Hades II

Hades II

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Hades 2 is 2 woke
This is a cry for help. Wokeness in this game is making me p1ss, sh1t, and cry everywhere. My feelings are hurt because I hate seeing females in games because everyone knows that males are superior because pee pee > vegeta. I have not touched a woman in years and I have not seen the sun in weeks. My doctor told me i'm deficient in vitamin D but I know he's just a soy libcuck and telling me I can get "vitamin d" from the "sun". But in reality, I know he's just a queer soyboy telling me to get vitamin "D1ck". My diet of doritos, UberEats taco bell (can't leave my house as I have fused into my Secret Labs gaming chair), and code red mountain dew has made my skin turn a nice bright yellow and I know that the sun will just give me cancer. Supergiant please replace all your hot women in this game with hot men so I can feel insecure about myself.
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Originally posted by Shungite Miner:
This is a cry for help. Wokeness in this game is making me p1ss, sh1t, and cry everywhere. My feelings are hurt because I hate seeing females in games because everyone knows that males are superior because pee pee > vegeta. I have not touched a woman in years and I have not seen the sun in weeks. My doctor told me i'm deficient in vitamin D but I know he's just a soy libcuck and telling me I can get "vitamin d" from the "sun". But in reality, I know he's just a queer soyboy telling me to get vitamin "D1ck". My diet of doritos, UberEats taco bell (can't leave my house as I have fused into my Secret Labs gaming chair), and code red mountain dew has made my skin turn a nice bright yellow and I know that the sun will just give me cancer. Supergiant please replace all your hot women in this game with hot men so I can feel insecure about myself.
Ersatz May 6 @ 3:16pm 
Originally posted by Shungite Miner:
everyone knows that males are superior because pee pee > vegeta.

You know that bit in one of the Avengers movie where Thor has to go to the greatest smith in the universe to get his new mega-hammer made? The only being with the intense skill to put together something that masterful?

You're that guy, but with words.
MrWitz May 6 @ 3:17pm 
You're adorable op. Why u so triggered?
Ersatz May 6 @ 3:17pm 
Originally posted by MrWitz:
You're adorable op. Why u so triggered?

This one is satire. Getting harder to tell though.
Can people please stop making these stupid ass posts.
This is satire, people.

Although I understand it's hard to tell given the people who actually believe this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nonsense sound pretty close to this already.
Originally posted by Ersatz:
Originally posted by Shungite Miner:
everyone knows that males are superior because pee pee > vegeta.

You know that bit in one of the Avengers movie where Thor has to go to the greatest smith in the universe to get his new mega-hammer made? The only being with the intense skill to put together something that masterful?

You're that guy, but with words.

I do not watch pathetic american movies, I only watch true cinema (anime).
t0xin May 6 @ 3:20pm 
Bad attempt at comedy. Do better
Originally posted by Shungite Miner:
Originally posted by Ersatz:

You know that bit in one of the Avengers movie where Thor has to go to the greatest smith in the universe to get his new mega-hammer made? The only being with the intense skill to put together something that masterful?

You're that guy, but with words.

I do not watch pathetic american movies, I only watch true cinema (anime).
What the kark is "anime"?
Ersatz May 6 @ 3:23pm 
Originally posted by Shungite Miner:

I do not watch pathetic american movies, I only watch true cinema (anime).

Uh... okay, so - you know that Anime with the... school kid who turns out to be the greatest, mageblade sword wielder who's the only one who can save the world and defeat the evil guy who defeated his father?

Well that's you, but with words.
Smoolio May 6 @ 3:45pm 
Btfo chuddies, op satire game on point
This is a really funny copypasta, thanks for the laugh.
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Date Posted: May 6 @ 3:14pm
Posts: 12