Easy Red 2

Easy Red 2

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Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Nov 12, 2020 @ 10:32am
Roadmap & F.A.Q.

Full roadmap here:
Many other unplanned features will be added during the year!


"Where can I see changelogs?"
You can see Changelogs here

"How to report Feedbacks / Suggestions?"
The best way to report bug and feedbacks is on Easy Red 2 Discord channel[discord.gg].

"How to access workshop missions?"
To access workshop missions just go to Easy Red 2 Workshop and subscribe to the missions you would like to play. Then restart Easy Red 2 to download the selected missions.
To delete downloaded missions just unsubscribe from them and restart the game.

"Will the game get more maps?"
Some more maps/factions/weapons will be added after full game release as cheap DLC.
Currently I'm considering: Tunisia, Stalingrad, Battle of the Bulge, Roi-Namur island, and Normandy remake.

"How frequent are updates?"
So far (as you can see in changelos) the game has received updates every week.
But in the future for features that require more time the periodicity could be 2 updates per month.

"How can I access BETA version?"
Go to your Steam Library, right click on the game, select properties, go to BETA tab, and select "BETA (Early Updates)" version.
The update frequency of this branch can be daily sometimes, and receives fixes and features before public version.

More F.A.Q.s can be found in our Discord server:
Last edited by Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]; Nov 14, 2023 @ 2:37am
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Showing 1-15 of 424 comments
1v4n94 Nov 12, 2020 @ 11:41am 
- AI players barely move when being shot, making the aiming too easy. They don't seem to shoot on sight at long ranges either.
- Camera movement gets shaky in a weird way when running.
- It is highly likely that players get stuck in building corners. Smoothing out the edges or partially removing their collision could serve as a workaround.
- It isn't possible to jump out of (open) windows when being inside of a building.
- It is possible to push and be pushed by other players while walking/running.
- Melee attacks are possible with the V key, though there's no setting for such action in the Controls menu.
- Mouse sensitivity feels unnatural. The turning speed changes even without moving the mouse at a higher speed.
- Rocks at Battle for Kwajalein campaign(s) have a hitbox way too big, acting as an invisible block/obstruction. I was unable to headshot enemies behind a rock because of this invisible barrier that "absorbed" the bullets, preventing my shots from connecting with their targets.
- The "HD grass" option is reversed (detailed grass appears when box is unchecked). This could be easily fixed by changing the "HD Grass" text to "Simple grass".

- "PRESS SPACE OR START" text appearing in the main menu screen after launching the game won't go away unless either key is pressed. I know it has something to do with input settings, although it would be nice if the game could automatically identify and detect keyboards or joysticks without us having to press those keys.
- Ability to minimize the game by pressing the Windows key.
- An optional setting for disabling/enabling reduced sensitivity while aiming down sights. That is, to have the same sensitivity while aiming, and not aiming as well.
- Objective indicators with 50% transparency to them, so they don't obstruct the view that much. I had enemies in front of me which I could not attack because of the indicators preventing me from spotting them correctly.
- Possibility of knocking down fences when running them over with tanks.
- Possibility to toggle prone with one key. The current behavior of the crouch key is inefficient at having to rapidly go prone.
- Weapon sounds are soft compared to others. They could either be changed or have an increase in volume so they feel more realistic.
Last edited by 1v4n94; Nov 12, 2020 @ 4:23pm
Russell Nov 12, 2020 @ 2:31pm 
Originally posted by 1v4n94:
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2285024500 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2285021231 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2285025240 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2285026730 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2285028405
The font is fine and I find it cool, So if just a subjective matter not a problem...The inventory system is still getting more polish don't worry, Lean will also get improved, The stuck issues should be addressed, Thanks for your feedback!

- Yussuf
1v4n94 Nov 12, 2020 @ 3:19pm 
Yes, I first thought some of them being bold were intentional, but when I started seeing a horizontal line at the bottom of some letters, I started wondering if that was the case too.
Last edited by 1v4n94; Nov 12, 2020 @ 3:23pm
Neynh Nov 12, 2020 @ 3:52pm 
I requested a refund but I promise I'll buy it back soon (maybe at full price, who know ? :p), ER2 is cool and good but I prefer "wait and see" how the game evolve, for now here are some suggestions:

Artificial Intelligence : (need AI who act like real players if it's possible)

- need a better AI, which does not remain motionless once on the objective (in defense), AI could move a few meters in a small perimeter, waiting for ennemies, a bit like players do on an objective, right now a group of AIs can stay still glued to each other without cover waiting to be killed
- AI is like a "aimbot" right now (yeak I know it's normal because it's AI), but maybe reduce AI precision / time reaction, for exemple : an enemy (AI) was back to me and turned around in a split second before shooting me in the head :(
- make the IA do a suppression fire on the player / IA enemies and take cover while others IA are reaching the objective, for example with landing scenario it's duck shooting for the player, IA can't do anything except dying on the beatch

Gameplay :

