Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

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Jed Clampet 28 ENE 2021 a las 5:47 p. m.
So I'm on my way to the Van Horn saloon to drop off a load of moonshine. I ride past Gus, and there's a blue dot (another player) having a chat with him. I get nervous seeing blue dots, but I ride on. I pass some guy putting a pelt on the back of his horse, another blue dot but no trouble there as he's busy. Next, I come to the revenue agents, so I stop, pull my rifle out and start popping them off one by one... until, I get popped. Right in the back of my head. It's the pelt guy.

I respawn, call my horse and go at it. Bugger the wagon full of moonshine, I don't even know if it's still there or not. He runs, I follow. Blasting away at him. I got him. he respawns, I go for him again! I hate griefers, and this nut didn't even want my wagon load of moonshine, just wanted to be an annoyance.

So after I kill him three times I notice my wagon is still there, so I ride on over and it's intact... I have three minutes to make it to Van Horn. Meanwhile the greifer has ran off, as far away from me as possible it seems. I make it to Van Horn with 28 secs left.

My message: griefers will be hunted, and shot repeatedly. He could've at LEAST taken my wagon load of moonshine. What a twerp!
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Mostrando 1-15 de 54 comentarios
Hewlett Craphard 28 ENE 2021 a las 6:51 p. m. 
You can't steal another player's moonshine wagon. All an opposing player can do is destroy it and get absolutely nothing for the trouble (except maybe hunted, like you said).
It's the absolute worst type of griefing as it's completely pointless. The ONLY purpose for doing it is to prey on other players.
Silhouette 28 ENE 2021 a las 7:07 p. m. 
*Sigh* I get that open PvP is more immersive with that ‘ever-present sense of danger,’ but I really wish this game had a Passive Mode like GTA online.

Especially if it made you immune to spontaneous explosions from cheaters. :/
Última edición por Silhouette; 28 ENE 2021 a las 7:08 p. m.
Bloodysod 28 ENE 2021 a las 7:27 p. m. 
At least R*'s lawyers are starting to rip the nadds off hackers. Prolly the only time I've cheered for the wolf pack in this game.
Tried playing defensive for a few days. Didn't feel right, somehow.
Anyone now approaches me with a weapon of any kind drawn, we'll tangle.
Don't always ( often actually ) go the way I'd prefer but...whatever.
Griefers are what they are and know it.
That's what makes them griefers.
Happy trails...
tyrone shoelaces 28 ENE 2021 a las 7:41 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Jed Clampet:
So I'm on my way to the Van Horn saloon to drop off a load of moonshine. I ride past Gus, and there's a blue dot (another player) having a chat with him. I get nervous seeing blue dots, but I ride on. I pass some guy putting a pelt on the back of his horse, another blue dot but no trouble there as he's busy. Next, I come to the revenue agents, so I stop, pull my rifle out and start popping them off one by one... until, I get popped. Right in the back of my head. It's the pelt guy.

I respawn, call my horse and go at it. Bugger the wagon full of moonshine, I don't even know if it's still there or not. He runs, I follow. Blasting away at him. I got him. he respawns, I go for him again! I hate griefers, and this nut didn't even want my wagon load of moonshine, just wanted to be an annoyance.

So after I kill him three times I notice my wagon is still there, so I ride on over and it's intact... I have three minutes to make it to Van Horn. Meanwhile the greifer has ran off, as far away from me as possible it seems. I make it to Van Horn with 28 secs left.

My message: griefers will be hunted, and shot repeatedly. He could've at LEAST taken my wagon load of moonshine. What a twerp!

yes most griefers are very poorly skilled, which explains why they operate in such greasy mannerisms. the last time i was griefed on long deliveries for trader (was maybe this weekend past) the guys were so bad i ended up burning 170 revolver bullets out of my 200 killing them, and almost timed out on my delivery because i just sat there waiting for the stable geniuses to respawn and just keep coming back for more lead. and this was a posse of one guy and his buddy against just me. they never tried to explode my wagon or nothing. just came to give me a 25 kdr or something like that for the day i guess.

i always wonder if at any point during the 10 minutes i spend pumping 170 of my 200 bullets into them if they ever just stop for a second and think how :shit: they really are at vidya games. lmao. i mean after i got my head shot 3 or 4 times by the same guy just like my buddy beside me and dude is still nary a scratch, i would have had more than my fill of education on how i suck at this game.

i guess some people have problems processing even simple data.
Evolvei 28 ENE 2021 a las 8:21 p. m. 
To me all PVP players are griefers.
Twitchey 28 ENE 2021 a las 8:45 p. m. 
Does anyone leave VOIP on? And if so is it just constant garbage? I turned it off the first time I encountered someone with a mic (some child in town having a tantrum and yelling about some out of game nonsense).

The griefers I personally encountered were brutal, I'm there level 1 with the starter guns and a group of three super high level guys just continued to hunt me down, I didn't want to leave the server and thought you might be able to hide, but they just kept finding and killing me. After that I had no problems with just bailing out to menu rather than bother actually fighting, it is just pointless.
Silhouette 28 ENE 2021 a las 8:55 p. m. 
If players are continuing to grief you, and you have no interest in fighting them, your best option is to ‘parley’ with them.

