10 August 2023
•Added M8 Scott tank.
•Completely reworked FPS rig.
•Completely reworked the way the game keep tracks of units in the battlefield to attemp improve the performance by a lot, expecially on older machines.
•Fixes in some missions.
•Fixes with multiplayer syncronizations.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
30 July 2023
•Added Mauser C96 pistol (Variant with stock).
•Ammos now gets automatically reorganized in the inventory when needed.
•Fixed bug where custom squads were having unassigned clothing in the inventory.
•Fixed bug where sometimes rifles did not allow chambering ammos.
•Improved the way reloading works in general.
•Fixed bug with unpacking magazines.
•Item's weight of stackable items and magazine is now dynamical and depends on the stack count.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
23 July 2023
•Released Modding support (more info below)
•Added Mauser C96 pistol.
•Fixes in Bren Carrier.
•Fixes in tank tracks.
•Fixes in reload sounds.
•Fixes in loading screen.
•Fixes in vehicle's muzzle fx.
•Fixes in M1911 colt anims.
•Fixes in some missions.
•Fixes in uniform shaders.
•Fixes in DoF.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
7 July 2023
•Fixed a bug that was making Direct X crashing for many RTX cards users and some GTX cards users.
•Improved aiming down sight and animations for some weapons.
•Changed the way decals are managed in memory to improve memory management and performance.
•Changed the way blood & burns effect happens on uniform improve memory management and performance.
•Changed the way scopes and animations on vehicles are loaded in memory to improve memory management and performance.
•Other memory management and performance improvements.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
3 July 2023
•New medical animations.
•New Colt m1911 animations.
•New M1 Bazooka animations.
•New M2 Flamethrower animations.
•New Browning m1919 animations.
•Added US MG Squads in Anzio campaign.
•Heavily changed bullet system + added new ammo types.
•Improved the way weapons manage chambered bullets.
•Improvements in battle and achievements balancment.
•Improved transition between animations (FPS).
•Adjustments in animations (FPS).
•Fixes in Map & Mission editor.
•Improvements with bipod system.
•Fixed a bug where magazine was invisible sometimes when switching to another unit in the squad.
•Fixes with some weapon aim alignment.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
23 June 2023
•Complete redesign of US Marines uniform.
•Added a system to import mods. (Modding SDK to create and publish mods will be out soon)
•Big memory optimizations.
•New "Map props caching" system setting. This might improve performance in some devices.
•Improved auto map/mission download system from workshop.
•Fixes and adjustements in missions.
•Fixes and adjustements in weapons.
•It's now possible to play MP battles with max AI count.
•Fixes with some map editor bugs.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
19 June 2023
•New Type97 AT Rifle animations.
•Improved memory management.
•Improved map & missions auto download on MP.
•Fixed burns shader.
•Improvements in bullet damage balancing.
•Fixed map rotation in Kos & Stalingrad.
•Fixed balancing in Sword misison and other ones.
•Improvements in translations.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
15 June 2023
•New Pzb39 animations.
•New Boys AT rifle animations.
•Added new fog tag soldiers.
•Added autokick team killers feature in multiplayer.
•Fixed a bug where you couldn't ram on soldiers with vehicles anymore.
•Improvements in some sounds.
•Fixes in missions.
•Fixes in props.
•Improved Normandy map.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
12 June 2023
•It's now possible to liberate surrendered allies in singleplayer.
•New british berret variants.
•Added possibility to customize crosshair: Just drop a 512x512 png image called "crosshair" in the folder "C:\Users\corvo\ AppData\LocalLow\ <YOURUSER> \Easy Red 2\mods\sprites".
•Improved performance of the AIs.
•Improved performance and memory usage of Map Editor.
•Fixed colors of tracer rounds.
•Fixes in squads and missions.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
09 June 2023
•New PTRD-41 animations.
•New Canadian intro voice in Normandy.
•Changed AI visibility trough some vegetation.
•Improved Normandy map.
•Improved Normandy missions.
•Changes in dog tags.
•Changed the way soldiers displays their age.
•Improved plane engine sound system.
•Fixed broken carry icon.
•Fixed black square in mission editor when using Vulkan API.
•Smaller fixes in mission menu.
•Improvements in some translations.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
05 June 2023
•New Type 100 animations.
•New Smith & Wesson ANimations (+ short variant).
•New MG34 animations.
•New Type 99 animations.
•Finalized Normandy DLC.
•Fixes in various weapons.
•Improved loading selection for shooting range.
•Fixes in Map & Mission Editor.
•Fixes with Vulkan API.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
28 May 2023
•New Mosin animations.
•More content for upcoming Normandy DLC.
•Performance fixes (In case you have performance issues, try using Vulkan API on game launch).
•Smaller fixes.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
24 May 2023
•Added Walter P38.
•New STG44 animations.
•New PIAT animations.
•New Sten MKV animations.
•New Sten MKII animations.
•New SVT-40 animations.
•New Panzershreck animations.
•New Type99 LMG animations.
•Added new hedgerow props.
•Added new tree prop.
•Improved Kar98 model.
•Improved spatial blend for sounds.
•Improved some sound clips.
•Improved game time display system.
•Improved bullet decals for tanks.
•Improved mission selection menu.
•Small improvements in recoil.
•Fixes with custom patches in MP battles.
•Fixes in old hedgerows.
•Improved DLC mission view when DLC is not owned.
•Updated game engine.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
10 May 2023
•Reworked Springfield animations.
•It's now possible to interrupt single bullet reload animations.
•Added new Cypress 02 prop.
•Added new Ash Tree prop.
•Fixes with tracers.
•Fixes in Soviet assault squad.
•Reworked Kar98.
•Fixes with patches in editor missions.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
7 May 2023
•Reworked Winchester M12 animations.
•Reworked tracers (they also now have historically accurate colors).
•Added a new system to add/remove phases between other phases in Mission Editor (right click on phase index)
•Added new graphic settings.
•Various changes in sounds
•Fixed bug with bolt action rifles.
•Fixed patches not working in Multiplayer.
•Fixed a bug in the first tutorial mission.
•Fixed soviet assault squad MG gunner.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
1 May 2023
•Reworked Carcano 91 Anims.
•Reworked the way terrain outside works to ensure better performance, less memory usage, less loading artifacts and now terrain external also has collisions.
•Added setting to disable cartdrige extraction effect on bots for better performance.
•Changed the way FPS reload works when attaching a magazine to a weapon with no magazine installed.
•Fixed M44 uniform in first person.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
26 April 2023
•Reworked PPSh41 animations.
•Added MG42 ammo belt reload animation.
•Reworked Sun Shaft and Depth of Field effects to looks better, have better performance and causing less visual glihces.
•Big changes in the way terrain textures are loaded into memory to cause less memory overflow issues.
•Mac OSx release.
•Added Canadian uniform.
•Changes in dog tags.
•Improved Garand, M3 Grease Gun and M1911 textures.
•Fixed IL2 missing back MG.
•Improvements in sounds.
•Fixed Gasitel bug TPS.
•Small fixes in BAR.
•Fixes in polish uniforms.
•Fixed US grenade model.
•Fixes uniform patch and ranks not rendering correctly some times.
•Improved units loading time.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
20 April 2023
•Added MP28.
•New Lanchester animations.
•New Kar98 animations.
•New aircraft far sounds.
•New vehicle engine sounds.
•New Road Town props for Map Editor.
•New custom patches system.
•Reworked M1 Garand.
•Reworked M3 Grease gun.
•Reworked MG42.
•Improvements in sounds.
•Small fixes in BAR.
•Fixed a few bugs caused by unit switch system.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
12 April 2023
•Added Bison and M3 Ambulance Halftrack.
•Added LCVP with MGs.
•Added German Aircraft Searchlight.
•Reworked MG42 animations. It will currently use drum magazine but later on we will also add ammo belt compatibility with new animations.
•Added barrell change feature when gun is overheated (Portable MG42 only for the moment).
•Added division patches for US and British units.
•Added Air Raid Siren prop (With sound feature).
•Added Checkpoint barrier prop (can be interacted).
•Added Guardpost prop.
•Added destroyed C47 prop.
•Added Soviet m35 uniform (Stalingrad DLC)
•Improved static Browning 1919 model.
•Improved M2 Browning model on some vehicles.
•Fixed Horch wheels.
•Fixed smoke grenade not working some times.
•Fixed blood on uniform not working anymore.
•Improved camera on vehicles.
•Fixes on F4F and P38 planes.
•Fixed bug with custom squad names.
•Improved Chinese and Japanese game translations.
•Fixed DP28 rotating magazine.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
1 April 2023
•Reworked animations for Nambu Type 14.