- reduce the suppression for the player, it's almost impossible to aim
- add the possibility to stabilize the aim / weapons for few second (can help when the player is under fire to shoot back and for long range)
- add a option to choose if the player want spawn on the beatch (after having reached it for the first time) or in the boat rather than waiting everytime in the boat to to get to the beach
- be able to pass over small walls / barriers / windows etc
- maybe add auto reload after shooting, with rifles or sniper for example
- be able to set up your machine gun on small walls / windows or on the ground to be more precise (but maybe it's already here)

Options menu :

- add the option to change the sensiblity when aiming, to slow right now

Audio :

- better / more realistic sound for weapons
- allies who speak to each other and yell, like "enemy right here / on the window / behind the wall", "I'm being shot", "grenade / smoke grenade", "I'm reloading", "a tank, we need anti-tank / rocket launcher" etc

Visual :

- blood and gore if possible, don't remember if I saw any
Last edited by Neynh; Nov 12, 2020 @ 7:39pm
Zeon Did Nothing Wrong Nov 13, 2020 @ 12:43am 
Copy paste from my thread:

I would say great job but keep doing your job because this might be a precious gem

1. clunky and awkward movements, I hope it gets fixed soon

2. For the sake of immersion, change Arisaka's IJA logo into Japan Imperial Seal because it should be it, better and much more realistic

3. add Japanese tanks Ha-Go, Chi-Ha, and Chi-He and makes US tanks playable on pacific map

4. I'm impressed by plane's design, coming from War Thunder player the Zero model is quite smooth, ngl I went beside it and press F but disappointed, make it flyable sounds fun you don't have to do fancy controlling things like WT does just make it fly with guns and 1 bomb, done.

5. add mortar team/man also a fixed mortar so regular fireman can use it but can't bring it around

6. Radio man with artillery and air strike order (with cooldown)

7. Bayonet, Katana (for Japanese officer) and melee

8. Banzai order for Japanese faction

9. More pacific maps and add IJA troops with khaki colour (just change the colour no need change the design) because I believe current Japanese uniform is used by SNLF/naval troops but because it set on Kwajalein it already make sense because they were using naval troops

10. need more fixed machine guns, artillery across the map (both) and pillboxes

11. add flamethrower man

12. when you want to throw your grenade make it a hold feature so it can be held for few seconds to skip explosion delay

13. Last but not least remove surrender for Japanese AI, dunno just feels weird lol

Thanks, I hope you do well
Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Nov 13, 2020 @ 1:29am 
Hello! I updated the list base on all comments that have been posted here.
Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Nov 13, 2020 @ 1:32am 
Originally posted by Vrezerch:
Copy paste from my thread:

I would say great job but keep doing your job because this might be a precious gem

1. clunky and awkward movements, I hope it gets fixed soon

2. For the sake of immersion, change Arisaka's IJA logo into Japan Imperial Seal because it should be it, better and much more realistic

3. add Japanese tanks Ha-Go, Chi-Ha, and Chi-He and makes US tanks playable on pacific map

4. I'm impressed by plane's design, coming from War Thunder player the Zero model is quite smooth, ngl I went beside it and press F but disappointed, make it flyable sounds fun you don't have to do fancy controlling things like WT does just make it fly with guns and 1 bomb, done.

5. add mortar team/man also a fixed mortar so regular fireman can use it but can't bring it around

6. Radio man with artillery and air strike order (with cooldown)

7. Bayonet, Katana (for Japanese officer) and melee

8. Banzai order for Japanese faction

9. More pacific maps and add IJA troops with khaki colour (just change the colour no need change the design) because I believe current Japanese uniform is used by SNLF/naval troops but because it set on Kwajalein it already make sense because they were using naval troops

10. need more fixed machine guns, artillery across the map (both) and pillboxes

11. add flamethrower man

12. when you want to throw your grenade make it a hold feature so it can be held for few seconds to skip explosion delay

13. Last but not least remove surrender for Japanese AI, dunno just feels weird lol

Thanks, I hope you do well

Most of your suggestions are already planned as you can read, I'll reply to what is not included on the list:

2. I'll take note for changing japan flag on arisaka into Japan Imperial Seal.

4. Planes aren't currently planned to be drivable. They might be added as callable or maybe i will even add some gameplay for them, but I cannot confirm it right now.

10. Yeah, as soon as I add some new artillery/mortars and machineguns they will be there.

13. It's not that weird actually, just rare. There are historical pictures of captured soldiers in kwajalein.
jrandiny Nov 13, 2020 @ 1:43am 
1. more commands: covering fire, flank left and right, get down (prone), smoke out (use smoke), take cover (find covers)
1.1 Set how many will do a command. (for example only the mg give covering fire, only the assault flank)
1.2 Make ai officer able to command player as well to do his order and sort of reward for who follow it by better survival chance.
2. Maybe upon pressing g or h (grenade/smoke key), the soldier will just pull the pin then go to throw stance. Left click to throw or right click to roll. This will allow cooking of grenade and aiming where to throw.
3. Building simple defenses
Knightmær Nov 13, 2020 @ 2:10am 
Game is fun for a low spec requirement game but I enjoyed it because usually I would've asked for a refund after one hour but I trust that this game will be better.