You’ll be immune to receiving damage from them and their posse for 10 minutes; hopefully enough time for them to lose interest and leave ya alone. :P

I’ve done this. lol, the dumber griefers will accuse you of cheating because they think you’ve activated some kind of ‘god-mode’ hack. XD
Última edición por Silhouette; 28 ENE 2021 a las 8:57 p. m.
⚜︎Dmitry Light 28 ENE 2021 a las 9:15 p. m. 
So? What's point of message? Griffer can get kill you ten times, with exp. arrous, elephant gun, HE rounds, destroy your trader wagon or many more and after you kill him, he can activated parley mode or just lost Interest to you. You waste your time, becouse after first kill you don't activate parley, or don't change game session, but other fella makes fun at you.
Even if you go 1 to 1 with him, he will get much more pleasure from taking your time and desire to play.
ld-airgrafix 29 ENE 2021 a las 1:00 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Twitchey:
Does anyone leave VOIP on? And if so is it just constant garbage? I turned it off the first time I encountered someone with a mic (some child in town having a tantrum and yelling about some out of game nonsense).

The griefers I personally encountered were brutal, I'm there level 1 with the starter guns and a group of three super high level guys just continued to hunt me down, I didn't want to leave the server and thought you might be able to hide, but they just kept finding and killing me. After that I had no problems with just bailing out to menu rather than bother actually fighting, it is just pointless.
You cant hide because they see you on the minimap. and this is what I hate about online mode. there should be no player positions shown.
angelsdavid1989 29 ENE 2021 a las 1:26 a. m. 
The ones I have encountered not only shoot me and chase me around but they shoot my horse, and THAT is a real pain because now you gotta use your horse reviver and that costs money out of your total, and you have to keep buying more. There was one time I couldn't even get to my horse to use the reviver on him. He just died. So I wound up having to log out of the game and then had to travel to a stable to get him back. What a pain.
globefish23 29 ENE 2021 a las 2:36 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por angelsdavid1989:
The ones I have encountered not only shoot me and chase me around but they shoot my horse, and THAT is a real pain because now you gotta use your horse reviver and that costs money out of your total, and you have to keep buying more. There was one time I couldn't even get to my horse to use the reviver on him. He just died. So I wound up having to log out of the game and then had to travel to a stable to get him back. What a pain.
Horse insurance + a backup horse
crizzl 29 ENE 2021 a las 4:05 a. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Jed Clampet:
He could've at LEAST taken my wagon load of moonshine.
Don't tell griefers how to grief lol

Publicado originalmente por PoisonBlade:
If players are continuing to grief you, and you have no interest in fighting them, your best option is to ‘parley’ with them.
With parley is on the real grief can begin, it is actually much easier to grief if you cannot shoot each other

In conclusion I feel like most guys here never encountered real griefers, since you're already sad about any pvp, what is part of the game
🐾 29 ENE 2021 a las 4:50 a. m. 
I started playing RDR 2 online recently with my friend so we do not have much experience with the game yet (I have only played the single player while my friend had never played the game). One time we wanted to lower our honor to do main missions that require us to have a low honor. We went to a city and started killing NPCs to lower it fast. Suddenly we realized that we had shot some real players. In the heat of battle everything that moved got a bullet. It turned into a very fun battle in the city where both sides threw everything they had at the other while the police came at us and npcs ran around screaming.

On another occasion my friend shot a trader with a wagon by accident as he thought it was a npc on his way to the nearby village. When we realized it was a player we left him alone, but the crazy old trader went wild I tell you and starter shooting at us like there was no tomorrow. We could not just leave as he would shoot us in the back so we started fighting. The trader started screaming in the voice chat and just went full on mental.

On another occasion we saw a person going towards a village while having an animal tied to his horse while he himself was carrying another animal on his shoulders. We shot him and was on our way, but he also went mental and started screaming while chasing us. He went totally off the rail and we had to fight it out as he refused to let it go.

I remember we were riding at full speed into a town and accidentally crashed into 2 other players. 1 was on a wagon and the other on his horse. The crash was spectacular as horses and men flew everywhere. I thought WTF happened and then suddenly the traders yet again went mental going full bullet storm and we had to stay and fight till we had no more bullets as they just kept going. During the battle somewhere they just lost their minds and started screaming in the voice chat in some strange language. Of course we screamed back that they had entered the border illegally and that the aliens had to be deported. It just went on and on and on. Towards the end of the battle we had no more ammo and they started throwing molotov coctails at us while we only had dynamite left and started throwing that. I remember one of them, it was a woman. She tried to run up to me and throw a molotov but she threw it in front of herself and was caught in the fire and died. I just could not stop laughing. In the end we left as they just would not stop. It was just an accident but being traders they were mentally challenged and just kept going.

I have the feeling that all traders are mentally unstable in this game. If you so much as look at their goods they will go full on mental.
Zuleica 29 ENE 2021 a las 5:18 a. m. 
Welcome to playing with internet strangers in a peer-to-peer lobby. I'd play online IF Rockstar would provide private invite only lobbies.
MoOoOo 29 ENE 2021 a las 5:32 a. m. 
Until a CHiNA modder blow your full loaded moonshine wagon,
or full loaded pelt wagon with his invisible mode on,
you realize that what the real lowlife griefers are.
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