Uueerdo Jul 5, 2021 @ 11:27am
Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere. I did search, and I see the game changed from a F2P model to a purchase one; but I couldn't find a solid answer on where the dev/publisher stands on microtransactions.
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
loriipops Jul 5, 2021 @ 4:43pm 
We are self publishing.
Microtransactions were among our concerns of Icarus being a F2P title. Monetizing a free game can be very tricky to get right, not to mention the amount of resources it takes from the dev team to constantly add new content and items.
This is just one of the many reasons we are glad that we became a premium purchase, so we can keep developing on Icarus' core gameplay experience and build upon that through our DLC's.
Last edited by loriipops; Jul 5, 2021 @ 4:44pm
Cutter Jul 15, 2021 @ 8:04am 
I prefer this method, thanks.
Evotrek Jul 16, 2021 @ 1:50am 
same here, Most of us support this decision. It is the Trolls that do not.
Maxpain Jul 16, 2021 @ 5:49am 
Originally posted by loriipops:
We are self publishing.
Microtransactions were among our concerns of Icarus being a F2P title. Monetizing a free game can be very tricky to get right, not to mention the amount of resources it takes from the dev team to constantly add new content and items.
This is just one of the many reasons we are glad that we became a premium purchase, so we can keep developing on Icarus' core gameplay experience and build upon that through our DLC's.

Spot on Lorri Pay to play a great game is fine instead of a pay to win style.
Now lets get dropping there are baby deer to kill ;-)
Steinaar Jul 23, 2021 @ 12:16pm 
I back this decision 100%

I always hated even cosmetics being behind a pay wall, because those are the cool items we want in the base game (or stuff I always wanted). This will make the decision getting the DLC's an easier decision with more incentive to grab the content I hope is packed in them DLC's vs a cash shop.
Originally posted by Evotrek:
same here, Most of us support this decision. It is the Trolls that do not.

People disagreeing with your opinion doesn't make them trolls. Some of you really need to grow up.
Steinaar Jul 26, 2021 @ 10:36am 
Originally posted by Haunted Baby Shoes:
Originally posted by Evotrek:
same here, Most of us support this decision. It is the Trolls that do not.

People disagreeing with your opinion doesn't make them trolls. Some of you really need to grow up.
This I do agree with @HauntedBBYshoes, we all have different views and opinions. However there are a lot of people that troll the most basic things if they happen to disagree with so with that said I see their point as well.

I've already conveyed my thoughts here and won't go further into detail about the original post. Just happy about the direction of the game and can't wait to play it with friends.
GrimGearheart Aug 6, 2021 @ 7:55pm 
So...they're locking content behind DLC before they've even released the game. And you can buy things like outposts? So you're charging for the game *and* have micro transactions.
Steinaar Aug 6, 2021 @ 8:23pm 
Originally posted by Grim_Guardian:
So...they're locking content behind DLC before they've even released the game. And you can buy things like outposts? So you're charging for the game *and* have micro transactions.
Having one outpost vs three outpost at the same time does not change what the outpost is, just that you can have three save files vs one at once. Not locking any content here. DLC for more money, well that's every video game on the market. Also no microtransactions have been mentioned, on the contrary it's been said that they will not use free to play or microtransactions for Icarus but paid DLC to keep the money flowing. No DLC will be ready at launch, no where was this ever aforementioned anywhere.

So what now? Are you satisfied with my reply or shall we need to discuss this further? If you don't want to take my word for it I can ask a developer to reiterate what I've conveyed as truth if it helps?
GrimGearheart Aug 6, 2021 @ 8:28pm 
Originally posted by Steinaar:
So what now? Are you satisfied with my reply or shall we need to discuss this further? If you don't want to take my word for it I can ask a developer to reiterate what I've conveyed as truth if it helps?

Uhhh, no I'm not satisfied at all. From the FAQ:

Q: Will OutPosts be available for anyone to purchase post launch?
A: Yes! We will offer more details on this shortly.

If you can buy outposts after launch, that's a microtransaction.

Also, if you're taking biomes and enemies and putting them in DLC **before** the game is launched, then that means you could put them in the base game, but you're cutting them off and making them DLC. DLC Should never exist on Day One of a game's release. That should come long after the game is released.
Steinaar Aug 7, 2021 @ 12:51am 
No problem I will try my best to elaborate. Outpost is a single player mode where you can free build with no timer. You are able to select the same details for the normal version outpost as you can for the deluxe version. The only difference will be you can have one outpost with the normal copy of Icarus vs three outposts with the deluxe version. That only means you're able to have one save file with normal copy and three save files with deluxe copy. No content is different (you're not getting more bases) only that your less limited in the save files at one time.

