What is the best mount animal ?
Where can I find a complete introduction to all the animals ?
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Remedial Tester Nov 11, 2024 @ 10:31pm 
Moa for speed, Buffalo for carrying, Terrenus is balanced, Tusker (only found at Styx) is slow and strong, Zebras are just desert optimised Terrenus, and horses are just reskined Terrnus.
william_es Nov 11, 2024 @ 10:48pm 
Moas, for speed. It's basically a living dirtbike. Zippy fast movement around the map, and essential for completing widely spread out goals in missions quickly. It's especially great for moving around the map extracting exotics in missions like spiritwalk exploration. In that mission there are 6 possible exotics spots spread around the outer edge of the entire map, and it may require a LOT of travelling from spot to spot.

Terranus can fight back, but the terranus is too average at pretty much everything. It's too slow in my opinion, does not carry as much as dedicated haulers like a buffalo. It's almost too middle of the road average.
Dr.Chang 🎄 Nov 12, 2024 @ 12:51am 
Originally posted by william_es:
Moas, for speed. It's basically a living dirtbike. Zippy fast movement around the map, and essential for completing widely spread out goals in missions quickly. It's especially great for moving around the map extracting exotics in missions like spiritwalk exploration. In that mission there are 6 possible exotics spots spread around the outer edge of the entire map, and it may require a LOT of travelling from spot to spot.

Terranus can fight back, but the terranus is too average at pretty much everything. It's too slow in my opinion, does not carry as much as dedicated haulers like a buffalo. It's almost too middle of the road average.

Terranus, I encountered a problem... I was at the top left map starting area, riding it to nearby mining spots.

I parked it at the entrance, and then disaster slowly unfolded...

When I came out, I found several wild wolves and Moas had died on the ground, and soon after, just as I was about to leave, a bear suddenly appeared (it seemed like the corpses attracted it)... In the end, everyone died together==...

By the way, how can I help my pet heal quickly?
Last edited by Dr.Chang 🎄; Nov 12, 2024 @ 12:52am
Remedial Tester Nov 12, 2024 @ 1:02am 
Healing tonic (and it's variants of their respective tiers), can applied to any tamed entity. This does take a few seconds to apply/use, but the effect is instantaneous.
Rekal Nov 12, 2024 @ 1:22am 
Head to the Steam Guide section. There's a guide with all the tamed animal stats if you want to compare.

You didn't give any criteria on what you'd consider best there's really only a few options.

Moa's - these are fast and light. Low HP and small storage and weight limits. Big advantage is the high sprinting speed and the fact that your inventory - even if overloaded - doesn't effect the Moa's speed.

Terranus / Horses (DLC skin) - Average speed but sturdier. More survivable and enough storage to fit two exotic extractors. Big advantage is if you stick to a walk you can literally bring a herd that will keep up to stomp over everything. Saddle them all and you have plenty of storage. Plus it's not a bird.

Buffalo / Tusker (Styx only) - Slow speed and high HP. The individual storage/weight on these is very high and the cart pushes it even higher while slowing it down further. These are the only mounts that walk slow enough that tamed wolves and dogs can keep up with you. Plus the big advantage you can watch this while smugly nodding your head:


Just be aware the bear AI isn't modeled correctly for this situation.
Last edited by Rekal; Nov 12, 2024 @ 1:24am
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Date Posted: Nov 11, 2024 @ 9:05pm
Posts: 5