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Magic spells is not effective
Yea, they cool looking and causing different way to damage the opponent, but some of them is quite ineffective considering DMG/mana cost. Why some spells required 7 mana to deal 200 DMG, while some require 20 mana to deal 250 damage? And some deal 500 damage for 18 mana.
It is wierd when you find another HIGHLY POWERFULL spell and its just disco ball with no potential.
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
AbuDhabi Man Mar 11, 2022 @ 3:39am 
That is what souls like games are all about. Not everything is good

For now sorcerers probably have like 4 good spells and a good katana that can be found however many people are crying about the katana at the moment, even though it is so easy to beat it with upgraded quickstep.

Overall the same whiners that were playing dark souls 3 are going to call nerfs to all kind of weapons,items and spells until at the end we will all be running two handed swords like it was in dark souls 3.
Last edited by AbuDhabi Man; Mar 11, 2022 @ 3:40am
Nauct Mar 11, 2022 @ 3:40am 
The ability to deal damage at a range is what makes magic powerful
Originally posted by Nauct:
The ability to deal damage at a range is what makes magic powerful
Nauct Mar 11, 2022 @ 4:55am 
Originally posted by Estsšchwilskalpule:
Originally posted by Nauct:
The ability to deal damage at a range is what makes magic powerful
Darth Garfunkel Mar 11, 2022 @ 6:28am 
Post your level and stats. The problem lies there.
Nasseem Mar 11, 2022 @ 6:30am 
Magic is plenty powerful lol.
Originally posted by IndustrialHaze:
Magic is plenty powerful lol.
Only certain magic spells are effective. But like 50% of all spells costs too much mp for their damage, even if the damage is huge. They are powerfull, no doubt, but not effective.
SmallGespenst Mar 11, 2022 @ 6:41am 
Originally posted by Estsšchwilskalpule:
Originally posted by IndustrialHaze:
Magic is plenty powerful lol.
Only certain magic spells are effective. But like 50% of all spells costs too much mp for their damage, even if the damage is huge. They are powerfull, no doubt, but not effective.
having high costs as a counterweight to high power is a valid trade-off. otherwise you'd just spam the strongest spell available.
Nasseem Mar 11, 2022 @ 6:43am 
Originally posted by Estsšchwilskalpule:
Originally posted by IndustrialHaze:
Magic is plenty powerful lol.
Only certain magic spells are effective. But like 50% of all spells costs too much mp for their damage, even if the damage is huge. They are powerfull, no doubt, but not effective.

You have played the game for 22 hours and have 2 achievements. You have no idea what your talking about, you have barely played the game lol.
Originally posted by Darth Garfunkel:
Post your level and stats. The problem lies there.
No. There is no problem.
Meteorite staff and 38 intellegence with no other boosters ( like amulets or head gear)

GLINTSTONE PEBBLE spell deals 181 dmg. 7 mp.
GLINTSTONE COMETSHARD spell deals 287 dmg. 25 mp. And 344 dmg for 38 mp (hold).

Simple math: Better to do is cast simple, fast glinstone pebble three times and have 543 dmg for 21 mp. Or you prefer 574 ( on 31 dmg more ) for 50 mana cost? Also glintstone cometshard much shorter radius and has slow cast time.

That is what i mean.

Also with that meteorite staff rock sling spell is pretty good. 486 DMG for 18 mp.
While lorreta bow deals 374 dmg for 32 mp, that is insane uneffective!

Worst spells is CRYSTAL BURST and CRYSTAL BURST. I'd wish to use them, but dealing 86 dmg for 40 mp is joke.

GLINTBLADE PHALANX (Flying arc swords) also bad. So bad, than ASH OF WAR: GLINTBLADE PHALANX. Ash costs something like 5-7 mp while spell - 20 mp. Also Ash can stun enemy to do critical hit ( spell cannot stun enemies )
Originally posted by IndustrialHaze:
Originally posted by Estsšchwilskalpule:
Only certain magic spells are effective. But like 50% of all spells costs too much mp for their damage, even if the damage is huge. They are powerfull, no doubt, but not effective.

You have played the game for 22 hours and have 2 achievements. You have no idea what your talking about, you have barely played the game lol.
Playing in offline mode.
[OTS]EchoZenLogos Mar 11, 2022 @ 6:59am 
Originally posted by Estsšchwilskalpule:
Originally posted by IndustrialHaze:
Magic is plenty powerful lol.
Only certain magic spells are effective. But like 50% of all spells costs too much mp for their damage, even if the damage is huge. They are powerfull, no doubt, but not effective.

FP usage is mostly irrelevant once you have a decent number of points into Mind.

The far more important stat to consider is damage per second.

FP efficiency comes in second place to that, especially in PvP or against bosses/strong enemies. Then of course you have to also consider their range, casting speed, ability to spam, ability to cause status effects, and so on.

For sorcery in particular, some of the spells like Comet can be chained back to back and basically annihilate an enemy - but will drain your FP bar in seconds. That's fine though - you just chug and move on. If you want to be FP efficient while casually exploring the open world, just use more FP efficient spells - saving the high DPS ones for tough fights.

Well, some of the spells and incantations in this game are objectively better or worse even with those considerations. A handful of them seem like they are too weak because they would be useful in PvP, and some of them are just outright bad (though not many).

Edit: "Also with that meteorite staff rock sling spell is pretty good. 486 DMG for 18 mp.
While lorreta bow deals 374 dmg for 32 mp, that is insane uneffective!"