No biomes or enemies are being reserved for the deluxe version. The deluxe version is actually a supporters package and the idea of it is like a developers supporter package for those that desire to give a little extra to the dev team.

No DLC is being released any time soon or near launch. No content is being reserved for DLC that I know of. No DLC is planned for day one either.

I took extra time out to reiterate/elaborate a little more, did this information help you understand any better? If not it's okay to ask again if you're unsure about anything.
GrimGearheart Aug 7, 2021 @ 12:56am 
I'm sorry, but you're not really justifying anything to me here. I'm complaining about having DLC before the game releases. I can buy that DLC right now, even if they haven't made it yet. I know they've already set biomes and enemies aside for those DLCs.

You also said there's no microtransactions, which I've pointed out is wrong.

I don't have any further questions, I've made my point pretty succinctly.
UNHINGED Aug 7, 2021 @ 1:30am 
Just my 2 cents worth....

In my eyes. announcing the DLC's prior to launch and making them available to Pre-Order in a supporters pack, shows openness and dedication to the game for years to come.

Yes, it is not the norm, but the norm these days seems to launch a game fix a few bugs and then move on to a new project to mashup the previous game and repackage and relaunch. Not having the DLC's is not going to take away from the main game, but add content further down the line to extend the lifetime of the game, a refresh of sorts. It is what a lot of games do, but they are not telling you about it from day one. As for holding back biomes - that is like saying FORZA held back on every release they put out, or ARMA with every release, or COD or FAR CRY - all the same game but with new maps and new enemies.

But if in your eyes you see it the way you do then that is fine, you are entitled to see it how ever you want, just like others are entitled to see it how they want. I dont see microtransactions and paywalls, I see openness and options - So I have bought and have supported the project. If you see it an other way - dont buy and support. It's fairly simple. People are too quick to criticise a game, not for what it is or what it is trying to be, but for what they think or want it to be.

Steinaar Aug 7, 2021 @ 3:06am 
Originally posted by Grim_Guardian:
I'm sorry, but you're not really justifying anything to me here. I'm complaining about having DLC before the game releases. I can buy that DLC right now, even if they haven't made it yet. I know they've already set biomes and enemies aside for those DLCs.

You also said there's no microtransactions, which I've pointed out is wrong.

I don't have any further questions, I've made my point pretty succinctly.


So please tell me where you're getting this false information from? I've reiterated this over and over now. As aforementioned several times over I tried to convey this to you. Would you prefer a developer come in here and set us both straight? Maybe I am not saying things correctly because you still seem confused. You can pre-order future DLC that has not even been announced what that said future DLC may or may not contain, as the developers probably don't even have planned yet. They're focused on the Beta and following that the Steam release.
GrimGearheart Aug 7, 2021 @ 3:44am 
Originally posted by Steinaar:
Originally posted by Grim_Guardian:
I'm sorry, but you're not really justifying anything to me here. I'm complaining about having DLC before the game releases. I can buy that DLC right now, even if they haven't made it yet. I know they've already set biomes and enemies aside for those DLCs.

You also said there's no microtransactions, which I've pointed out is wrong.

I don't have any further questions, I've made my point pretty succinctly.


So please tell me where you're getting this false information from? I've reiterated this over and over now. As aforementioned several times over I tried to convey this to you. Would you prefer a developer come in here and set us both straight? Maybe I am not saying things correctly because you still seem confused. You can pre-order future DLC that has not even been announced what that said future DLC may or may not contain, as the developers probably don't even have planned yet. They're focused on the Beta and following that the Steam release.

Yeah, you keep reiterating it BUT YOU'RE WRONG. Are you capable of getting this ♥♥♥♥ through your thick skull? You can BUY OUTPOSTS. THAT IS A MICROTRANSACTION.

They've ALREADY set aside biomes they COULD have put in the base game, but they're moving it to the DLC.

You are listening to PR bull ♥♥♥♥ and taking it as truth. You're being played for a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fool.
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Date Posted: Jul 5, 2021 @ 11:27am
Posts: 19