Way of the Hunter

Way of the Hunter

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Almost Never
There are at least 2 hare groups on the TV map where all the NZ are "almost never." Does this mean that there are zero animals in the group?

I have also seen it with a red deer group & figured it was a loner that died & the respawn had not happened yet.
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Bjørn Feb 22 @ 7:27am 
I'm not sure about the answer, but I'm curious about need zones: Are they static, meaning if they show 'Almost never' for example, will they always show that, or do they change from year to year? 3 game days is one year, right?
6Taylor4 Feb 22 @ 8:26am 
I think the need zones are permanent. I do not think zones and herd numbers are related in any way.
I do not understand the original question. Groups/herds are not ever labeled "almost never", need zones are labeled "rare" and other terms, but I think what it means is that animal group uses those zones over and over and over, cycling through them. Rare means they don't go there too often, I assume.
I tracked one herd of Red Deer for three game days; they had a long, wide, triangular shaped movement trail, and it took two days for them to return to the spot I started following them.
They NEVER stopped or spent time inside of any zone. They went through them, next to them, and would , say, eat near the food zone, but not in it!
They never "sleep" they form a tight circle near a sleep zone, and 1 or 2 lay down for a while, still alert, while the others circled. There was no change in the star ratings and the herd was 8 at the start and 9 at the end, they picked up an adult female. They never ran, they always, no matter what time it was, grazed and walked slowly along. On the day they would have cycled, I was charged immediately upon entering the game, and lost the herd; by the time I found them, (I think) they were in a larger herd of 14. At that time I selected another mission,
Yes, I think 3 days in game is a year.
When WOTH was first released, Brown Bears in Transylvania were on the list to be introduced in a future update. There were need zones for them, but the frequency was 'Never' (as there were no bears yet). I do recall seeing 'Almost Never' for Red Deer zones.
Once bears were introduced, I never saw never again LOL.
6Taylor4 Feb 22 @ 8:42am 
It occurred to me that maybe different languages use different terms, so I'm probably wrong about the titles.
eagle74 Feb 22 @ 9:26am 
Here is the shot for one of the NZ:


And here are the locations, one at the red marker & one at my character. I am fairly sure that there is another one east (Edit: It is west, not east) of these close to Crooked Hollow, but I did not check it out today.


Apparently they are broken bc I discovered them a few weeks ago & their status has not changed.
Last edited by eagle74; Feb 22 @ 9:57am
Since I first saw one of these "almost never" zones, I took it to mean, that it was a "rarely" zone, but you`d shot an animal from the herd, before finding the zone, and before they`d had a chance to use it.

This kind of downgraded the zone even further, and made it less likely the animal would stop there.

I could be way off, and walking rubbish though, it happens a lot.
eagle74 Feb 22 @ 9:50am 
I discovered these NZ when doing the mission to harvest a 3* hare to unlock the private area in the GL. I checked every group to be found & there was no 3* out there. It took several years b4 one showed up. Anyway, b4 completing the mission I did not shoot a single hare on the map. So, these zones were like that from the start.

In my experience if one zone says "almost never" for a group then all of the zones for that group are like that. They are all "almost never." I have not run across one that was not.
Interesting, that rules out my theory !

I didn`t see one of these, until the Alaska map, as when I collect the zones, I do it with my head pointing down, on auto-walk, and just tapping E as I walk over them, paying no attention to the info box, as I wasn`t there to shoot, just to collect zones.

So, I`ve probably missed loads of them across the maps
eagle74 Feb 22 @ 10:29am 
Originally posted by Bjørn:
I'm not sure about the answer, but I'm curious about need zones: Are they static, meaning if they show 'Almost never' for example, will they always show that, or do they change from year to year? 3 game days is one year, right?

There is a video on NZ by Bumblewoot on YT that covers what you need to know.

Say a Red Deer has two feeding zones. One will be "often" & the group will use that zone ~85% of the time. The other one will be "rarely" & the group will use it the other ~15% of the time. The zones will stay like that forever unless you flip them. Killing 2 animals in a NZ will flip it. Firing 4 shots in a NZ will flip it even if you don't shoot anything. Once a zone flips, you can flip it back by going to the other zone & killing 2 animals. After doing so, I think there is a cooldown period b4 the zones can be flipped again.

As I recall, the hunting pressure created by killing an animal or firing shots in a NZ is cleared after 4 hr (RT in game on that map, I think). So, you can kill one animal in the zone & kill a 2nd one 4 hr later & it will not flip.