•Reworked animations for M1 Carbine (Late & Early variants).
•Reworked animations for M1A1 Carbine.
•Added M36 Jackson tank.
•Added F4F Wildcat.
•Added Horch civilian car.
•Reworked camera, recoil and ADS systems.
•Hitmarker & Crosshair were hevaily reworked.
•Added Weeping WIllow tree.
•Added map locations.
•Fixed bug with smoke grenades not working sometimes.
•Small fixes in vehicles.
•Fixes in Mission Editor.
•Improvements in sounds.
•Several other smaller changes and fixes suggested on the Discord server[discord.com].
17 March 2023
•Reworked Gewerhr 43 animations.
•Reworked Gewehr 41 animations.
•Reworked Flemmenwerfer 35 animations.
•Reworked Breda animations.
•Reworked Beretta M34 animations.
•Reworked TT33 animations.
•Added various new trench props.
•Added a new smoke prop.
•Added destructibility to various sign and trenches props.
•Fixed sun direction.
•Fixed Thompson animations.
•Fixed various sounds
•Reworked rocks.
•Reworked bunkers.
•Improved BAR animations.
•Added possibility to melee downed units.
•Various other smaller fixes.
9 March 2023
•New DP-28 animations.
•Added new Map Editor props.
•Changes in sounds.
•Fixes in MAB38.
•Fixes in reload animation when inventory is open.
•Fixes in inventory descriptions.
•Fixed bug with UI flickering when disabled from pause settings.
•Fixed hold breath in static MGs not working sometimes.
1 March 2023
•Reworked M1A1 Thompson and M1928 Thompson animations.
•Added M1928A1 Thompson variant.
•Added C-47 prop for map editor.
•Changes in sounds.
•BT7 is now faster.
•Other smaller changes and fixes in vehicles.
•other smaller fixes from feedbacks and suggestions.
25 February 2023
•Reworked animations for MAB38.
•Reworked animations for Panzerfaust.
•Added new variants of static MG42.
•Added new variants of static Browning 30cal.
•Added new rall sandbags props.
•Fixes in various animations.
•Fixes in some props.
•other smaller fixes from feedbacks and suggestions.
17 February 2023
•Reworked animations for M3 Grease Gun.
•Added setting to keep Hitmarker enabled when GUI is disabled.
•Fully reworked hitmarker.
•Fixes and changes in tank UI.
•Fixed camera clip issues with some of the new animations.
•Fixed various multiplayer bugs.
•Fixed sounds of some vehicles.
•Fixes Enfield stripper clip model.
•Other smaller fixes in some weapons.
15 February 2023
•Added Owen Gun.
•Added new BAR 1918 variant.
•Reworked animations for Colt m1911.
•Reworked animations for BAR.
•Reworked animations for Enfield (both variants).
•Reworked animations for MP40.
•Added some new Map Editor props.
•Fully reworked pause settings to load faster and to be more user friendly.
•Fixes in heightmap import in Map Editor.
•Fixed wrong tetxures in some items and vehicles.
•Fixed Japanese mortar nomenclature.
•Fixed occasional bugs with skin color.
•Fixed a bug where sometimes player's weapon stopped shooting.
04 February 2023
•Reworked FG42 animations.
•Reworked Garand animations.
•Reworked Bren animations.
•Reworked Arisaka animations.
•Reworked Luger animations.
•Reworked orders and throw animations (only for weapons with reworked animations).
•Map Editor management reworked; Maps created/edited from this version will load much faster in Campaign menu. (We suggest to edit and reupload your maps to the workshop to improve their performance for the players).
•Added prop density details in Map Editor.
•Added Grass Density increase option in Map Editor (Big maps only).
•Added a few Map & Mission Editor props.
•Fixed spanish chat not working.
•Updated Roi-Namur map.
•Player board has been moved to minimap menu.
•Fixed Decals scaling in Map & Mission Editor.
•Fixed soviet ranks.
•Fully reworked destruction system to have much better performance online and to allow more complex destructibility in future.
•Many other fixes from Feedbacks gathered on the Discord server.
11 January 2023
•Complete rework of mini map (M). Now map is much more detailed, more usefull, and easier to use.
•Many icons and symbols have been reworked.
•Various other smaller fixes from Feedbacks and Suggestions on Discord.
06 January 2023
•Completed Shader Reworks. You should be able to get much better performance on old hardware.
•Added Traditional Chinese language.
•Added new rank patch system on uniforms.
•Added new battery stand prop in Map Editor.
It's now possible to have up to 20 Players in the same faction when playing PvE.
•Improved collisions in trenches and tunnels.
•Fixes in inventory when using a controller.
•Increased injured time.
•Various other fixes from feedbacks reported on Discord.
27 December 2022
•(Almost) complete shader rework achieving:
-Better performance
-Fixes of various shader glitches with DepthPass.
-Sharper looking textures.
-Better terrain effect at distance.
-More consistent snow and terrain blending effects.
•Added customizable distance LOD texture for terrain in Map Editor.
•Changed the way the game manages localization files.
•Fixes in mission editor.
•Fixes in Stalingrad water.
•Fixed bug when interacting with injured soldiers when using gamepad.
•Various other smaller fixes.
15 December 2022
•Added bullet hole effect in small firearms.
•New bullet impact effects.
•New fire muzzle effects.
•Many progresses on Normandy campaign.
•New apple tree and oak tree models.
•New Hedgerow model.
•Improvements on explosion damages.
•Improved animations in mortars.
•Improved Infantry AI behaviour against tanks.
•Improvements on airborne cargo planes.
•Improved sound effects.
•Improved parachutes.
•Fixes in flamethrowers.
•Changes in some dog tags.
6 December 2022
•Added US HBT uniform.
•Added C-47 and Ju-52 Airborne Cargo planes (Some animations still to be done)
•Changes in some props.
27 November 2022
•It's now possible to create custom palettes of grass details in Editor Maps.
•Added more classes to Mission Editor.
•Some fixes from feedbacks.
23 November 2022
•More improvements in visual.
•More improvements in sounds.
•Fixed Stalingrad campaign.
•Improvements in some textures.
17 November 2022
•Improved visual in general.
•Reworked procedural skybox.
•New Rain & Snow effects.
•Fixed Montecassino battle.
•Improvements in lighting.
•Improvements in fog.
13 November 2022
•Added "switch squad member" function on gamepads (holding pause button).
•Added new US uniforms and reworked old ones (They are now more accurate).
•Added new sound FXs.
•Improved Stalingrad map and missions.
•Improved Roi-Namur map and missions.
•Improvements in Gamepad controls.
•Improvements in sounds.
•Fixes in lamps.
•Some performance improvements.
•Some improvemens in localization.
•Various other fixes from feedbacks and suggestions.
3 November 2022
•Big reworks in campaigns menu.
•Added various new sound fxs.
•Added open LST as editor prop.
•Improved "on fire screams".
•Improved Roi-Namur campaign.
•Improved on fire screams.
•Improved main menu loadings.
•Improved resolution slider and better upscaling algorithms.
24 October 2022
•Added Roi-Namur campaign.
•Kwajalein map & mission reworked.
•Added Type 4 Ke-Nu tank.
•Added Type 92 100mm Gun.
•Added Type 94 truck.
•Added new voicelines.
•New palm props.
•New crater props.
•Few more new props.
•New M5 stuart camo & various changes in vehicle textures.
•Improved Kar98 & Arisaka rifle models.
•Improvement in recoil in static MGs.
•Improvements in many sounds.
•Changes in weapon damages.
•Improvements in translations.
•Fixes in various missions.
•Fixes in achievements.
•Fixes in Stalingrad map.
•Fixes in various vehicles.
•Fixes in parachuting and bail-out.
•Big improvements in memory management.
•Improvements in various props and textures.
•Various other fixes from feedbacks and suggestions.
06 October 2022
•Added parachuting (For the moment working just for bail out from damaged planes, soon available along with C-47 and JU-52 cargo planes for Airborne missions.
•Many new props (new huts, shacks and palms) for Kwajalein and upcoming Roi-Namur free campaign.
•Added japanese camo uniform and japanese MG gear.
•Added V-Sync as separate option.
•New sounds FXs.
•Huge changes in memory management leading to better performance, less stuttering, smoother loadings and less RAM usage.
•Kwajalein partial rework.
•Various other fixes from Discord feedback channel.
•Improvements in Stalingrad map.
19 September 2022
•Added terrain texture preview in Map Editor.
•Added black sand texture in map Editor.
•Added flag props for Map Editor.
•Added more debug settings.
•New Depth of Field and Sun Shaft post processing effects.
•Now Crosshair and Hitmarker automatically disable when GUI is disabled.
