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BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 5:28am
Dx12-ErrorCode: 0x8007000e
I need help from the community, I've already tried different methods of solving this problem (the error started popping up after 10 hours of playing)
My device: Razer blade 15 2020 (i7-10750h; RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design)
I attach a crash report below

Build : dso 176/2099797 22:56 - Thu Dec 17 2020 Internal system error occured. An Access Violation (C0000005h) has occurred in thread 'SystemFileDevice:0' at instruction location 00007FF6476D3085h CallStack : 1938089460 0. 0x7FFBBEEB0BAE ntdll.dll, 0xBEEB0BAE 1. 0x7FF6476D3085 ds.exe, 0x476D3085 2. 0x7FF6477870EF ds.exe, 0x477870EF 3. 0x7FF64777C1CF ds.exe, 0x4777C1CF 4. 0x7FF64773F9DB ds.exe, 0x4773F9DB 5. 0x7FF6477692FD ds.exe, 0x477692FD 6. 0x7FF64773E7D1 ds.exe, 0x4773E7D1 7. 0x7FF64773E6AF ds.exe, 0x4773E6AF 8. 0x7FF6477691BE ds.exe, 0x477691BE 9. 0x7FF64776E306 ds.exe, 0x4776E306 10. 0x7FF647703B71 ds.exe, 0x47703B71 11. 0x7FF647703DF0 ds.exe, 0x47703DF0 12. 0x7FF6477DF19D ds.exe, 0x477DF19D 13. 0x7FFBBE2E7034 KERNEL32.DLL, 0xBE2E7034 14. 0x7FFBBEE62651 ntdll.dll, 0xBEE62651 RAX = c4180010 RBX = c4180010 RCX = 663f778 RDX = bc8af4e8 RSI = 10000000 RDI = c40b0a00 R8 = 2042 R9 = a R10 = bc8afc20 R11 = 663f650 R12 = 0 R13 = ef42ce28 R14 = 0 R15 = 1 RIP = 476d3085 RSP = 663f750 RBP = 663f8a0 EFL = 10202 Dx12-ErrorCode : 0x8007000e NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design Intel(R) UHD Graphics DeviceRemovedReason: 0x0 VMEM: Used 1541.15 MB / Budget 7263.00 MB VMEM: Video 8031.00 MB / Shared 8122.97 MB / System 0.00 MB MEM: Used 11151.98 MB / Total 16245.94 MB 0. 0x7FF6477F2188 ds.exe, 0x477F2188 1. 0x7FF6477F4071 ds.exe, 0x477F4071 2. 0x7FF6477F4386 ds.exe, 0x477F4386 3. 0x7FFBBEE88A4C ntdll.dll, 0xBEE88A4C 4. 0x7FFBBEE61276 ntdll.dll, 0xBEE61276 5. 0x7FFBBEEB0BAE ntdll.dll, 0xBEEB0BAE 6. 0x7FF6476D3085 ds.exe, 0x476D3085 7. 0x7FF6477870EF ds.exe, 0x477870EF 8. 0x7FF64777C1CF ds.exe, 0x4777C1CF 9. 0x7FF64773F9DB ds.exe, 0x4773F9DB 10. 0x7FF6477692FD ds.exe, 0x477692FD 11. 0x7FF64773E7D1 ds.exe, 0x4773E7D1 12. 0x7FF64773E6AF ds.exe, 0x4773E6AF 13. 0x7FF6477691BE ds.exe, 0x477691BE 14. 0x7FF64776E306 ds.exe, 0x4776E306 15. 0x7FF647703B71 ds.exe, 0x47703B71 16. 0x7FF647703DF0 ds.exe, 0x47703DF0 17. 0x7FF6477DF19D ds.exe, 0x477DF19D 18. 0x7FFBBE2E7034 KERNEL32.DLL, 0xBE2E7034 19. 0x7FFBBEE62651 ntdll.dll, 0xBEE62651 FDEF 20. 0x7FF70D4EB683 ds.exe, 0xD4EB683 21. 0x7FF70D4EB198 ds.exe, 0xD4EB198 22. 0x7FF70D4E239B ds.exe, 0xD4E239B 23. 0x7FF70D4DD54D ds.exe, 0xD4DD54D 24. 0x7FF70C785695 ds.exe, 0xC785695 25. 0x7FF70C785A0A ds.exe, 0xC785A0A 26. 0x7FF70C785896 ds.exe, 0xC785896 27. 0x7FF70E7F4832 ds.exe, 0xE7F4832 28. 0x7FFBE4467034 KERNEL32.DLL, 0xE4467034 29. 0x7FFBE5C62651 ntdll.dll, 0xE5C62651 85A0A 28. 0x7FF70C785896 ds.exe, 0xC785896 29. 0x7FF70E7F4832 ds.exe, 0xE7F4832 30. 0x7FFBE4467034 KERNEL32.DLL, 0xE4467034 31. 0x7FFBE5C62651 ntdll.dll, 0xE5C62651 29. 0x7FF7700C5A0A ds.exe, 0x700C5A0A 30. 0x7FF7700C5896 ds.exe, 0x700C5896 31. 0x7FF772134832 ds.exe, 0x72134832 32. 0x7FF8533E7034 KERNEL32.DLL, 0x533E7034 33. 0x7FF853582651 ntdll.dll, 0x53582651 . 0x7FFA71AFF6B2 nvwgf2umx.dll, 0x71AFF6B2 16. 0x7FFA71B00AB3 nvwgf2umx.dll, 0x71B00AB3 17. 0x7FFA70D49321 nvwgf2umx.dll, 0x70D49321 18. 0x7FFA70A87327 nvwgf2umx.dll, 0x70A87327 19. 0x7FFA70B2F9E9 nvwgf2umx.dll, 0x70B2F9E9 20. 0x7FFA70A8B5AB nvwgf2umx.dll, 0x70A8B5AB 21. 0x7FFA71AC0A75 nvwgf2umx.dll, 0x71AC0A75 22. 0x7FFA6D190230 D3D12Core.dll, 0x6D190230 23. 0x7FFA6D190D6A D3D12Core.dll, 0x6D190D6A 24. 0x7FFA6D16B735 D3D12Core.dll, 0x6D16B735 25. 0x7FFA6D152193 D3D12Core.dll, 0x6D152193 26. 0x7FFA6D13502C D3D12Core.dll, 0x6D13502C 27. 0x7FFA91445737 d3d12.dll, 0x91445737 28. 0x7FFA6D1443FD D3D12Core.dll, 0x6D1443FD 29. 0x7FFA6D162EEE D3D12Core.dll, 0x6D162EEE 30. 0x7FFA6D161C90 D3D12Core.dll, 0x6D161C90 31. 0x7FF665BCFE20 ds.exe, 0x65BCFE20 32. 0x7FF665B92114 ds.exe, 0x65B92114 33. 0x7FF665BE3C33 ds.exe, 0x65BE3C33 34. 0x7FF665BB5C3A ds.exe, 0x65BB5C3A 35. 0x7FF665F4603D ds.exe, 0x65F4603D 36. 0x7FF665CC314E ds.exe, 0x65CC314E 37. 0x7FF665CCD730 ds.exe, 0x65CCD730 38. 0x7FF665CD19E7 ds.exe, 0x65CD19E7 39. 0x7FF665CCCAD0 ds.exe, 0x65CCCAD0 40. 0x7FF665CCD039 ds.exe, 0x65CCD039 41. 0x7FF665C42C84 ds.exe, 0x65C42C84 42. 0x7FF665C42D7D ds.exe, 0x65C42D7D 43. 0x7FF665C43DAB ds.exe, 0x65C43DAB 44. 0x7FF665C3F19D ds.exe, 0x65C3F19D 45. 0x7FFAB5357034 KERNEL32.DLL, 0xB5357034 46. 0x7FFAB6E82651 ntdll.dll, 0xB6E82651
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Showing 1-15 of 30 comments
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 5:52am 
Forgot to add that the game is displayed on the second monitor
Flybye May 5, 2021 @ 8:24am 
It is an access violation. Something is telling DS that it’s can’t access something and preventing it. I got rid of my violation by running the game as an admin. I only had to do that once, and I never got the error again.
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 8:42am 
Originally posted by Flybye:
It is an access violation. Something is telling DS that it’s can’t access something and preventing it. I got rid of my violation by running the game as an admin. I only had to do that once, and I never got the error again.

