1% Lucky Strike Gives far Less XP than expected
I saw this perk and gave it a shot because why not? New game and I can always make a new character. I thought it was super useful at first. Mining lots of ore and the amount of times it actually goes off is quite impressive. But then I noticed while mining stone that if it does NOT proc that I get about 1000xp just for getting that last hit on stone to destroy the whole node. But if I get the 1% proc on a stone deposit that is just as large, i only get 300xp for the entire thing. I don't even get the 60-200 xp per swing so that is thousands of xp i'm also not getting from the proc. Now do I think I should get thousands of xp on that 1% proc? No. But I would at least like to see that 900-1000 xp bonus for destroying the entire deposit. I'll probably be rerolling a new character and avoiding the perk from now on.
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VladK02 Dec 26, 2021 @ 7:54am 
This perk is the most useful thing in the game. You spend many minutes of your lifetime mining stone.

Any perk that gives you faster and more stone is worth it. 300 or 3000 exp nobody gives a ♥♥♥♥ about, its 1 wolf.
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Date Posted: Dec 26, 2021 @ 7:31am
Posts: 1