Loretta's bow has the longest range of any sorcery. It's meant for getting an initial hit on an enemy from max range, not for DPS or efficiency.

"GLINTBLADE PHALANX (Flying arc swords) also bad. So bad, than ASH OF WAR: GLINTBLADE PHALANX. Ash costs something like 5-7 mp while spell - 20 mp. Also Ash can stun enemy to do critical hit ( spell cannot stun enemies )"

Glindblade spells definitely can stagger enemies. Especially once you get the great sword variant of them, though that costs something like 43 FP.

"Worst spells is CRYSTAL BURST and CRYSTAL BURST. I'd wish to use them, but dealing 86 dmg for 40 mp is joke.

Yeah, those are not great spells though can have niche use against some faster enemies that are low health and easy to kill but hard to hit.
Last edited by [OTS]EchoZenLogos; Mar 11, 2022 @ 7:02am
Raze Mar 11, 2022 @ 7:07am 
I thought the same thing when I first started, but if Glintstone Pebble is more effective/efficient then just use that. I used it forever. I don't know why the other spells seem useless but eh, I don't put a lot of thought into it. I'm at lvl 102 now, and don't even use Glintstone Pebble anymore or any Glintstone stuff in general.

Trust me, if you are complaining about this then you haven't progressed far enough to acquire the more powerful spells, or maybe you have and just wanted to state your argument in relation to the early spells.

I agree that they do need to take another look at some of those early Glintstone spells, as they really did seem super useless in damage/FP Cost, but probably at around level 60-70 I discovered Rock Sling, and later acquired Loretta's Bow (absolutely love this spell and use it often to one shot troublesome mobs or as an opener/hit & run on bosses, it will suck your FP dry though so be aware) and a few Frost Spells.

I will say that the guy posted above me that Rock Sling does more damage for less FP than Loretta's Bow, but you have to think about that in a practical sense. I have killed free roaming dragon bosses with only Loretta's Bow before because of its insane range and high damage (you can charge it). Rock Sling does more damage in comparison for less FP, but it is far less practical depending on the situation. For instance, it pulls 3 rocks from the ground and hurls them at the enemy. If one of those rocks hits anything on the way to its target, it is destroyed and you lose total damage. So you have to be able to read the room on what your most effective options are. Not every spell is perfect for all situations, and the spells I use cover a wide range of situations.

I don't even use any Glintstone spells currently, but there are still many spells I haven't found.
Last edited by Raze; Mar 11, 2022 @ 7:18am
Ryvaku Mar 11, 2022 @ 7:09am 
I like how peddle does more damage than a bigger spell.
Eventide Mar 11, 2022 @ 7:15am 
There have been many threads about how bad sorcery is, and it's definitely true. The only people that argue it isn't are the ones seeing the meme videos that use one very specific setup to make comet azur one shot the more stationary bosses.

When you actually play as a sorcerer you quickly realize that we only have like 10 good spells out of 71 total.. While spells should have trade offs so you're using other things, they shouldn't be as severe as what we get.

As you said:

Originally posted by Estsšchwilskalpule:
GLINTSTONE PEBBLE spell deals 181 dmg. 7 mp.
GLINTSTONE COMETSHARD spell deals 287 dmg. 25 mp. And 344 dmg for 38 mp (hold).

Simple math: Better to do is cast simple, fast glinstone pebble three times and have 543 dmg for 21 mp. Or you prefer 574 ( on 31 dmg more ) for 50 mana cost? Also glintstone cometshard much shorter radius and has slow cast time.

That is what i mean.

Also with that meteorite staff rock sling spell is pretty good. 486 DMG for 18 mp.
While lorreta bow deals 374 dmg for 32 mp, that is insane uneffective!

Worst spells is CRYSTAL BURST and CRYSTAL BURST. I'd wish to use them, but dealing 86 dmg for 40 mp is joke.

GLINTBLADE PHALANX (Flying arc swords) also bad. So bad, than ASH OF WAR: GLINTBLADE PHALANX. Ash costs something like 5-7 mp while spell - 20 mp. Also Ash can stun enemy to do critical hit ( spell cannot stun enemies )

The cometshard does more damage for far too much FP and it's a much longer cast with a much shorter range.. Lorreta's bow has some uses because of how far you can snipe with it, but seeing as you can't properly manually aim it, it's not that great honestly unless you can lock-on to the enemy.

There are other spells like the crystal barrage that do next to nothing at all. Most of the aoe spells like crystal release, magic downpour, etc are all so wildly inaccurate it's again practically useless. The only aoe spell I have still at like 60 hours, that's worth actually using, is cannon of haima.. and that thing eats 45FP

There's even more spells like star shower that would be great to use, but they just don't work well. Star Shower is a spell you get fairly early on and it's mean to be 6 stars that pursue enemies.. they barely track better than pebble and if they all hit they do like 1/4 of pebble's damage in total. Again this is for a 36FP cost too.

However, there's a glitch in determination and royal knight's resolve that makes you deal double damage for your next attack that isn't going away on magic use (so permanent double damage until using a weapon). There's also comet azur being a stationary laser with a like 5 second cast time and extremely high FP cost (unless you use the 10s of infinite FP in a wondrous flask). So of course people are like NO IT'S PERFECTLY FINE AND NOT UNBALANCED AT ALL! Yet the more they talk the more you can tell they obviously haven't played an actual sorcerer from start to finish. Without following a guide like the video posted previously that knows every little thing from the start and how to cheese it all for one specific setup.
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Date Posted: Mar 11, 2022 @ 3:12am
Posts: 25