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VouZ_nel 19. Aug. 2023 um 3:38
Could the development of this game be any slower?
I know everyone loves to slobber on Hakita's ♥♥♥♥, but I'm just tired of waiting at this point. This game is 5 years in development, Hakita made literal tons of money and IT'S STILL NOT DONE LMAO. Unless you want to do all the challenges, P-rankings and get to the 100th wave in Cybergrind, there's like 4-5h of content. No matter how many sweaty neckbeards I trigger, there's no way around it: it's pathetic. 5 years for 5h of content is pathetic.
This game has so much potential, so many mechanics, weapon combos, movement tech, so many bosses and minibosses... and barely any campaign to actually play. I know there are P-levels, Cybergrind and whatever, but it's not the same as having an actual 10h campaign with huge, interconnected levels, tons of creative arenas etc. Whenever a level starts becoming interesting, it just ends and Hakita abandons the theme for a new one.
Before you say "lmao skill issue, you could just replay the few levels we have ad naseum to get a better rank" no thank you. Levels are good, yes, not enough to replay them for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YEARS just because the dev is lazy.
"Creating a video game takes a lot of time and skill" I agree 100%. I know creating video games is hard as ♥♥♥♥ and takes years. But this is just ridiculous at this point. Turbo Overkill only needed a year and a half from its first demo to officialy release with around 20h of content of the base campaign alone, not including Endless and Secret levels. And it also has been created by just one guy and has twice the amount of tech, weapon combos, enemies etc.
Not saying Ultrakill is bad, but the lack of content is just infuriating at this point.

EDIT: https://i.imgur.com/dD4Mbjj.png
this whole saga is getting better and better
Zuletzt bearbeitet von VouZ_nel; 13. März um 16:40
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Ursprünglich geschrieben von RandomGuy:
Fun fact:
A videogame contains: music, art (textures and concept art) and animation, which all of them take an ungodly amount of Time to make
that's only the tip of the iceberg. You've got QA testing, porting to platforms like consoles, mac, linux, etc., making and balancing enemy ai, designing new characters, enemies, weapons and their alternates, lightning, level design, writing, voice lines and voice acting, adding new mechanics, optimization, designing and coding secret levels, marketing, finding a publisher, changing something in the code which somehow ends up completely breaking another unrelated thing and then spending several hours trying to figure out the cause and then fixing it, funding and budget, making sure the game is actually enjoyable, hiring and paying employees (though that's more of a general business thing), making difficulties (brutal and ukmd), copyright, legal stuff, sound effects, sound design, making sure the music fits the mood and enviroment (for example: if the level is melancholy and calm then hakita has to make it so that the music isn't upbeat and fast paced), ui and hud design, particles, shaders, graphics, making sure that the ui and hud fit on multiple aspect ratios, licensing, music labels, mocap animation, making sure things actually have an impact, enemy placements, playtesting, responding to fan feedback, managing and moderating stuff like discord servers, subreddits, maintaining the wikis, making the story and lore and so much other stuff involving game development that you realize just how much work and effort has to be put in order to make a great game like ultrakill.
Wow i took so much time making that comment that OP has already made a response to the other two
SHOCKOUT 21. Nov. 2023 um 14:53 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von StaticSpark:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von A 2008 Toyota Corolla:
not to mention level design, enemy design, team management, programming, balancing, polishing, bug fixing, regret, loss (of hours of work), despair, hopelessness, burnout, and on top of all of that, having to deal with impatient pieces of ♥♥♥♥ who have no idea how games are made
You guys act like because we're irritated at the lack of developer transparency and update frequency we're magically blind to the effort it takes to make games.
Nobody's saying making games is easy, this entire discussion stems from update frequency, something ultrakill used to have on lock, which it has since lost. Over the years updates have become more infrequent with less content within them. The 2 we got in 2023 were a single P level which was clearly hastily developed and received large criticism, and a cybergrind update which added QOL features.
A nice update for sure, but odd considering the main game wasn't even finished. It seems Hakita's eyes for the post game are taking priority, or at least were. That was the discussion. This, and several eyebrow-raising dev choices such as ACT II's last minute music tracks.

