Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

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List of Issues Thread

The developers have finally named me in their post on here (RAMPAGE572 from reddit), however they still refuse to pin this thread on Steam... where they have full control.

Can we now at least go down the list of issues and mark off the ones they've fixed??

Developers I'm sure you've seen this thread by now, could you please do us all a favour and pin this thread. Not only would it help your QA team but it would also help the community and rid the forums of duplicate threads.

I've followed you lot for years, and to have a game such as Horizon Zero Dawn be released in this state is utterly mind boggling. If this had been Killzone I think I would of cried.

I'd be more than happy to test your next game, this is getting crazy. ZERO RESPONSE FROM THE DEVELOPER OR MODERATOR!?!

I've played a little over an hour and a bit of the game and still noticing some issues that have been carried over from the PS4 version... those issues have been outlined in the below thread.

- No auto save for initial saved items (start up language options + Subtitles don't save) - PS4 issue also
- Going from the issue above - Autoplays start movie and not able to skip - PS4 issue also
- Shadows cause flickering (defaulted to high settings) - PS4 issue also
- Keyboard input still applies in-game when Steam UI/overlay is enabled, in main menu can hear input sounds whilst typing this ;)
- Ultrawide supported but adds stretched pillerbox
- Facial animations with unlocked framerate, causing jarring and incorrectly timed facial animations
- Volumetric clouds/dust (first playable scene) causes flickering or blocky artifacts when panning camera (first playable scene - cave) - PS4 issue also
- Sometimes first input via keyboard from move Aloy forwards (first playable scene - cave)
- Odd audio distortion effect (first playable scene - cave)
- Reflection flicker when panning (first playable scene - cave) - PS4 issue also
- Shadow casts on water cause blocky artifacts (despite settings) - PS4 issue also
- Movement issue using Keyboard + Mouse https://steamcommunity.com/app/1151640/discussions/0/2791621875939162152/
- Graphic artifacts - 2070 SUPER - https://steamcommunity.com/app/1151640/discussions/0/2791621875939270369/
- No controller rumble option
- No audio outside the initial intro cinematic though claimed to be fixed in the day one patch - "Fixed an issue where an option in the Audio Output Device list did not register as a valid option. Fixed an issue where the Audio Output Device can not be changed via the Settings > Audio page"
- "Couldn't save/no permission for Document folder" - a user cannot save with a Japanese username on windows
- Resolution scaling incorrectly - includes Ultrawide and 4K (thread focuses on 4K) https://steamcommunity.com/app/1151640/discussions/0/2791621875939466010/
- Save game error - Potential fix (Added to list of fixes an alternate solution) https://steamcommunity.com/app/1151640/discussions/0/2791621875939210161/
- Shader process repeats when a new video driver is installed, even if it ran previously
- After closing the game it never stops running, still says the user is playing it according to Steam
- A user has reported that when using Steam family sharing the game doesn't create it's own user save and will mix and match depending on the last person to play it, which removes the save for the original user (in this case the owner of the game)
- Photo mode FOV/depth of field is further away on PC compared to PS4 (can't get close up on character models before it blurs)
- Concentration ability appears to be broken or not working - Gamespot video
- VSYNC limits GPU usage and introduces irregular framerates/hitching
- A user has reported seeing a black screen periodically around cutscenes
- Climbing mechanics still don't lock onto object very well - PS4 issue also
- Invulnerable during roll + attack damage lingers even after the roll (not even close to target) - PS4 issue also
- Talking to Grata (first side quest) there's a lot of Depth of Field related artifacts
- A user noted - When looting robots it sometimes takes a few seconds until you can walk away and move from them
- A user noted - Stealth strikes are not always clear and available and will sometimes even vanish just because the robot moves the slightest bit away
- A user noted - Stealth strikes will not even show up unless you are perfectly aligned behind them
- Locking the game to 60 or 30 fps doesn't fix any performance or crash issues - however the game maintains a 30fps lock more so than 60fps regardless of settings
- System RAM memory leak, 5GB and increasing in increments over time before next cutscene or direct dialogue sequence
- A user noted - Pressing forward you will go Northwest instead
- A user noted - Camera angle switching from Over-the-left-shoulder to over-the-right-shoulder.
- Broken teeth/mouth textures during cutscenes
- Enabling VSYNC outside the game doesn't fix crashing issues, seems to crash more often in my experience
- AI pathing + collision isn't natural, causing characters to bump into each other during the "Mother's Heart" mission
- Talking to Vaul - During the conversation rain decals/droplets appear on the skin but it's not raining???
- A user noted - Shimmering texture on grass and foliage
- Mouse control feels jittery and not smooth (I'm not saying enable mouse smoothing at all but it just feels bad)
- Multiple users noted - HDR doesn't behave as expected, blown out or just terrible colour reproduction
- Aim assist not working as intended with controller
- After death, active mission will deactivate
- Sometimes jumping momentum will slow down when trying to jump to an object marked with yellow
- A user noted - Issue related to the day/night cycle being stuck at night time?

