Started loving the game. Ended up hating it.
Man - I was having a legit blast for a while - and then the game just started angering me.

1. Despite having invested 16 hours into it as of this writing - experienced over 2 days - I haven't gotten the slightest understanding of how/where the player respawn location functions. It seems damn near random at times. I have actual screenshots of being respawned in the middle of hostiles. Other times - outside the area where the hostiles are. In the case of the party - I purposely jumped off the cliff to get myself killed because this video game doesn't have an end loop button mid-game - so this is what you have to do I suppose - short of straight up going out to the main menu. So here's the thing - me jumping to my death in the exact same place 2 times in a row lead to me being respawned in two different locations. Why? What is the actual programming for the player respawn location? I'm not seeing any icons or any text or nothing on-screen to indicate what constitutes a respawn position.

2. Enemy death physics. Right - so let's get into this. Ya'll know the Oblivion physics memes where - upon dying - NPCs will occasionally jerk in various ways. Le funneeee. Indeed. But in this game - they do it as well - and it's an actual program interfering with gameplay and not for the humorous aspect. If you want to make sure an enemy is actually dead - you have to shoot them an additional couple of times when they do that - because they might be knocked down. At least - that worry never left me - despite never having experienced otherwise. It goes against everything I'd expect to have someone whose body I just injected with shotgun blasts being skyrocketed across the room after supposedly dying.

3. The last of the visionary lead quests I did was the one involving Aleksis - specifically the one titled "Enact the plan". I'm seeing a YouTube video with 150.000 views - of other players equally confused about this as me. I have no idea why there's no direction given in the main menu about from some phrasing in the vein of "I know of a way to draw him out". If not for that video - I would not have known what to do.

4. Despite my playtime - I still don't understand what trinkets/weapons carry over in the next loop. It needs borderline random to me. 16 hours bro. Of dying over and over and over again. I should know but I don't. I got my weapons every time it seems. My trinkets? They seem to be lost. Don't know when or why. And here's the thing: I stopped caring. When this game wanted me to redirect the power to each of the four locations, reinsert the batteries into the generator, having me respawn in the middle of hostiles leading to insta death etc. - I stopped picking up Ressidum, I stopped picking up slab upgrades, I stopped picking up weapons, etc.

5. Click-spamming everything in sight for what may be a clue. Yeah - not fun, not engaging. I get for those nerdily inclined - it's awesome to get into the lore bla bla bla. Dude - I'm not looking for that. I don't want to read those chat logs - but I have to - because one might contain a clue.

6. So finally I get to the "Ending It" mission. This was maybe an hour ago. Mind you - having put these 16 hours into this game over the past 2 days - and not really enjoying it - I was done. I am done. I don't want to play this game anymore. I want it to be over with. I'm no longer having fun. Despite it being tracked in the main menu - and despite me looking at the icons associated for the appropriate morning/noon/afternoon/evening cycles - I missed one of them - so I failed the mission. I don't understand the logic of this design. The player went through the work (in this case - 16 hours of it) of dying/trying/dying/trying - to get to this point. Why on Earth should the player be forced to remember the exact sequence of who is when and where and how.

Man. I don't even want to type anymore. I'm really sick of this game now. I'm gonna try one last time - and if that doesn't work - I'm just gonna watch it on YouTube. Thank God I only paid 5 dollars for this.
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These all sound like you problems man IDK. I love the game and have over 70 hours. I don't know what youre even talking about with the oblivion physics thing. I have never seen that whatsoever.

Im like 80 hours in and still havent closed the loop. You're playing the game wrong as ♥♥♥♥ and its no one fault but your own brains for not being able to understand the very simply explained mechanics of a roguelike shooter
Nguyên văn bởi xShapelessx:
These all sound like you problems man IDK. I love the game and have over 70 hours. I don't know what youre even talking about with the oblivion physics thing. I have never seen that whatsoever.

Im like 80 hours in and still havent closed the loop. You're playing the game wrong as ♥♥♥♥ and its no one fault but your own brains for not being able to understand the very simply explained mechanics of a roguelike shooter

I'm playing the game "wrong as ♥♥♥♥"? I've played Dishonored 1 and 2. I've played Prey. Isn't ARKANE's supposed genius precisely that there so open-ended as far as playstyles that there isn't one "right" way to play them? You can go in guns blazing or stealth, etc. I looked up the average completion time on HowLongToBeat and it's almost EXACTLY what I am currently at. I'm seeing longplays on YouTube that come to 6-7 hours. Meanwhile - you're at 80 hours. Maybe you're the one who needs to git gud, habibi? Think it over.
Game's done. Phew.

Decided to break the loop. Like RAGE - the ending was too abrupt. I read somewhere someone else saying they felt this ending was unsatisfying as well - but hey. One game off the list.
Nguyên văn bởi xShapelessx:
These all sound like you problems man IDK. I love the game and have over 70 hours. I don't know what youre even talking about with the oblivion physics thing. I have never seen that whatsoever.

Im like 80 hours in and still havent closed the loop. You're playing the game wrong as ♥♥♥♥ and its no one fault but your own brains for not being able to understand the very simply explained mechanics of a roguelike shooter

Hey bud. Found something you might wanna check out. The Co-Director on DEATHLOOP specifically saying there's no right way to play it. 3 mins and 10 secs in:
Sounds like it is not for you. I hope you find something else you like.
Sounds like some of your issues stem from skipping the tutorial info and not knowing how to infuse items - it's 100% deterministic what carries over between loops, and you decide what does. The game is a bit less handholdy at some points, there are a number of ways to identify Aleksis, all of which are revealed in the world, you probably haven't found the clues or don't read the notes/listen to tapes? I don't know, Haven't had those physics issues either personally.

Some of your issues seem self inflicted by rushing through the tutorial and not properly reading for clues, can't speak to the respawn inconsistency, I don't know how rigorously you tested it and I don't die that much to know myself.

It really sounds like you got frustrated because you failed to understand base mechanics (infusing) and then took a dark mood swing from there on out leading you to hate it (and still keep playing it for some reason?). Probably just not the game for you. It's a notch beneath Dishonored and certainly Prey, but it is a good game that oozes "Arkane" all over. You should try redfall and write about your experience, I probably would enjoy the read lol
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