Acting like all discussion of this topic stems from "hurr durr me want game now why devs so slow" is stupid, considering the several factors that have created the argument in the first place that aren't just time between updates (though it does need to be considered at a point).
im pretty sure you are the only one irritated at the lack of transparency, i have heard people say ♥♥♥♥ like "ohhhh hakita is lazy!!!!", "he has so much money why didnt he finish development already!!" which are pretty vague.
Atleast from what i have seen, development on Violence layer is going faster, they are already working on 7-3 i think
they should post most of their updates on youtube instead of twitter
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SHOCKOUT; 21. Nov. 2023 um 14:57
Hydro 21. Nov. 2023 um 14:56 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von VouZ_nel:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von A 2008 Toyota Corolla:
Werent you talking about the demo of turbo overkill having 20 hours of playtime in your post? if its the 1.0 version that came out recently that has that amount of playtime, then how does a demo with less content get you 20 hours of playtime?

Now heres a challenge: Dont cut out this next part out of the quote to make yourself sound better (impossible)

You mention in your reply that turbo overkill's demo which only has about 30 minutes of gameplay took one and a half years to release, cant we then apply the same logic to turbo overkill, and call the developer a lazy ♥♥♥♥ because he took a year and a half to make 30 minutes of gameplay? Think about that

THANK YOU! I was waiting for someone to say "well you cannot judge this 5-YEAR OLD GAME as a finished product, it's still early acces!". I don't think I even have to respond to that "argument"
man shut up you aren't a finished product.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von StaticSpark:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von A 2008 Toyota Corolla:
not to mention level design, enemy design, team management, programming, balancing, polishing, bug fixing, regret, loss (of hours of work), despair, hopelessness, burnout, and on top of all of that, having to deal with impatient pieces of ♥♥♥♥ who have no idea how games are made
You guys act like because we're irritated at the lack of developer transparency and update frequency we're magically blind to the effort it takes to make games.
Nobody's saying making games is easy, this entire discussion stems from update frequency, something ultrakill used to have on lock, which it has since lost. Over the years updates have become more infrequent with less content within them. The 2 we got in 2023 were a single P level which was clearly hastily developed and received large criticism, and a cybergrind update which added QOL features.
A nice update for sure, but odd considering the main game wasn't even finished. It seems Hakita's eyes for the post game are taking priority, or at least were. That was the discussion. This, and several eyebrow-raising dev choices such as ACT II's last minute music tracks.

Acting like all discussion of this topic stems from "hurr durr me want game now why devs so slow" is stupid, considering the several factors that have created the argument in the first place that aren't just time between updates (though it does need to be considered at a point).
This is the best explanation of why people are annoyed, and justifiably so. Glad you could put it into words.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von StaticSpark:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von A 2008 Toyota Corolla:
not to mention level design, enemy design, team management, programming, balancing, polishing, bug fixing, regret, loss (of hours of work), despair, hopelessness, burnout, and on top of all of that, having to deal with impatient pieces of ♥♥♥♥ who have no idea how games are made
You guys act like because we're irritated at the lack of developer transparency and update frequency we're magically blind to the effort it takes to make games.
Nobody's saying making games is easy, this entire discussion stems from update frequency, something ultrakill used to have on lock, which it has since lost. Over the years updates have become more infrequent with less content within them. The 2 we got in 2023 were a single P level which was clearly hastily developed and received large criticism, and a cybergrind update which added QOL features.
A nice update for sure, but odd considering the main game wasn't even finished. It seems Hakita's eyes for the post game are taking priority, or at least were. That was the discussion. This, and several eyebrow-raising dev choices such as ACT II's last minute music tracks.

Acting like all discussion of this topic stems from "hurr durr me want game now why devs so slow" is stupid, considering the several factors that have created the argument in the first place that aren't just time between updates (though it does need to be considered at a point).

"You guys act like because we're irritated at the lack of developer transparency and update frequency we're magically blind to the effort it takes to make games."
You then go on to be suprised at content being put out slower the longer the development goes on, failing to understand how this could be to a multitude of reasons. If you didnt know, game developers are people, and can experience things such as:

Yes, believe it or not, these developers have a life outside of the little game you are playing, they have to pay rent, they have to buy food, they have to pay taxes, they have to go to work, and on top of all of that, they now have to develop a game, and unfortunately, game developers cant just dedicate every hour of the day to developing it.