- Texture caching failing for some people + takes ~10 minutes on an SSD (it does say that may happen after each patch)
(point of reference) https://steamcommunity.com/app/1151640/discussions/0/2791621875939147453/
- 30fps cutscenes/animations look odd and choppy when running at higher framerates
- Crash on start up (no root cause or fix found yet)
- Graphical artifacts (most likely due to insufficient VRAM, with no limiter) https://steamcommunity.com/app/1151640/discussions/0/2791621875939119735/
- Crashing on both Intel/AMD CPU's + NVIDIA/AMD GPU's
- Poor performance across many AMD/NVIDIA GPU's, including 4GB models
- Refunds being denied for non Australians, community moderator insists people to use support tickets. Which is against the Steam user policy (2 weeks or 2hrs whichever comes first)
- For anyone who gets past the initial cutscene, if you disable VSYNC or are getting FPS higher than your native screen refresh rate the game is more likely to crash (so try lock it externally at 60fps or even 30fps until the developers fix the unlocked fps issues)
- Game runs ok when set to "Default or Original Settings"... anything beyond that has issues
- RX Vega performance issues, unable to fix (could be an architecture related issue)

- Potential fix for crashing - Disable Steam overlay and FPS counter https://steamcommunity.com/app/1151640/discussions/0/2791621875939290122/
- Potential fix for graphical issues on NVIDIA GPU's, install BETA driver 451.85
- Potential fix for start up crashing... due to either a firewall or Antivirus conflict - COMODO tried to start the game in sandbox mode but failed, had to allow the application before it would launch
- Save/no permission for Document folder - Users folder has to be in English or you'll receive an error message when the game saves
- Possible fix for sound issue - make sure your audio device settings are set to 24bit 48000 Hz

Anymore issues please leave below and tag me so I can update the OP thread.


Windows Version
GPU Driver version
"Explain issue and was it repeatable or not!?"

Windows 10 1909 - OS Build 18363.959
I7 8700K (No OC)
MSI GTX 1080 (tested with both OC on and off)
Nvidia Driver - 451.67
Last edited by MADagain321; Aug 28, 2020 @ 1:08am
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Showing 1-15 of 343 comments
EXPERIMENTONGOD Aug 7, 2020 @ 9:43am 
For issue #1 and #2

you need to start a new game for the game to "save your profile" (language options and skipping the intro movie).

I'm afraid it's the same issue present on the original PS4 version.
Last edited by EXPERIMENTONGOD; Aug 7, 2020 @ 9:45am
MADagain321 Aug 7, 2020 @ 9:46am 
Originally posted by EXPERIMENTONGOD:
For issue #1 and #2

you need to start a new game for the game to "save your profile" (language options and skipping the intro movie).

I'm afraid it was the same way on PS4.
Yeah, it's still an ongoing issue hence why I included it... that's engine related (settings are saved after player starts new game so should be updated to reflect that, meaning all inputs are saved).

