Yakuza: Like a Dragon

Yakuza: Like a Dragon

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Was hesitant on TB Yakuza... turns out its my favorite form of Yakuza?
Who knew that a turn based approach to combat was exactly what I was looking for? Ichiban is already an enjoyable character. Thorughly enjoyed the first 3 chapters bringing his character to life, even showing the Shanggra-La and referencing KW2 (i think it was) when Majima drove the truck thru it.

Sujimon Dex is HILARIOUS. I am only 10hrs or so in, but I can see why this game is so highly rated.

After 0 -> 6, I thought for sure the TB System would ruin it, but it just made it better.

I'm even more excited for IW now!

Equally worried I might not enjoy Gaiden or Judgement as much now, but maybe this is a good palette cleanser.

Not sure when I want to play Ishin, but I have it installed and ready.


Why does LAD have a worse presentation than Y6? I thought LAD used an improved DE? Y6 had better lightning and fidelity, better use of DOF, etc. Is this just a performance choice? Or am I dumb and blind?
Last edited by |Pipe Dreams; May 1 @ 2:58pm
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I like both turn based and freeflow combat both equally, so i was happy starting this. I will admit because its a new protag there was alot of exposition in introducing the cast so the story did seem quite slow at first but once it picks up, it skyrockets. Its yakuza at the end of the day so the serious story nature contrasting with the hilarious side content is always going to be there and its what makes it yakuza imo, not the gameplay.
I will say though, judgment's combat seems to be the "peak" of brawler gameplay while gaiden's is definitely very fun too with agent style, havent played them yet but thats the general consensus.
As for presentation, its purely done on purpose. Kiryu's life is darker and grittier than ichibans and they are practically opposites in their personality too, hence why kiryu's games like 6 and gaiden have more darker tones and natural lighting while ichibans games will have more bright and vibrant colours, its all purely to symbolise the character
Originally posted by Lar Dass:
I like both turn based and freeflow combat both equally, so i was happy starting this. I will admit because its a new protag there was alot of exposition in introducing the cast so the story did seem quite slow at first but once it picks up, it skyrockets. Its yakuza at the end of the day so the serious story nature contrasting with the hilarious side content is always going to be there and its what makes it yakuza imo, not the gameplay.
I will say though, judgment's combat seems to be the "peak" of brawler gameplay while gaiden's is definitely very fun too with agent style, havent played them yet but thats the general consensus.
As for presentation, its purely done on purpose. Kiryu's life is darker and grittier than ichibans and they are practically opposites in their personality too, hence why kiryu's games like 6 and gaiden have more darker tones and natural lighting while ichibans games will have more bright and vibrant colours, its all purely to symbolise the character

I'm enjoying LAD so much that I don't know If i want it to end. This is how I felt about Y6 and 0. I didn't want them to end.

It makes sense the color mapping being toned to the persona.

The only Yakuza game I don't own is Dead Souls (obvious reasons, hopefully one day??), and IW. I want to buy IW but not until I have gone thru the rest of the games.

I might play Judgement between sessions of LAD, but not sure yet.

I tried Gaiden the other day and it was fantastic, but oh my god. that English dub?? I had to Alt-F4 out, I couldn't listen to Kiryu sound like that! The LAD dub is okay, but I just can't play these games in English. The emotion from the Japanese VA is so good and for whatever reason, the English VA don't give as much energy.
Yeah iw kinda requires knowledge of kiryus experience or adventures to get most of the context and with 5 it certainly a long haul. It’s better to play Japanese anyway since the bulk of the games are English sub anyway.
Last edited by Bankai9212; May 2 @ 10:37am
Lar Dass May 2 @ 12:20pm 
LAD dub is pretty decent, i enjoyed it on ng+ run, however purely because of kiryu's dub i ill not be playing gaiden dub on ng+ neither will i with IW either, i just cant stand it. darryl should have returned once again
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