•Fixed some bugs with dog tags.
•Reworked some step sounds.
•Fixed a bug with settings loading at startup.
•Changed some shaders in Japanese trenches and gun emplacement.
•Fixes in controllers.
•Fixes in main font.
•Various fixes in map editor.
•Improvements in Stalingrad map.
•Big performance improvements when playing Stalingrad DLC in multiplayer.
•Stalingrad missions got some rebalancing.
•Other smaller changes from 📢feedback and 💡suggestions on Discord.
09 September 2022
•Added new rubbles prop.
•Added Soviet Body Armour (Stalingrad DLC).
•Added Soviet NKVD uniform (Stalingrad DLC).
•Added Soviet Radio Gear (Stalingrad DLC).
•Added new map props (Stalingrad DLC).
•Fixes in collisions.
•Fixed a bug that was causing destructible objects to duplicate.
•Changed sandbags destructibility system.
•Improvements in various textures.
•Fixes in various Stalingrad DLC missions.
•Fixes in various Stalingrad DLC weapons.
•Other smaller fixes.
31 August 2022
•Added Soviet Tracktor vehicle (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Improved US Marine helmets.
•Improved vehicle collisions with destructible objects.
•Improved player's collisions.
•Improved Japanese translations.
•Other smaller fixes and suggestions from Discord server.
•Improved Stalingrad Missions (Stalingrad DLC testers).
28 August 2022
•Added Panzer IV E.
•Added dog tags in Kos.
•Added some new props for Map Editor.
•Added Japanese language.
•Added Univermag (destruction still to be made)
•Stalingrad now has 8 missions.
•New soviet MG gear kit and new soviet headgears variations.
•Many new soviet headgears and clothings.
•Improved player collisions with environment.
•It's now possible to use bandages with the shortcut key from within a vehicle.
•Changes in explosive damages.
•Many other smaller fixes and changes.
•Katyusha now can respond to radio artillery requests.
•Small fixes in Stalinkas.
•Performance improvements in Stalingrad Mission 1.
•More work on Stalingrad Map in general.
22 August 2022
•Fixes in Oak tree.
•Fixes in Japanese uniform.
•Fixes in Multiplayer server join.
•Fixes in Stalinkas.
19 August 2022
•New british voicelines + removed some old and low quality voices.
•Auto vault when sprinting.
•New Tank Repair zone model + despawn bug fix.
•More areas added to Stalingrad map. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Colder Stalingrad lights. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Added soviet tank scope sight. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Added previews of Mission 2 and 3. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Added many more buildings and props. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
•Improved Map Building & Prop spawn and collision system.
•Improved Tank AI pathfinding on hills.
•Improved Tank AI to prevent it from getting stuck.
•Improved AI behaviour on opening doors and windows.
•Improved smoke emission from destroyed buildings.
•Faster loading in main menu.
•Improved French translations.
•Fixed weird behaviour in jumping.
•Improved explosion system and explosion simulation.
•Improved sounds in some weapons.
•Other smaller changes from 📢feedback and 💡suggestions on Discord.
•Fixes in Stalingrad mission 1. [Stalingrad DLC Testers]
09 August 2022
•Added MG34.
•Added Gewehr 41.
•Added Panzerbüchse 39 AT rifle.
•Added Early War M1 Carbine.
•Added M1A1 Paratrooper Carbine.
•Added various props (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Added soviet Amoeba uniform (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Big performance improvements.
•Improved TPS animations for Bazooka and Panzerfaust.
•Improved DP27 reload animations (Stalingrad DLC testers)
•Improved debris texture.
•Fixes in inventory names.
•Various other changes and fixes from 📢feedback Discord channel.
01 August 2022
•Added Canada as faction.
•Added separate batalion for Afrikan American troops (Toward the appennines mission).
•Added 2 new Polish voice actings.
•Added sawed-off Mosin Nagant (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Added river dock props, gas tank prop and Red October cimney (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Fixed multiplayer crash bug.
•Big changes in AI and its performance.
•Fixes in uniforms.
•Fixes in road decals.
•Improvements in some helmets.
•Improved sounds.
•Improved paint tools for Map Editor.
•Changes in tanks armor.
•Various other changes and fixes from 📢feedback Discord channel.
19 July 2022
•Added british Willys jeep.
•Added wooden docks props.
•New Australian voice acting.
•Added various soviet props (Stalingrad DLC testers)
•Added russian steamboat (transport boat - Stalingrad DLC testers)
•New sound effects.
•Some fixes in uniforms.
•Various other fixes from 📢feedback Discord channel.
06 July 2022
•New terrain rendering system; Terrains can now be infinite, even in map editor. This new system should also improve performance.
•New sound effects.
•Improved names in uniforms.
•Fixes in inventory translations.
•Improved sounds in some weapons.
•Fixes in plane AIs.
•Improvements in terrain snow.
•Various other fixes from 📢feedback Discord channel.
30 June 2022
•New road decals.
•New bricks wall prop.
•Added bullet whizz sound.
•Some other new sounds.
•New soviet props (Stalingrad DLC testers only).
•Added PTRD-41 AT rifle (Stalingrad DLC testers only).
•Fixed cutted off fire sound when reloading weapon sometimes.
•Fixed AI not always jumping immediatly off LCVPs.
•Fixes in localizations.
•Fixed balancing in Kos misisons.
•Various other fixes from 📢feedback Discord channel.
24 June 2022
•New fence model.
•New trench side model.
•Added CTRL+C and CTRL+V in Map Editor.
•Added 4 new soviet buildings (Stalingrad DLC testers only).
•It's now possible to set position, rotation and scale values by hand in Map Editor.
•Various other fixes and improvements in Map Editor.
•Fixes in weapons historical accuracy.
•Fixed URSS anthem (Stalingrad DLC testers only).
•Various other fixes from 📢feedback Discord channel.
18 June 2022
•Added Sten MKV.
•Added Horsa glider (vehicle & prop).
•Added Russian smg gear.
•Added 2 new chair props and 2 new table props for map editor and mission editor.
•Added Stalingrad railway station (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Added a new system to set destruction on map editor destructible props.
•Added position/rotation/scale input field in Map Editor.
•Intense weapon sway is now back for Realistic difficulty.
•Fixed mud road 3.
•Improvements in shaders performance.
•Fixed bugs for some editor maps.
•Various other changes and fixes in Map editor.
•Various other fixes from 📢feedback Discord channel.
11 June 2022
•New logo.
•Added new German & new American voice over.
•Improved SSAO.
•HD Grass now displaces for nearby soldiers as well.
•Fixed radio gear models.
•Fixes in Anzio Hotel 2.
•Improvements in some reload sounds.
•Changes in suppression sway.
•Changes in small explosive caliber FXs.
•Improved Japanese helmet.
•Improved Olive tree.
•Improved collisions between soldiers and tanks.
•Improvements in trees shader & more performant vegetation.
•Improved TPS camera recoil.
•Various other fixes from 📢feedback Discord channel.
5 June 2022
•Added SSAO as optional graphic setting
•Fixed Anzio Hotel 2 bug.
•Improved vegetation in Kwajalein
•Improved Depth of Field.
•Fixed sound bug in Flamethrower.
•Improved many weapon reload sounds.
3 June 2022
•Added turret explosion feature in most vehicles.
•Added new Italian Hotel building.
•Added new Italian Palace buildings.
•New Maple tree, phoenix palm tree, Laurel bush, and others.
•Added Static gun / vehicle gun reload sound.
•New japan infantry hat.
•Added translation in battle names, batalion names and more.
•Added new field texture.
•Added new Stalingrad Building (Stalingrad DLC testers only).
•Updated game engine to a newer version.
•Changes into rendering system.
•Improved grass & added more terrain details.
•Improved map making system for multiple collaborators.
•Improved performance in some aspects.
•Improvements in connection and MP.
•New Blur effect for menus.
•New injured effect.
•Improved lens flares.
•Fixed bug in mortar / static gun reload animation.
•Better color correction.
•Fixed bug where weapon spin was not working sometimes.
•Improved german SS uniforms.
•Changes in hitmarker.
•Fixed flamethrower.
•Fixed a bug where sometimes soldiers were not correctly placed in vehicle seats.
•Improved Russian uniforms (Stalingrad DLC testers only).
•Many other fixes and small changes from 📢feedbacks received on Discord and on Steam discussions.
10 May 2022
•Reworked Montecassino & added 19 modular abbey props.
•Added new Italian rural house.
•Reworked Torre San Lorenzo.
•Added Italian barn model (4 variations).
•Added new Thompson M1 model, animations & sounds.
•Added 20 round magazine for Thompson M1 (and fixed 30 round magazine).
