Gas Station Simulator

Gas Station Simulator

tesss Jan 2, 2022 @ 8:27am
How get achievement "Very fast"?
I have already received all achievements in the game, except "very fast".
I spent over 6 hours and made about 300 races, but I never managed to arrive earlier than 1 minute 20 seconds. I don’t understand how to overcome this route faster.
Maybe there is some secret trick?
It seems that this assignment is not about a gas station, but about the NSF. If I loved racing, I probably would have bought the NSF, and not a gas station simulator.
And this task, crazy in complexity, is given one of the first, offering to earn $ 20 ???
Are the developers kidding or is there really some secret? :)
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
?Syntax Error Jan 2, 2022 @ 8:31am 
It is 1 minute 02 seconds. Not 1 minute 20 seconds.

And yes it takes alot of tries, I got it after about 50 tries. Learn the track, race fast, never jump(it's useless). Slow down at one or two points. It's hard to explain but I hope it helps.
Last edited by ?Syntax Error; Jan 2, 2022 @ 8:32am
ShockedHearts Jan 2, 2022 @ 8:33am 
Originally posted by ?Syntax Error:
It is 1 minute 02 seconds. Not 1 minute 20 seconds.

And yes it takes alot of tries, I got it after about 50 tries. Learn the track, race fast, never jump(it's useless). Slow down at one or two points. It's hard to explain but I hope it helps.
the jump can hypothetically be used to gain some momentum and skip small sections if you have both amazing timing/aim and a lil luck. but it is safer to not use it, but you can get an impressive under minute time with the jump
tesss Jan 2, 2022 @ 8:34am 
Originally posted by ?Syntax Error:
It is 1 minute 02 seconds. Not 1 minute 20 seconds.

And yes it takes alot of tries, I got it after about 50 tries.
Yes, I know the time required to reach is 1.02. But I cannot achieve the result even at 1.20, and this despite the fact that I have repeatedly managed to drive the entire track, never crashing into anything or flying off it =))
How did you manage that?
tesss Jan 2, 2022 @ 8:37am 
Originally posted by ShockedHearts:
Originally posted by ?Syntax Error:
It is 1 minute 02 seconds. Not 1 minute 20 seconds.

And yes it takes alot of tries, I got it after about 50 tries. Learn the track, race fast, never jump(it's useless). Slow down at one or two points. It's hard to explain but I hope it helps.
the jump can hypothetically be used to gain some momentum and skip small sections if you have both amazing timing/aim and a lil luck. but it is safer to not use it, but you can get an impressive under minute time with the jump
Don't you want to record a video and upload it to YouTube? :)
Perhaps your experience would help not only me to cope with this problem. Apparently, very few people managed to cope with this task.
tesss Jan 2, 2022 @ 2:26pm 
I hate it! I spent another 5 hours, but I still didn't get what I wanted.
This is NOT an achievement for Gas station simulator - this is an achievement for the NeedForSpeed! Next time, before I buy a simulator from Drago entertainment, I will buy an NFS to train my racer skill.
If an achievement can only be obtained by 0.2% of players, after spending an immense amount of time, it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ idea to add such an achievement to the game, especially if it has nothing to do with the game's plot at all. I am extremely disappointed.
TenFootBunny Jan 4, 2022 @ 5:55pm 
This might be a silly question, but are you trying to get the achievement on the outdoor track? It's impossible to get a time under 1:02 on the track that goes through the mines.
ChronischeStaar Jan 5, 2022 @ 6:33am 
You can 'cut' 1/2 corners. After 4/5 tries I got 1min1 or something. Just be carefull with the jump.
Last edited by ChronischeStaar; Jan 5, 2022 @ 6:34am
Rio146 Jan 11, 2022 @ 7:01am 
You only need clean landing after big jump, and you need to carefully cut next turn, and drive normally until the end. I did 1:03, then 1:02,55 and then 1:01,74. Around 50-60 tries.
tesss Jan 30, 2022 @ 1:14am 
Originally posted by Rio146:
You only need clean landing after big jump, and you need to carefully cut next turn, and drive normally until the end. I did 1:03, then 1:02,55 and then 1:01,74. Around 50-60 tries.
Only clean landing? )))