Just to clarify, system settings + graphics etc are saved so why isn't there a check to see if the player has seen or already added an input to the start section.
schwich Aug 7, 2020 @ 9:48am 
Crashing to desktop during first cinematic after starting new game, right after the woman says "That's a lot of berries" to the little kid. Can't even play the game. All settings original, I have a GTX 1080, trying to run the game at 1440p.
Last edited by schwich; Aug 7, 2020 @ 9:49am
MADagain321 Aug 7, 2020 @ 9:51am 
Originally posted by BILLY MAYS HERE:
Crashing to desktop during first cinematic after starting new game, right after the woman says "That's a lot of berries" to the little kid. Can't even play the game. All settings original, I have a GTX 1080, trying to run the game at 1440p.
Have you tried enabling VSYNC or setting a frame limit of 30 or 60fps?
MADagain321 Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:08am 
Moderators please pin to make this process easier for everyone and reduce duplicate threads cheers :)
mozza Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:10am 
Last edited by mozza; Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:11am
Cadie Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:12am 
Hi! I downloaded the predownloaded game but it stops at maximum 67.1 gb and then it has drive issue so I uninstalled the game, then I tried to reinstall it but steam says it has already 78% of the game (but local folder is empty) and it stucks on the 78%. I tried to reinstall it couple of time but there is the same thing over and over, any solution for that mates? :)
Veeku Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:13am 
For some weird reason, the game is not detecting my keyboard. I can look around with my mouse, but can't move. Anyone have this issue? Any help?
Hex: Wheeler Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:14am 
No audio outside the initial intro cinematic. The output audio menu item is empty and cannot be changed. However if you open the intro from the extras menu again it has sound.

Realtek HD Audio 10.0.18362.1

gigabyte 2070 super
i7 7700
Nvidia Driver - 451.67

EDIT - Mentioned as a "fixed" issue in their day 0 patch

"Fixed an issue where an option in the Audio Output Device list did not register as a valid option.
Fixed an issue where the Audio Output Device can not be changed via the Settings > Audio page."
Last edited by Hex: Wheeler; Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:19am
Alexso Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:15am 
Originally posted by Cadie:
Hi! I downloaded the predownloaded game but it stops at maximum 67.1 gb and then it has drive issue so I uninstalled the game, then I tried to reinstall it but steam says it has already 78% of the game (but local folder is empty) and it stucks on the 78%. I tried to reinstall it couple of time but there is the same thing over and over, any solution for that mates? :)

I had the same, but after i just hit the play button it downloaded the rest correctly
MUST have a Controller Rumble option placed in the game. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rumble is killing me bro. Maybe I can turn it off somewhere on my end but it's a damn xbox controller. This is one of the first games I've seen in a long time without a rumble option

I have no graphical artifacts, I'm running
GTX 1070ti
m2 1tb
32gb ram

This game is a ridiculous resource hog. I'm hitting like 60% with my CPU. If you're having problems, I can guarantee you it's probably not your GPU if you've got something better or comparable to mine. I'm using 70% GPU. Hasn't even hit cap that I set yet once. It's just super heavy on the CPU, suggests wonky coding going on.
Last edited by Legato Bluesummers; Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:20am
Eärendil Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:17am 
I cant even open the game at all..
MADagain321 Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:18am 
Originally posted by Alexso:
Originally posted by Cadie:
Hi! I downloaded the predownloaded game but it stops at maximum 67.1 gb and then it has drive issue so I uninstalled the game, then I tried to reinstall it but steam says it has already 78% of the game (but local folder is empty) and it stucks on the 78%. I tried to reinstall it couple of time but there is the same thing over and over, any solution for that mates? :)

I had the same, but after i just hit the play button it downloaded the rest correctly
Most likely an issue with the download server, potentially. Seeing as so many people are hitting it at once.

Originally posted by Hex: Wheeler:
No audio outside the initial intro cinematic. The output audio menu item is empty and cannot be changed. However if you open the intro from the extras menu again it has sound.
Hmmm now that's rather odd. What's your setup so I can add it to the thread!!
MADagain321 Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:19am 
Originally posted by Legato Bluesummers:
MUST have a Controller Rumble option placed in the game. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rumble is killing me bro. Maybe I can turn it off somewhere on my end but it's a damn xbox controller. This is one of the first games I've seen in a long time without a rumble option
Nah loads don't, you'd be surprised how many still input the rumble function to the controller even though it's not in use but plugged in ;)
Cadie Aug 7, 2020 @ 10:19am 
Originally posted by Alexso:
Originally posted by Cadie:
Hi! I downloaded the predownloaded game but it stops at maximum 67.1 gb and then it has drive issue so I uninstalled the game, then I tried to reinstall it but steam says it has already 78% of the game (but local folder is empty) and it stucks on the 78%. I tried to reinstall it couple of time but there is the same thing over and over, any solution for that mates? :)

I had the same, but after i just hit the play button it downloaded the rest correctly

It's not working for me :( but thx :)
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Showing 1-15 of 343 comments
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Date Posted: Aug 7, 2020 @ 9:37am
Posts: 343