•Added new Oak tree model.
•Added explosion decals on terrain.
•Added Australian uniform & faction.
•Added Australian Infantry to Cassino City mission.
•Added new reversed Y rail prop.
•Added prop for John Forst Bridge.
•Added new italian church with side buildings and multiple texture variation.
•Added Polish localization.
•Added new British voice acting.
•Added new road decals.
•Added new Cassino main square.
•Added new metal fences props.
•Many new sound changes.
•Improved lighting & colors.
•Fixed PPSH41 size.
•Fixed missing airport refill zone in 'Kos Airport' mission.
•Improved terrain shader.
•Improvements in AI.
•Weapons doesn't stop bullets anymore.
•Improved Pilotka 3d model.
•Increased explosion radius in realistic settings.
•Num keys to rotate scale and lift Mission/Map Editor props have been reinroduced.
•Various other fixes.
26 April 2022
•Added A6M3 Type 0 Model 32 and Spitfire mk2b aircafrts.
•Added sounds for tank threads.
•Added headshot sound.
•Added tree paint tool for Map Editor.
•Added new prop placing tool for Map & Mission Editor.
•Added many new textures for Map Editor.
•Added new soundtracks for Stalingrad DLC.
•Added terrain blending shader for some props.
•Improved terrain shader.
•Improved recoil & gunplay.
•Improved German translations.
•Resolved occasional stuttering when reloading weapons.
•Added animations and sounds for more Russian weapons (Stalingrad DLC only).
•Other smaller changes and fixes.
27 April 2022
•Improved trees rendering.
26 April 2022
•Added A6M3 Type 0 Model 32 and Spitfire mk2b aircafrts.
•Added sounds for tank threads.
•Added headshot sound.
•Added tree paint tool for Map Editor.
•Added new prop placing tool for Map & Mission Editor.
•Added many new textures for Map Editor.
•Added new soundtracks for Stalingrad DLC.
•Added terrain blending shader for some props.
•Improved terrain shader.
•Improved recoil & gunplay.
•Improved German translations.
•Resolved occasional stuttering when reloading weapons.
•Added animations and sounds for more Russian weapons (Stalingrad DLC only).
•Other smaller changes and fixes.
21 April 2022
•Many new sounds effects (trees falling, new grenade launch sound, rubble sounds, new sounds in some weapons).
•Added voiceover for USSR. (Stalingrad DLC testers)
•Added squads for USSR. (Stalingrad DLC testers)
•Added animations for PPSH41. (Stalingrad DLC testers, still WIP)
•Improved mouse sensitivity when aiming down sight.
•Improved controller analog sensitivity.
•Improved setting panel in pause settings.
•Fixed radio bug when 2 human are playing as squad leader & radioman.
•Reworked Stone Pine.
•Other smaller changes and fixes.
12 April 2022
•Added new Stone Pine tree.
•Added new Anzio hotel.
•Added tank holes (Make sure to enable them in graphic settings)
•Added automatic multiplayer authentication using Steam account.
•Improved performance on Decals.
•Official server is now always active.
•Fixed placement of some buildings and props.
•Fixed a bug where editor missions were duplicated.
•Fixed a wrong squad order when spawning inside some vehicles.
•Many other fixes.
02 April 2022
•Added screen shaking effect intensity settings.
•Added official MP server.
•Changes in many sounds.
•Fixes in enter/exit vehicle animations.
•Added tutorial warning in main menu.
29 March 2022
•Reworked Anzio map (pt.1)
•Added 50+ new props and buildings.
•New cypress model.
•Added new animations for entering/exiting planes and trucks (as passengers).
•Big perormance improvements.
•Fixes for multiplayer.
•Changes in destructible objects.
•Fixes in many missions.
•Fixes in doors & windows.
•Many other smaller changes and fixes.
23 March 2022
•Added jump in/jump out animation for half-tracks and trucks (more coming soon)
•Added personalizable texture sets for Map Editor.
•Fixes in luger aim alignment and magazine capacity.
•Fixed a bug in latest added US voice acting.
•Player doesn't autoreload anymore when switching to a different squad member.
•Improved blood pools and screen blood effect.
•Improved errors info for Workshop upload.
11 March 2022
•Added a new American voice acting.
•Added new Pine trees.
•Changes in gamepad controls.
•Trees are now influenced by snow.
•Improved performance when there is a lot of smoke.
•Changes in german names.
•Fixed an error preventing to see all workshop missions when subscribed to many of them.
•Fixed Flak38 aim sight alignment.
•AAs and other kind of turrets now tries to predic trajectory to adjust fire while targeting moving vehicles.
•Changes in networking system.
•Changes in pause menu and some icons.
•Improved Leaning in TPS.
•Many other smaller changes and fixes.
5 March 2022
•Added new polish voice acting.
•Fixed bug in AI when multiple objective to capture are available.
•Fixed inventory weight system.
•Improvements in sound FXs (Mostly distant gun fire sounds)
•Improved Chinese translations.
•Many other smaller fixes.
24 February 2022
•Fully reworked TPS camera for soldiers.
•Added sound FXs volume slider.
•Added Maxim MG, Quad Maxim AA MG, Zis-5 Truck (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Improvements in some sounds.
•Fixed a bug where rifles are missing magazine when switching to a different squad member.
•Improved camera shaking effect.
•Some other smaller fixes.
21 February 2022
•Added selectable fire rate in BAR.
•Added more FPS run animations (ppistol, german, japanese).
•Added a button to force download subscribed workshop items without restarting the game.
•Is now possible to change the map tied to a mission (Usefull for fixing problems on mission).
•Added Su-76, BT-7, BA-10 and Soviet M3 Halftrack. (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Fixed weird animations when switching squad member.
•Battle Tickets now depends on selected AI amount as well.
•Mouser ammo now displays 7.92 instead of 7.62.
•Improvements in sound design (Flame, smoke grenades, movements, mortar falling, grenades impacts, radio).
•Improved voice chat volume.
•Changes in blood.
•Fixed Terrain Holes bug in Map Editor.
•Added Vulkan support for Linux and Windows.
•Fixed T34 (Stalingrad DLC testers).
•Other fixes
11 February 2022
•Added arms dismembrement in gore system.
•Added new quick inventory actions (Hold I)
•Added new US voice acting.
•Added new blood splattern effect on camera.
•Added a setting to change AIM sensitivity.
•Added flying plane in Shooting Range.
•Improved memory managment to use less RAM.
•Fixed "great dying" bug.
•Improved multiplayer connection quality.
•Fixed plane movements in multiplayer.
•Fixed a bug where multiple AIs were using the same cover.
•Fixes in translations.
•Added Panzerfaust to Italian SS units.
•Fixes in hitmarkers.
•Changes in 3rd Anzio mission.
•Changes in planes and aircraft refill zones.
4 February 2022
•Added BF-109.
•Added 2 new british voice actings.
•New Italian Mod36 grenade.
•Added more graphic settings options.
•New optics for planes.
•Added new battle-map visualization (M).
•Changes in running.
•Improved fog fading.
•Various fixes in weapons.
•Fixed a bug with invisible walls.
•Fixed injured soldiers not carriable sometimes.
27 January 2022
•Reworked many sounds (Sound rework is not complete yet)
•Player is now invincible for a few seconds after respawning.
•Added tank commander periscope 3D models.
•Fixes in collisions.
•Added new ammo types.
•Many bug fixes.
22 January 2022
•Added QF-6 Pounder AT gun.
•Added PIAT Rocket Launcher.
•Added separate settings to invert Y axis on tanks and planes.
•New sounds for flamethrowers, weapons reload & more.
•Improved collisions for vehicles.
•Many other smaller improvements.
18 January 2022
•New sounds for interactions and some weapons fire/reload.
•New US voices.
•Improved FPS controls to make them less clunky.
•AI Now moves slower and more carefully.
•Fixed remove grass tool for Map Editor.
•Improved explosion push force applied to RagDolls.
•Improved penetration feedback.
•AI Now uses trees as covers.
•Panzerfaust max penetration is now 200mm
•Removed hand damage animation in Easy difficulty.
•Improved scroll view for respawns in custom missions with many spawns.
•It's now possible to move while using orders if playing with Keyboard.
•Selection menus in Map&Mission Editor now list objects in alphabetical order.
14 January 2022
•New USMC marine uniforms.
•Added Fiat 626 truck.
•Added Jeep Willys with MG mount.
•Is now possible to switch squad member anytime holding Y (rebindable)
•Added higher max AI count for singleplayer.
•Added new buildings and props for Kos.
•Added visibility settings in Map Editor.
•Fixed M3 Half-Truck's MG.