I reach the finish line only 1 time out of 30-40 attempts, because I know that if I hit a bump on the road, then I need to start over.
It was especially disappointing when I passed the 15th gate perfectly, but turned over around the 16th.
Today I spent another 5 or 6 hours. In total, I have already run over this track for more than 24 hours, but the best result is 1 minute 14 seconds. I can't imagine how I can arrive 12 seconds faster.
Can you record a video of how you manage to arrive so quickly? :)
Hans Olo Jan 30, 2022 @ 3:50am 
I got it at about ~ 20 tries, here's my two cent:

- If you mess up, restart right away.
- Don't use the Jump. Instead, slow down when about to jump off of it, and speed up when you're on ground.
- Avoid all objects, even a small rock can throw you off course. So you need to optimize your route.
- At the wind mill (or whatever it is), go off-road straight away most of the way, and make the turn for the checkpoint. Don't follow the road here.
- In general following the road worked for me.
- The last two checkpoints are very tricky, lot of small obsticles in the way. Practice these untill you have an optimal route whilst avoiding the small rocks etc.
- It's trial and error. I finished it with milliseconds to spare.

Not sure how useful these tips are, but that was my observations. Good luck, it's a tricky one!
Myrador Jan 30, 2022 @ 8:19am 
If you don't get a 1:10 every time you are doing something very wrong!

Some Tipps:
You are not allowed to brake more then twice
Once before the jump (don't jump most times that messes everything up)
At the 180° turn at gate 11

Other than that learn to cut the corners at gate 11 and you can take a shortcut betwenn the cactus at the beginning then the shortcut at the end left of the gate.

If you don't mess that up much you should be getting 1:10 regularly and then with some luck i'd say maybe 20 - 50 tries you should have it.
Myrador Jan 30, 2022 @ 8:20am 
Originally posted by Hans Olo:
I got it at about ~ 20 tries, here's my two cent:

- If you mess up, restart right away.
- Don't use the Jump. Instead, slow down when about to jump off of it, and speed up when you're on ground.
- Avoid all objects, even a small rock can throw you off course. So you need to optimize your route.
- At the wind mill (or whatever it is), go off-road straight away most of the way, and make the turn for the checkpoint. Don't follow the road here.
- In general following the road worked for me.
- The last two checkpoints are very tricky, lot of small obsticles in the way. Practice these untill you have an optimal route whilst avoiding the small rocks etc.
- It's trial and error. I finished it with milliseconds to spare.

Not sure how useful these tips are, but that was my observations. Good luck, it's a tricky one!

i did the same it works
Flocke Jan 31, 2022 @ 11:31pm 
i reced it in under 1 min. only clean driving. no jump and offroad at the windmill
lostnight Feb 16, 2022 @ 8:46am 
Hate this achievement. i don't like racing and have no success in it. Hadn't thought i need this skill in manager simulator
mrsddixon66 Feb 16, 2022 @ 10:12am 
This is gonna sound stupid but just trust me, it has worked for me on several different types of frustrating achievements. Turn off your sound, Sound can cause adrenaline to rise and cause mistakes because you get frustrated before you even finish a try. Turn it off, take a few deep breaths and like someone else said, learn the track really well before you even attempt a real try. Then when you are ready keep the sound off. You will still have the adrenaline but the sound won't make it worse. Once you have 'mastered' the track with the sound off and gotten the achievement, you can do it all over again with it back on, if you wish. Give it a try, stay calm, it's just a game, if you get too frustrated walk away and come back later. Cheers!
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Date Posted: Jan 2, 2022 @ 8:27am
Posts: 19