I think there could be more improvements to the game such as the shooting aspect. I love using the sniper but I think the accuracy is a little bit off so maybe you can fix the distance those guns can shoot. I feel like the guns' range is too short.

And the inventory system can be a little bit easier such as only needing to right click on the items you want to pick up instead of having to click an item than click a button to put it in the inventory. Or a drag-system where you can just drag the item into the inventory or drag it out of the inventory box to throw it out.

The stances are a bit wonky but it shouldn't really matter as of now and you should try to fix that

Also, aiming on the guns is really hard since it is so tiny. Maybe you can bring the FOV a little closer.

In the training there are tanks... where are the tanks now? Maybe in future updates.

Also the settings is a bit weird. Maybe for the tick-boxes have an X and check marks instead of black and white.

That's it for me since I didn't play for a long time and actually pay attention to the bugs and stuff... I was playing this game for fun and indeed it was. Keep up the good work.

Dahigee Nov 13, 2020 @ 5:16am 
Gotta say really enjoying the game so far. My main recommendations are as follows,

- Snipers should really be one shot kills or something, atm they feel like basic rifles that suck at close range, and once you get the hang of the shooting the scopes don't feel very important/useful.

-Proning/crouching is a little janky, nothing too bad but sometimes you interact weirdly with the terrain.

-Using a bipod on terrain shouldn't require crouching imo, it just limits your options, you can't deploy machine guns on wooden fences for example (Maybe that's not the case, but it seems so)

- I think having some Japanese soldiers banzai charge when they lose a point would be a cool replacement for surrendering, idk just adds to those ww2 vibes.

- When vehicles do get added, pls make them very coop focused for like 2-3 people or something. It's more exciting when you need a driver, gunner and machine gunner or something like that.

A side note but saw that horrific review from "BigFryTV" and thought I'd just say, don't let him get to you man that review was a straight hit piece. I'm really enjoying the direction the game is going in so far, keep up the good work man!
1v4n94 Nov 13, 2020 @ 5:41am 
Originally posted by 1v4n94:
It isn't possible to jump out of (open) windows when being inside of a building.
It also seems to not be possible to get inside buildings through them :steamsad:
Last edited by 1v4n94; Nov 13, 2020 @ 5:42am
Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Nov 13, 2020 @ 8:42am 
Originally posted by Dahigi:
Gotta say really enjoying the game so far. My main recommendations are as follows,

- Snipers should really be one shot kills or something, atm they feel like basic rifles that suck at close range, and once you get the hang of the shooting the scopes don't feel very important/useful.

-Proning/crouching is a little janky, nothing too bad but sometimes you interact weirdly with the terrain.

-Using a bipod on terrain shouldn't require crouching imo, it just limits your options, you can't deploy machine guns on wooden fences for example (Maybe that's not the case, but it seems so)

- I think having some Japanese soldiers banzai charge when they lose a point would be a cool replacement for surrendering, idk just adds to those ww2 vibes.

- When vehicles do get added, pls make them very coop focused for like 2-3 people or something. It's more exciting when you need a driver, gunner and machine gunner or something like that.

A side note but saw that horrific review from "BigFryTV" and thought I'd just say, don't let him get to you man that review was a straight hit piece. I'm really enjoying the direction the game is going in so far, keep up the good work man!

Thank you so much.for your suggestions and for your empathy.
As I already posted elsewhere, I think it's fair that he make reviews like that one, obviously everyone has his own preferences in videogames.
On the other hand, I am a little more disappointed by the fact that without putting any evidence he accused me of using pre-made assets and paying for reviews on steam.
Some economic damage has probably been done, but that won't stop the game's development (:
Marco Amadei [Corvostudio]  [developer] Nov 13, 2020 @ 8:43am 
Originally posted by 1v4n94:
Originally posted by 1v4n94:
It isn't possible to jump out of (open) windows when being inside of a building.
It also seems to not be possible to get inside buildings through them :steamsad:

Vaulting is listed to be added, even through windows (:
1v4n94 Nov 13, 2020 @ 9:16am 
Originally posted by 1v4n94:
Rocks at Battle for Kwajalein campaign(s) have a hitbox way too big, acting as an invisible block/obstruction. I was unable to headshot enemies behind a rock because of this invisible barrier that "absorbed" the bullets, preventing my shots from connecting with their targets.
I feel a little bit unsure about this one, since I don't remember being that far away from my objectives, though it has been stated that sniper rifles don't shoot well at distances since they have a big bullet drop; WW2 rifles, realistically speaking, were able to perform very well at distances to at least 500 meters (or 546 yards), and even longer in some cases.

So, this will need to be tested in order to make sure what the problem is. I Also agree with other people that the damage caused by sniper rifles is too low. A single shot to the chest should mean "game over" for anyone.
Last edited by 1v4n94; Nov 13, 2020 @ 9:17am
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