•Improvements in AI movements.
•Improved vehicle's AI pathfinding.
•Improved Plane's AI fight behaviour.
•Fixed extracted bullet caliber in firing animation.
•Reoworked sounds in some weapons (many more coming soon)
•Improved castle props collisions.
•Fixed Aircraft refill zone indicator in Mission Editor.
•Better reload animation for static MGs.
•Improved Quadmount collisions.
•Other smaller fixes.
10 January 2022
•Chat messages now doesn't get deleted after 7 seconds anymore.
•Added button to force mission end for multiplayer Host.
•Fixed a bug when multiplayer Host leave the game at the end of a battle.
•Push the Frontline mode now has limited amount of captures.
•It's now possible to move the camera far away from the terrain from Map & Mission Editor.
•Changed main font.
09 January 2022
•Improved clothing camo and protection description.
•Fixed problems getting One day Survival achievement.
•You cannot run and hold breath while bleeding anymore.
•Fixed Squad tutorial mission.
•Improvements in animations.
•Adjusted grenade throw direction.
•Fixed GUI for widescreens.
•Other smaller changes.
06 January 2022
•Fixed quick match auto join.
•Fixes in uniforms and faces.
•Fixes in animations.
•Fixes in gamepad controls.
•Fixes in mission editor and map editor.
•Fixes in multiplayer.
•Fixes in vaulting.
•Various other bug fixes.
02 January 2022
•Graphic improvements.
•Bug fixes.
31 December 2021
•Reworked faces, hands and some uniforms.
•Changes in crosshair.
•Changes in some animations.
•Bug fixes.
28 December 2021
•Fixed end battle camera.
•Changes in penetration feedback system.
•Fixes in Anzio street collisions.
•A few other fixes.
27 December 2021
•Added trading cards.
•Added falling mortar shell sound.
•Improved AI.
•Fixes in translations.
•Fixes in some battles.
•Changes in penetration feedback.
•A few other fixes.
24 December 2021
•Added death by fire animation.
•Added hold R to choose what magazine to reload.
•Added italian medic helmet.
•Big performance improvements.
•Resolution can now be set up to 2x.
•Fixes in US mortar.
•Fixes in planes.
•Fixes in many animations.
•Fixes in rocks.
•Fixed inventory interaction distance.
•Fixes in AI taking cover.
•A few other fixes.
18 December 2021
•Added squad command animation in FPS.
•Added FPS chambering animations.
•Added achievement for completing all campaigns.
•Fixes in many FPS animations.
•Improvements in scopes.
•Improvements in vehicle's AI.
•Improvements in pathfinding in Kos.
•A few other fixes.
16 December 2021
•Reworked Thompson 1928.
•Reworked European Trenches model.
•Reworked mortar controls.
•Fixed a bug preventing AIs from escaping a destroyed half-track.
•Improved multiplayer loading animation.
•Various other fixes.
15 December 2021
•Added automatic map/mission download when joining multiplayer mission on WorkShop map/mission.
•Added animations for plane driver and improved animations for mortars.
•Fixed a bug that was preventing editor mission from displaying battle intro.
•Now droppable ammo box can be dropped holding G.
•Improved mine's collision detection.
•Improved LODs.
•STG44 doesn't appear in Kos campain anymore.
•Various other fixes.
12 December 2021
•Added Sdkfz 251 'Hanomag'.
•Added M8 Grayhound.
•Added M12 Gun Motor Carriage.
•Added M3 Half-Track and AA variant.
•Added Daimler MKII.
•Added Type 93 Armoured Car.
•Added Type 95 Scout Car.
•Added Japanese mortar.
•Added 2 Japanese 'auto-transport' boats.
•Added new greek church model.
•Improved blood fxs.
•Improved vehicle driving system.
•Improved vehicle's AI.
•US Marine medics changed to 'Corpsman'.
•Other smaller fixes.
7 December 2021
•Added heightmap import tool in Map Editor.
•Added bayonets and attachments to some weapons.
•Added US and Japanese Aircraft Carriers.
•Added Realtime Reflections option.
•Added japanese netted helmet.
•Improved campaign display.
•Now leaning in TPS switch camera's side.
•Improved SMG reload sounds.
•Added setting to disable blood.
•Now AI install bayonets automatically when receving a charge attack.
•Fixed bug in Squad Editor.
•Improved terrain grass deletion tool in Map Editor.
•Various other fixes.
5 December 2021
•Added new Map Editor.
•Many changes in lighting, day night cycle and post processing.
•Added dynamic Depth of Field when aiming.
•Vehicles can now be set as locked from Mission Editor.
•Improvements in wheeled vehicles.
•Improvements in trees.
•Improvements in weapons.
•Improvements on HE projectiles and explosions.
•Many other fixes and small addition.
25 November 2021
•Added Squad Editor in Mission Editor.
•Added Lee Enfield MK1 No4.
•Added blood splash decals.
•Added quick match button for Multiplayer.
•Droppable ammo box now can be used only 3 times.
•Various fixes.
23 November 2021
•New water waves animation.
•Added many new sound effects.
•New muzzle flash light effect.
•New Italian tank crew uniform.
•New penetration analysis in shooting range.
•Multiplayer doesn't use a region system anymore.
•Changes in Kos props and buildings.
•Fixes in animations.
•Many other smaller fixes.
16 November 2021
•It's now possible to enable disable control of the vehicle from any seat with F2.
•It's now possible to give some orders from within a vehicle.
•Improved Ai for wheeled vehicles.
•More fixes in sounds and features.
15 November 2021
•Reworked fire sound for most weapons.
•Reworked medic system.
•Fixes in animations.
•Other bug fixes.
12 November 2021
•Added droppable ammo box for MG gunners.
•Added double click to move objects inside inventory.
•Added motion captured animations for using pistols in TPS.
•Added many new animations.
•Added drivable Opel Blitz.
•Added custom waypoint for squad spawners in Mission Editor.
•Fixes in animations.
•Performance improvements.
•Fixes in missions.
•Many other changes and fixes.
4 November 2021
•Added Boys Anti Tank Rifle.
•Added 6th Kos mission.
•Added Zeroing system (Page Up/Down buttons)
•Added airplanes tutorial.
•Reworked end battle menu.
•It's now possible to deactivate player's feedback voice when he gets a kill from game settings.
•Fixes in cinematic camera mode.
•Various other small changes.
27 October 2021
•Big performance improvements and more fixes.
26 October 2021
•Added crew animations for static vehicles.
•More fixes.
25 October 2021
•Added weather system for editor missions.
•More trees variation for mission editor.
•Improvements in physics.
24 October 2021
•Fixes in 5th Kos mission.
•Fixes in scope sights.
•Fixes in planes.
•Fixes in animations.
23 October 2021
•Added Bristol Beaufighter.
•Added 5th Kos mission.
•Added new castle props for Kos and Mission Editor.
•Fixed water color and reflections.
•More fixes.
19 October 2021
•Added 4th Kos mission.
•Added M3 Stuart (USA and UK).
•Added 2 bunkers.
•Fixed road decals.
•Fixes in AI.
•Fixes in fog and lighting.
•Various other fixes.
15 October 2021
•New skybox system with volumetric clouds (HD Sky must be enabled in options)
•New achievement: Flying Ace.
•Added Stuka G-1 with 37mm cannons.
•Improvements in performance and optimizations.
•Improvements in lightning.
•Changes in tracers.
•AI doesn't get stuck anymore.
•Fixes in planes.
•Various other fixes.
9 October 2021
•Added Granatwerfer 36 mortar and reworked M1 mortar.
•Added reverb effect inside buildings.
•Improved AI.
8 October 2021
•Added 3rd Kos mission.
•Improvements in animations.
•Fixes in throw grenades in TPS.
•Improved leaning.
•Various other small fixes and improvements.
4 October 2021
•Improvements in animations.
•Various other small fixes and improvements.
2 October 2021
•Shooting range has been fully reworked.
•Fixes in weapons and vehicles.
•Fixes in Mission Objectives.
•Reworked US helmets.
•Various other fixes.
1 October 2021
•Fixes in FPS animations.
•Fixes in pathfinding.
•Fixes in Mission Editor.
30 September 2021
•Improved collisions at distance.
•Improved AI pathfinding.
•Improvements in animations (added new motion captured animations).
•Fixed static weapons spawning multiple times in Mission Editor.
•Fixed secondary weapon duplication bug.
•Changes in mission editor unit spawners.
25 September 2021
•Improvements in animations and bug fixes.
23 September 2021
•Added suppression and damage direction indicator for easy and normal difficulty.
•Many animations has been reworked with motion capture.
•Fixes in P51 model.