I have tried making games before, and let me tell you, adding even the smallests of things, things that you probably take for granted, can be an absolute nightmare to implement, see volume sliders? well as it turns out, it isnt as simple as just slapping it onto a menu and then telling the game to lower its volume, because with something like unity, you have to manually make sure every sound in the game is set to the correct volume, and if you dont start doing that from the start, you end up with situations where you have to go through every single thing that can play a sound in the game making sure that they all are set to the correct volume, and if you miss any of them, you end up with the situation where almost every sound in your game is perfectly fine but then theres one sound that is ear piercingly loud because its volume wasnt set correctly, if something as simple as adding volume can cause that much trouble, is it really that suprising that the development is going at the pace that it is?
How does one delete a thread someone else made?
Ursprünglich geschrieben von gibinator:
How does one delete a thread someone else made?
Ursprünglich geschrieben von StaticSpark:
The 2 we got in 2023 were a single P level which was clearly hastily developed and received large criticism
I swear to ♥♥♥♥. Y'all keep acting like the Wait of the World update was some massive disappointment that only added a half-baked CBT-fest. Even if you didn't like P-2, that's far from all the update added. It also added:
- The Developer Museum
- 5-S
- The S.R.S. Cannon
- Radiant Enemies
- The Modifier Arm + Other Sandbox Updates
- Controller Rumble
- Shine Setting For Custom Weapons
- New Models For Malicious Faces And Swordsmachine
- Numerous Other Changes
And to top it all off, P-2 is possibly Ultrakill's best level to date.

If I see this take one more time, I'm gonna stuff someone's lungs with spare change.
VouZ_nel 21. Nov. 2023 um 16:26 
The amount of copium and blind fanboyism in these comments is reaching levels that shouldn't even be possible. Imagine a restaurant - you're waiting for a small/medium pizza for 2.5h with no end is sight and getting frustrated just to hear this from other customers:
"just go to a different pizzeria"
"eat something else lmao cuck"
"do you know that pizza needs flour, tomato sauce, cheese, cucumbers, onion, mushrooms, parmezan, ham and an oven? you clearly never've been in a kitchen. not to mention electricity, employees..."
"I've been waiting for 3 days and I'm not complaining"
"people like you are ruining restaurants! good food takes time"
"chill out, what's your problem, no one else has any issues"
"this pizza isn't actually small, if you eat all the crumbs and lick the plate clean, it takes half an hour to eat it"

I know, this isn't the best metaphor, can't wait for someone to dissect every word and explain why I'm the dumbest person to ever live.
Creating games takes time. Thanks, never realized that was the case. I guess it's all okay.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von VouZ_nel; 21. Nov. 2023 um 16:35
Ozium 21. Nov. 2023 um 16:29 
creating games is hard, that's why other people are able to do it in half the time it takes hakita!
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Ozium:
creating games is hard, that's why other people are able to do it in half the time it takes hakita!
and just like that youve just proved my point that you guys have 0 idea how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ballbustingly difficult making games is.
SHOCKOUT 21. Nov. 2023 um 16:37 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von VouZ_nel:
The amount of copium and blind fanboyism in these comments is reaching levels that shouldn't even be possible. Imagine a restaurant - you're waiting for a small/medium pizza for 2.5h with no end is sight and getting frustrated just to hear this from other customers:
"just go to a different pizzeria"
"eat something else lmao cuck"
"do you know that pizza needs flour, tomato sauce, cheese, cucumbers, onion, mushrooms, parmezan, ham and an oven? you clearly never've been in a kitchen. not to mention electricity, employees..."
"I've been waiting for 3 days and I'm not complaining"
"people like you are ruining restaurants! good food takes time"
"chill out, what's your problem, no one else has any issues"

I know, this isn't the best metaphor, can't wait for someone to dissect every word and explain why I'm the dumbest person to ever live.
Creating games takes time. Thanks, never realized that was the case. I guess it's all okay.
not only is it not the best metaphor, its prolly the worst one ive seen in my life
This ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thread in a nutshell:

"None of your points make any sense and you clearly have no clue what your talking about"
VouZ_nel 21. Nov. 2023 um 16:38 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von gibinator:
This ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thread in a nutshell:

"None of your points make any sense and you clearly have no clue what your talking about"

this thread in a nutshell:
"making video games takes time"
"yeah, i know, but this is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ absurd, there are examples of other games..."
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Geschrieben am: 19. Aug. 2023 um 3:38
Beiträge: 2,974