didn't work, the error pops up when loading the save
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 8:47am 
Originally posted by Flybye:
It is an access violation. Something is telling DS that it’s can’t access something and preventing it. I got rid of my violation by running the game as an admin. I only had to do that once, and I never got the error again.

Also added parameters for ds.exe in protection against exploits, added antivirus to exclusions, nothing helped
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 8:52am 
I also noticed that if you wait and do not close the crash report, then the discrete video card turns off
Flybye May 5, 2021 @ 9:01am 
Try turning off the antivirus for a moment as a test? Exclusions sometimes don’t work the way we want them too.
Last edited by Flybye; May 5, 2021 @ 9:03am
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 9:04am 
I tried to disable the antivirus, as well as the Razer Cortex
Flybye May 5, 2021 @ 9:12am 
I’ll be honest. I haven’t messed with a gaming laptop in a while. Can’t you disable the integrated GPU to go full discrete all the time? If that works, it makes me wonder if its windows, drivers, or DX12 itself.
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 9:16am 
when the monitor is connected via hdmi, only a discrete video card works to display the image (I tried to play on the built-in monitor - the error was the same), but now I will try to disable the built-in card
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 9:21am 
Originally posted by Flybye:
I’ll be honest. I haven’t messed with a gaming laptop in a while. Can’t you disable the integrated GPU to go full discrete all the time? If that works, it makes me wonder if its windows, drivers, or DX12 itself.

disabling the video card did not help
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 9:22am 
the error code has not changed in the report
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 9:24am 
windows, drivers, as well as DX updated to the latest version
Flybye May 5, 2021 @ 10:38am 
Tried a different windows profile?
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 10:56am 
Originally posted by Flybye:
Tried a different windows profile?
it didn't work
BALGON May 5, 2021 @ 10:57am 
i uninstalled antivirus, it didn't help
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