•Fixes in Mab38 aim sight.
•Fixes in vehicles sound design.
•Fixes in TPS camera.
•Fixed looped voices when using vehicles in multiplayer.
•Fixes in greek buildings.
•Various other fixes.
20 September 2021
•Added second Kos mission + various fixes.
19 September 2021
•Added Stuka backseat gunner.
•Fixed camera rotation error when switching from TPS to FPS inside vehicles.
•Changes in vehicle damage system.
18 September 2021
•Added Kubelwagen and Jeep Willys.
•Added motion captured animations.
•Added custom key for enabling / disabling HUD.
•Improved artillery requests.
•Improved vehicle crosshair.
•Added more names and surnames.
•Improvements in planes.
•Various fixes.
14 September 2021
•Added Panzer IV Wirbelwind.
•Improvements in ragdolls.
•Improvements in lightning.
•Fixes in flamethrower and melee for single and multiplayer.
•Fixes for linux build.
12 September 2021
•Graphic changes.
•Various fixes.
10 September 2021
•Added planes (Ju-87 'Stuka', Mitsubishi A6M 'Zero', P51 Mustang, Spitfire)
•Added new mission: Marmari Invasion (Kos campaign)
•Added bullet crack sound.
•Added many new props and buildings for Mission Editor.
•Fixes in tracers and projectiles physic.
•Added underwater camera effect.
•Improved sniper scopes sights.
•Fixed Carcano 91 reload animations.
•Changes in various missions.
•Many other smaller changes and bug fixes.
27 August 2021
•Added various props for Kos (also available in mission editor):
Greek House 01, Stone Wall(s), Stone Stairs, New road model, Airpor Hangar, Greek Church, Roman Amphitheater, Wire Fence.
24 August 2021
•Various bug fixes and performance improvements in Mission Editor.
23 August 2021
•Added Flak38 2cm AA gun.
•Added M35 Quadmount.
•Stg44 is now compatible with ZF4 and ZF41 scopes.
•Performance improvements.
21 August 2021
•Added Portuguese language.
•Various bug fixes.
20 August 2021
•Added new terrain shader for better quality.
•Terrains now can get snowy when missions are set during the winter.
14 August 2021
•Added get in/get out squad command.
•Added invisible wall prop in Mission Editor.
•Improvements in Mission Editor.
•Various bug fixes.
13 August 2021
•Added fire selector on weapons.
•Fixed water shader on Linux.
11 August 2021
•Added AI for wheeled vehicles.
•Added Sdkfz234/2 and Sdkfz234/4 to campaign missions.
•Improvements in AI logic
•Added buttons to copy/paste object in mission editor within different phases.
10 August 2021
•Added Sherman Calliope.
•Added Banzai charge squad command.
•Added Olive Tree.
•Fixed ammo pouches in german uniforms.
•Various other fixes.
28 July 2021
•Added proximity voice chat for multiplayer (holding "B" key, can be rebinded in pause settings)
•Added Linux release.
•Added animations for units aiming artilleries with handles.
•Better FPS animations.
•Various fixes in multiplayer.
23 July 2021
•Added cypress tree.
•Added Italian SS in Shores of Nettuno.
•Graphic and textures improvements.
•New server list for multiplayer.
•Fixes in multiplayer bugs.
20 July 2021
•Added water pounds and new road types.
•Added a button to play editor mission starting from any phase.
•Improvements in textures.
•Performance fixes.
•Many bug fixes.
19 July 2021
•Added road decals for mission editor.
16 July 2021
•Released Multiplayer (Working with Editor Missions, PVE and PVP).
15 July 2021
•Added Italian SS uniforms.
•New Anzio mission: Fiume Liri.
•Fixed 'fullflat terrain' editor prop collisions.
•Fixes in Kwajalein and Anzio maps.
14 July 2021
•Added refresh button in respawn menu.
•Added new terrain models for Mission Editor.
•Units name text improved.
•Fixes in Anzio map.
11 July 2021
•Added new Polish voice acting.
•Added new Polish II corp uniforms.
8 July 2021
•Added new props and trenches in Kwajalein.
•More fixes in uniforms.
•Changed squad selection menu in Mission Editor.
•Changes in Polish names.
5 July 2021
•Added Panzer IV H.
•Added fullscreen/windowed key in settings.
•Fixes in character models.
•Improved Ai in tanks and static guns.
•Removed static radio noise in main menu.
1 July 2021
•Fixes in German and Japanese uniforms.
24 June 2021
•Changes in HE projectiles.
•Added new voice lines.
21 June 2021
•Important bug fixes.
(13 June 2021
•Fixed "select mission cover" button wich was sometimes not working.
•Added hint for new player when you are trying to damage tanks with HE projectiles.
•Now AI drops Panzerfaust after using it.
•Small improvements in animations.
•It's now possible to open map from inside a vehicle.
•Small fixes in tank getting stuck.
•It's now possible to respawn on landed gliders.
10 June 2021
•Added heat distorsion effect on explosions, fire and engines.
•Added water effect on LCVPs.
•Rapair stations now also refill ammo for tanks.
•Fixed Stug III armour thickness.
•Fixed step sound on custom terrains.
•Fixed texture on bomb craters on sand.
•Fixed collisions in some assets.
•Improvements on AI.
•Now surrended units can be looted.
2 June 2021
•Added Panzerfaust.
•Added tank repair/refill stations.
•Added ammo and grenades refill crates.
24 May 2021
•Added DHS230 glider. (Glider is available in Mission Editor and will be soon added to upcoming Kos campaign)
•Added render distance setting.
•New terrain blending shader for rocks.
•Fixed bug where you could heal yourself when injured.
•Fixed collisions with dead bodies.
•Tank crew units can no longer join other squads.
•Fixed a bug were respawn button was not always showing up.
•Fixes in volume settings.
16 May 2021
•Added German officer hat and British infantry beret.
13 May 2021
•Fixed a bug where sometimes AI radioman doesn't call artillery fire.
11 May 2021
•Improvements in grass and other fixes.
09 May 2021
•Added new on screen damage effect.
•Big improvements in AI movements.
•Improved vehicle collisions.
•Many bug fixes and small improvements.
03 May 2021
•New mission selection menu.
•New japanese uniform variation.
•Player can now use mortar.
•Various fixes.
30 Apr 2021
•Added m2 Flamethrower & Flemmenwerfer 35.
•Added Italian Afrika uniform.
•Added Shemrna Flamethrower & E7-7 tanks.
27 Apr 2021
•Added realistic difficulty.
•Added static version of Type97 AT.
•Added german infantry ammo pouches.
•Added german SS uniform.
•Added camo variation for german tanks.
•Improved explosion effects.
•Improvements in fire animation and suppression.
•Improvements in Tiger and PZ4 fron MG seat.
•Changes in fall damage.
•Various bug fixes.
23 Apr 2021
•Added Semovente 78/17 and M13/40 tanks.
•Added hatch interior models for German and Japanese tanks.
•AI Can now request tank support.
•Added fall damage.
•Added all achievements that were previously missng.
•Added new structures in Kwajalein with a multi-phase destruction system.
18 Apr 2021
•Added British paratrooper uniform and Afrika Korps uniform.
•Added new circular menu for orders (hold TAB) and grenades selection (hold G).
•Added Sdkfz 234/2 and Sdkfz 244/3.
•Fixed AI behaviour when using mortars.
•Changes in various icons.
•Is now possible to unload tanks and static guns.
•Added tracers in portable MG42 and Browning 30cal.
•Various fixes.
13 Apr 2021
• Added inventory to vehicles containing their ammo.
• Player can now move items to nearby inventories.
• Added more Dog Tags.
• Now all static guns needs to be reloaded.
• Fixed ammo counter in vehicle GUI.
• Changed checkbox sprite.
9 Apr 2021
•Added hatch models in Cromwell tank.
•Improvements in memory management.
•Editor Mission 'force spawn' now works also when spawn is not assigned to a vehicle.
•Various other bug fixes.
7 Apr 2021
•Collectable Dog Tags, with special loadouts.
•New gun muzzles FXs.
•Improved Kar98 and Mab 38 sounds.
•Fixed glitches in tank UI.
•Some units with unique dog tags can now spawn on certain missions.
6 Apr 2021
•Added tank hatch models in US tanks.
•It's now possible to collect enemy dog-tag holding F on his body.
•Various fixes and improvements in memory management.
3 Apr 2021
•Added Japanese grenade, British grenade and German AT grenade.
•Added multiple-objective missions.
•Is now possible to aim while using shotgun pump or rifle's bolt action.
•Fixed some graphical bugs.
•First anzio mission now have a two-obhective phase.
•Improvements in some animations.