Also, some animals like birds don't follow these rules. But I don't recall the details. Anyway, I don't pay any attention to NZ flipping with birds. It it flies, it dies.
DC2Dixon Feb 22 @ 10:54am 
I have come across those "almost never" zones myself when picking them up. I am sure I have even had some say "never" which seemed a bit strange (I could be wrong on that one) I believe all those were on the base maps and haven't noticed them on the DLC maps. I have spent most of my time on base maps though so could explain that? Haven't come across many but I have seen them.

What are the zones saying on NZ for people? Some animals/herds have 3 zones of the same type, maybe some of those say "almost never"? Haven't spend all that much time on the map to know.

I would assume (if its not a bug, glitch, or wrong wording) that maybe they have a less chance of being used compared to even a rarely zone? Maybe if a rarely has a 20% chance, the almost never has a 10% chance? Honestly don't know, just guessing.

As far as I know, it has nothing to do with animals in a herd. I believe its simply the chance of how often a herd/animal might actually go to that zone themselves without player interaction (us flipping zones) All just guessing on my end really.
6Taylor4 Feb 22 @ 12:01pm 
The Red Deer herd I followed went in a large triangle of movement which took two days to complete; they returned to the area I started watching them. They never were in the zones doing the zone activity, they were always adjacent; they walked through them, but never in the precise zone. Then they repeated the same pattern, as far as I could tell, as when I looked for them I would find them along the same route. I don't know if that makes any sense in explaining zones, I didn't record their 'rating' but this herd traveled past the same zones in their circuit. NZ map.
Actually, finding both 'Rarely' and 'Often' frequented need zones in close proximity is not all that unusual. Most of the time they represent different groups of animals, even of the same species. I'm exploring a high alpine lake in Transylvania, in the far north of the Dor Apex region. It's in a valley that I hadn't explored before - 3 different Chamois groups using the lake as a drink zone, one Often, the other two Rarely.
I don`t ever recall seeing one of these zones on the NP & TP maps, it was Alaska, where I first came across one. And I paid attention when collecting zones back on the original maps as well.

Now I collect them without looking too much at what they are, but what I have noticed about them being in close proximity to each other, as mentioned above, is that often I`ll be walking along the edges of a water zone, and one after the other zones are coming up.

But I`ll see in the centre of the screen...

White Tail often
White Tail rarely
White Tail often

And they come up one after the other, in quick succession, not far apart from each other.

Suggesting that there are "zones within zones" so this is why I keep my head down whilst constantly tapping the E key, to collect them as I`m auto-walking. As you could miss some of them, as they`re in the middle of another animals zones.

I`ve missed loads of Fox/Badger drinking zones by not checking each one, but now that they flash to indicate it`s one you haven`t discovered, it`s going to make it SO much easier, going back on older maps, and spotting them along the edge of water, when I`m there.
Bjørn Feb 22 @ 3:07pm 
Originally posted by eagle74:
Originally posted by Bjørn:
I'm not sure about the answer, but I'm curious about need zones: Are they static, meaning if they show 'Almost never' for example, will they always show that, or do they change from year to year? 3 game days is one year, right?

There is a video on NZ by Bumblewoot on YT that covers what you need to know.

Say a Red Deer has two feeding zones. One will be "often" & the group will use that zone ~85% of the time. The other one will be "rarely" & the group will use it the other ~15% of the time. The zones will stay like that forever unless you flip them. Killing 2 animals in a NZ will flip it. Firing 4 shots in a NZ will flip it even if you don't shoot anything. Once a zone flips, you can flip it back by going to the other zone & killing 2 animals. After doing so, I think there is a cooldown period b4 the zones can be flipped again.

As I recall, the hunting pressure created by killing an animal or firing shots in a NZ is cleared after 4 hr (RT in game on that map, I think). So, you can kill one animal in the zone & kill a 2nd one 4 hr later & it will not flip.

Also, some animals like birds don't follow these rules. But I don't recall the details. Anyway, I don't pay any attention to NZ flipping with birds. It it flies, it dies.

That sounds interesting, but flipping complicated! :lunar2019crylaughingpig::lunar2019deadpanpig:

But by 'flipping', you mean that by killing some animals close to one zone that is often used, the hunting pressure will cause the animals to use that zone less, and the other one more, and they will both change 'status' when you inspect them (from 'often' to 'rarely', and vice versa for the other zone, for example)? If so, that is pretty cool.
eagle74 Feb 22 @ 3:31pm 
Yes, flipping a zone means that the "often" one becomes the "rarely" one & vice versa.
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Date Posted: Feb 22 @ 6:19am
Posts: 20