•Update in game's engine.
31 Mar 2021
•New tank commander binoculars.
•Fixed Montecassino colliders.
•Improvements in M3 Grease Gun.
•Improvements in tank's camera.
•It's now possible to take control of any spawned tank when respawning.
•Artillery now stop shooting when friendly infantry reaches the objective.
29 Mar 2021
•Added bullet ricochets.
•New tracers fxs.
•New projectile system (improved trajectories and behaviour of bullets)
•Tank MGs are now less accurate.
•Fixed bug in spawn menu in some editor missions.
•Now last Anzio mission features Poland instead of US Army.
25 Mar 2021
•Added Breda M30.
23 Mar 2021
•Added 2 new trees types and 1 new bush type.
•Added 1 new set of voices for British units.
•Improved sounds on most weapons.
21 Mar 2021
•Added Winchester M12.
•Fixed bug in rock sizes.
20 Mar 2021
•Added Type 97 AT Rifle.
•Changes on items weights.
•Fixes in memory management.
•Various other fixes.
19 Mar 2021
•Added sapper units.
•Added landmines.
•Added Dynamite and TNT.
•Added working aspirine and food.
•Added description on inventory items.
•Added life icon on inventory.
•Added ammo check in magazine from inventory.
•Added grenade collisions on vehicles.
•Various fixes on maps.
•Explosions and bullet penetrations has been totally revisited.
•Improvements in memory managemenent (less RAM used, frame rate improved)
•Fixes on inventory.
•Fixes on AIs.
15 Mar 2021
•New buildings and trees management. This allows you to use up to 1GB of RAM less, and probably also have a more stable frame rate.
•Added many new props in Mission Editor.
•Added Smoke and Fire effects in Mission Editor.
•Fixed a bug where trees stopped rendering when exiting the Mission Editor Playtest.
•Now you can enter the LST in Kwajalein.
11 Mar 2021
•Is now possible to enable intro text on editor missions.
•Improved Russian translations.
•Various fixes.
10 Mar 2021
•Fixes in Mission Editor.
•Fixes and improvements in loading screen.
•Small improvements in performance.
7 Mar 2021
•New loading menu.
•Improvements in memory management.
6 Mar 2021
•Improvements in Mission Editor.
4 Mar 2021
•Improvements in Mission Editor.
3 Mar 2021
•Added Mission Editor working with Steam Workshop.
•Fixed a problem occurring on Windows 32bit.
•Improved MP40 pose in First Person View.
•Various bug fixes.
22 Feb 2021
•Added folder to include custom color corrections (C:\Users<username>\AppData\ LocalLow\ CorvoStudio\Easy Red 2\lut)
19 Feb 2021
•Added voice acting on Tanks and Artillery Tutorial.
•New textures for Thompson and new model for MG Type 92.
•Various fixes and new props.
•Added menus to spawn weapons and vehicles in shooting range.
•Added arisaka scope.
•Added Carcano 91 and MAB38 (only in shooting range for the moment).
•Added selectable color correction.
15 Feb 2021
•Added another italian voice acting (3/3).
•Added Flak Shells and delayed fuse on very AA shells (which historically serves to prevent the fall of bullets on friendly lines).
•Added Nebelwerfer and M101A1 Howitzer.
•Improved textures for M1 garand, Kar98k, M3 Grease Gun and MP40.
•Improved explosions FXs.
•Improved Kwajalein and fixes in various missions.
•Fixed AIs moving in zig-zag sometimes.
•Improvements in TPS system.
•Improvements in mission system.
10 Feb 2021
•Now Player can rotate fixed artilleries.
•Added mission intro.
•Increased fire sound distance for weapons, tanks and voices.
•Improved AI movements and animations.
9 Feb 2021
•Added last Kwajalein mission.
•Fixes in TPS view and animations.
•AIs on MGs (both static and tank MGs) are now less lethal.
8 Feb 2021
•Added pistols: Luger P08, Colt 1911, Revolver Smith&Wesson, Beretta m1934, and Nambu Type A.
•Added Third Person View [T].
•Various fixes.
2 Feb 2021
•Added Japanese 47mm "Type 1" Anti Tank gun.
•New mission added in Anzio.
•New mission type "Push the frontline". In this gamemode both sided can conquer new objective and push the front toward the enemy faction.
•Added Tutorial for Squad System.
•Various fixes in logic, AI, vehicles, maps and texures.
•Mortars now works.
30 Jan 2021
•Added Japanese 47mm "Type 1" Anti Tank gun.
•New mission added in Anzio.
•New mission type "Push the frontline". In this gamemode both sided can conquer new objective and push the front toward the enemy faction.
•Added Tutorial for Squad System.
•Various fixes in logic, AI, vehicles, maps and texures.
•Mortars now works.
•Corrected wrong rotations of boat obstacles.
•AI cannot see through smokes and bushes anymore.
22 Jan 2021
•New squad command: Attack objective from specific direction.
•Improvements in performance and AI.
21 Jan 2021
•Added a new mission in Kwajalein.
•Fixed tank scopes alignment.
•Various fixes.
20 Jan 2021
•Added blur effect on sniping scopes.
•Medics can now drag injured units holding F.
•Added new wooden structures in Kwajalein.
•Player can now take control of friendly vehicles near the spawn.
•Fixes in translations.
•Improved vaulting animation.
•Improved tank MGs recoil effect.
•Decreased weapons swing when holding breath.
16 Jan 2021
•Fixed a bug where tanks sometimes were trying to shoot trough walls.
•Improved pathfinding and performance.
13 Jan 2021
•Added Flak 88 and Japanese Type 96 AA gun.
•Polish mission is now complete + new mission: Montecassino abbey.
•Added hairs models for some characters.
•Improvements in AI logic and animations.
•Improvements in landing missions.
•Various bug fixes.
8 Jan 2021
•Improved Post-Processing,textures and graphic quality.
•Various fixes.
6 Jan 2021
•Added gore-blood effect.
•Fixed popping effect.
•Improvements in sounds.
5 Jan 2021
•Added M7 Priest tank.
•Added Polish forces.
•Added new loading arts.
•Improved tanks sights.
•Player now moves slower in water.
•Improved terrain shaders.
•Tanks new key bindings options.
2 Jan 2021
•Added medic system.
•Added body dragging for injured soldiers.
•Improved bandaging and syringe animations.
28 Dec 2020
•Added statistics menu.
•Added some achievements.
•Improved lightning and graphic.
•Improved characters and some props.
•Improved FPS models and animations.
•Soldiers can now refill their bandages from medics.
26 Dec 2020
•Added medics.
•Now units move slower in water.
•New options for HQ/LQ animations.
•AI and performance improvements.
•Player cannot start sprinting when prone anymore.
•Improved vaulting.
•Improved main menu.
•Improved roads.
23 Dec 2020
•Added a new mission.
•Added vaulting icon.
•Added craters in kwajalein airport.
•Added squad icon for friendly squads.
•Now units move slower in deep water.
•Improved bushes.
18 Dec 2020
•Added Panzer V 'Panther', Tiger I and Cromwell tanks.
•Now all tanks are available in tank preview mission.
17 Dec 2020
•Spot system + Now squad leaders can spot enemies (Holding TAB)
•Added seat for tank commander in tanks.
•Added new buildings in Anzio.
•Improvements in tanks.
16 Dec 2020
•Added new tanks: M10 Wolverine, Sherman Firefly and Stug III.
•Added vaulting [Jump button in fron of obstaces].
•Added tank role icon in spawn GUI.
•Fixed stuck problem when player is prone on some surfaces.
•Improved fire volume for vehicles.
14 Dec 2020
•Added anthems and more statistics at the end of the battles.
•Fixed some important bugs.
•Added tanks to 4th Anzio mission.
13 Dec 2020
•Added german smoke grenade and german grenade animations.
•Added bandage animation and customizable bandage key (Default: B).
•Added customizable map button (Default: M).
•Fixed Pak38 position on mission "Near Tor San Lorenzo"
•Improved sandbags physics.
•Fixed crew size in tanks.
•Improved gun sounds at distance.
12 Dec 2020
•New haystack model.
•Added new building ruins models.
•6th Anzio mission is now fully playable.
•Added tanks in battles.
•Added new Kwajalein mission.
•Added Japanese tanks: Type 2, Type 95 and Type 97.
•Now suppression swing is disabled when playing at "Easy".
•Fixed LCVP destinations.
•AI now consider bullets drop when aiming.
•Fixed tanks getting stuck and not following current objective.
•Improved tanks AI.
•Improved tanks collisions.
•Some translations have been improved.
•Improved Anzio and Kwajalein maps.
•Lowered AI accuracy when suppressed.
•AI now cannot see through bushes anymore.
7 Dec 2020
•Added japanese tank crew.
•Added barbed wires and Landing Craft obstacles on both Anzio and Kwajalein map.
•Trees can now be destroyed from grenades, collisions with tanks or a lot of gun fires.
•Added falling leafs effects on some trees.
•Soldiers now cannot go prone on deep water.
•Improved ground detection preventing player from gettin stuck.
•AI cannot see through bushes anymore.
•Improved feedback text when using AT gun.
•Improved tanks movements.
•Improved silos collisions.
•Changed the way trees are rendered (should improve performance).
2 Dec 2020
•Added Montecassino Abbey.
•Added Type 99 LMG.
•Added retreat objective for the crew when tank got disabled.
•Added distances signs in shooting range.
•Browning 30cal. and MG42 animations has been improved.
•Fixed in game links.
•Improved bullet drop distance.
•Improved some weapon models (Sten MK2, STG44, Thompson, Type100 and some others).
•Improved tanks collisions.
•Improved tank AI.
•Improved soldiers birth dates range.
•Improved tank's tutorial scene.
30 Nov 2020
•Crosshair as optional setting.
•Hitmarker as optional setting.
•Vehicle damage data on screen as optional setting.
•Added crash sounds on vehicles.
•Reduced recoil when player is crouch/prone.
•Some fixes in tanks.
27 Nov 2020
•Added voiceover on tutorial.
•Improved rock collisions.
•Improved squad AI behaviour.
•Improved tracers and changed bullet drop.
•Improved sun shaft effect on closed windows.
25 Nov 2020
•Added "Easy" and "Normal" difficulties.
•New grass types.
•Street Lights now works and are destructible.
•Fixed disappearing objective icon sometimes.
•Improved AI behaviour and changed AI see distance.
•Improved pathfinding algorithm performance (CPU).
•Improved graphic expecially at night.
24 Nov 2020
•Added hold breath. (Make sure it's binded in control settings).
•Added selectable units quantity before mission.
•Improved AI reactivity.
•Improved campaigns menu.
•Improved AI getting stuck in castle mission.
•Improved AI behaviour when there aren't many covers.
•Fixed bullet drop distance on non-tracers bullets.
•Improved menu sounds.
•Improved Bazooka and Sten models.
23 Nov 2020
•Added tutorial for infantry (1/3).
•AI use AT weapons and Bazooka.
•Added more Japanese and British names.
•Fixed weapon icon when no weapon in hands.
•Added leaning with gamepad.
24 Nov 2020
•Fixed a bug where AI ran out of ammo.
•Fixed discord link.
•Removed "Saint Mère Eglise" placeholder text.
•Fixed reloading button on gamepads.
•Added localization in rebinding menu.
•Player can now melee while mooving.
•Improved weapon impact fx distance.
20 Nov 2020
•Changed rotation behaviour while jumping.
•Fixed AI running toward tanks and moving them.
•Improved animations in bolt action rifles.
•Fixed stuck bug when proning on rocks.
•Fixed british helmet texture.
19 Nov 2020
•Fixed bug in squad GUI where sometimes objective icon was shaking.
•Improved radio communications in tanks.
•Improved running animations.
•Fixed a bug where sometimes move order wasn't working as intended.
18 Nov 2020
•Added F on bodies to use their inventory.
•Added toggle aim and toggle run settings.
•Added discord link.
•AI now can control tanks [But tanks are not available in battles yet].
•Prevent AI from doing friendly fire.
•Prevent player from changing seat in Landing Craft.
•Fixed AI weird crouching animation when no enemies are nearbie.
•Fixed wrong running animation when no weapon in hands.
•Fixed a bug where sometimes AI stopped searching for a path.
15 Nov 2020
•Added Arabic Language.
•Added setting to change objects despawn delay.
•Added custom prone key.
•Added tanks physics towars units and destructible objects.
•Added FoV slider.
•Improved step sounds for streets and buildings interior.
•Fully working tanks and tank crew communications.
•Left hand now stick to weapon handle in Landing Craft animation.
•Fixed missing melee key rebing.
•Fixed inventory menu overlapping upper part a bit.
•Fixed players lean when they are inside vehicles.
•Added more recoil in tanks.
•Squad Commands indicator is now half visible when aiming.
•British flag is not wrong anymore.
•Fixed collisions in fornitures and more objects.
•Run and walk has now more difference in speed.
•Fixed 30-06 ammo that were called 30-08 for mistake.
•AI's tend to use more covers and not to cluster anymore.
•Fixed bazooka animations.
•Fixed turning speed.
•Player will not freeze anymore while hitted, but just stop.
•Fixed windows in wrong places.
•Some of the sound effects for weapons and steps has been improved.
•Snipers can now kill in one shot much more frequently.
10 Nov 2020
•Early Access release.
Last edited by Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]; 15 hours ago
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Showing 1-15 of 70 comments
cHyperspeed Jun 1, 2021 @ 8:49am 
where is the changelog of the beta-branch?
Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Jun 1, 2021 @ 10:10am 
Originally posted by cHyper:
where is the changelog of the beta-branch?

Unfortunatly at the moment it's a little hard to keep track of the BETA as it is updated multiple times per week. If you want to be updated about the upcoming features you can take a look on the discussion on discord (and the Work in Progress channel) or ask directly to me with a message:

In general at the moment I added Panzerfaust, weapon refill crates and made various fixes all around the game. New changes will proibably released by the end of thee week.
I'm spending much time working on the multiplayer lately so updates rate have been a little slowed down
Razor Aug 16, 2021 @ 5:09pm 
can we plzz have recon vehicles? jeep? armoured cars? exellent job so far still best ww2 game so far mann
Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Aug 17, 2021 @ 11:06am 
Originally posted by Vlone_preme:
can we plzz have recon vehicles? jeep? armoured cars? exellent job so far still best ww2 game so far mann

We are discussing this on discord server as well, and probably I'm going to add some more wheeled vehicles before the release 1.0
M1986 Oct 24, 2021 @ 6:42pm 
Nice, I was wondering if the AI has any issues detecting the mission objective if set far away? Ive made some crazy huge beach landing, just the men stand there however when I make a new mission they run towards the obj.. Any idea why they could still stand still? The map would be good for mp though for the moment
Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Oct 25, 2021 @ 8:33am 
Originally posted by Stalingrad-1943:
Nice, I was wondering if the AI has any issues detecting the mission objective if set far away? Ive made some crazy huge beach landing, just the men stand there however when I make a new mission they run towards the obj.. Any idea why they could still stand still? The map would be good for mp though for the moment

Hey, could you mail me to better talk about your problem and try to fix it?
Mail me with your problem description and possibly your mission files (you can find them using "open cover folder" in the upload mission to workshop menu)
My mail is marco@corvostudio.it
cHyperspeed Nov 13, 2021 @ 9:58am 
developer marco wrote following infos at Discord:

I would like to make some more announcements:
-Monday and Tuesday I'll work on the new medic system
-Wednesday and Thursday i'll work on trucks and jeeps making them auto-transport vehicles to drop infantry
-starting from Friday I'll be probably working on the new map editor with customizable terrain which will take probably at least 1 entire week of work
nonteen Dec 9, 2021 @ 7:17am 
nice :steamthumbsup::steamthis:
FIM1999 Dec 20, 2021 @ 7:18am 
TitanPatriota Jan 10, 2022 @ 3:03pm 
Me encanta este juego, lo juego un rato, salgo 2 horas a comprar algo y cuando llego lo actualizan, me saco el sombrero la verdad!!! Lo diré hasta el hartazgo, que buen juego!! :steamthis: :steamthumbsup:
LT.STACHEL Jan 10, 2022 @ 3:11pm 
thanks..very good
The Collector Jan 22, 2022 @ 3:55am 
Well done. I've noticed the AI has been improved massively. This is some of the best AI battles I've ever experienced in any game. I've always wanted a singleplayer game like this, I sometimes think this is like a first person Men Of War Assault Squad 2.
The Collector Jan 22, 2022 @ 3:57am 
Originally posted by cHyper:
developer marco wrote following infos at Discord:

I would like to make some more announcements:
-Monday and Tuesday I'll work on the new medic system
-Wednesday and Thursday i'll work on trucks and jeeps making them auto-transport vehicles to drop infantry
-starting from Friday I'll be probably working on the new map editor with customizable terrain which will take probably at least 1 entire week of work

Oh man, I love this developer, he has passion. He reminds me of Anton from H3VR.
nonteen Jan 22, 2022 @ 7:42am 
well done:steamthumbsup:
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Showing 1-15 of 70 comments
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