APB Reloaded

APB Reloaded

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So matchmaker died?
Floods of gold in the silver servers, a bit of gold and floods of silvers in the bronze servers, and 2 players in the gold servers ... So matchmaking dead now then? I wanted a friend to join me in this, he has a legit T next to his name.

Why in the ♥♥♥♥ is he fighting rank 100+ golds?
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Good question don't know how many times I suggest to get on their servers..but in all fairness it's the software of the devs. Alot of goldies will shoot their own, dethreat to silver and get thrown in on bronze servers and rack em up... but, most are higher silver that after a few kills become Gold..and we accuse them of cheating me include.
Well the game isnt like it was before. When i first started the game, there were dozens of people and the MM was okay becouse of that but now... Only 4 servers are full usually. (playing on Citadel server so idk if youre playing on another server) so yea! its dead...
Just get good.
Its not about "Get Good" its about eather " Right matchmaking" or "Just pay money tho" .... sad
Crushed a écrit :
Its not about "Get Good" its about eather " Right matchmaking" or "Just pay money tho" .... sad

If you are bad, you can lose every game no matter what fancy weapon you use.
What get good? I spent a few hours in each server and it's pretty clear how it works now. No one uses gold because people don't like to lose excessively, silver is flooded with what appears to be the better players, as I got roflpwnd there. Bronze servers are full of silver with a bit o' gold here and there, this is where the scrubs are. Had many great matches there.

So, how good does it make you feel when you read "This is a silver server! If you join as a gold you may have to wait longer! Also you should feel bad!"?

That being said, it's tough titties for a new player to figure his way around here. Maybe instead of a box that politely says you shouldn't do this, it should be a box that say "Go to your own server and git gud."

I don't care if you have to give yourself a handicap to enjoy the game. I don't care if the only way you can make money is by farming players worse at the game than you are. I only care that this, being the only GTA Online F2P in existance, doesn't ♥♥♥ die! No new players = a slow, eventual death.

It would seem to me 2 things need to happen, and one more would be nice.
1) Fix matchmaking - Put everyone back where they belong whether they like it or not.
2) Fix servers - The rubberbanding is getting obnoxious. What is this nonsense?
3) Fix performance - Not required but damn dude, this game used to run 60+ on a C2D/GTX450. Wut happened?
it is not

Crushed a écrit :
Its not about "Get Good" its about eather " Right matchmaking" or "Just pay money tho" .... sad

nope it is about a bunch of no life players vs casual players.
honeslty... i admit that i force to degrade when i turn gold... its not because i like to kill low level players its because i just dont have the skill to play against gold players and i dont have the time to get high skilled..
so i try to have fun with this game as much as possible

but what i just saw on the bronze server is hillarious...
Pressin K in Solo.... allmost acceptable enemy grp
Pressin K in Grp..... 4 golds against 2 bronze and 2 silvers

the matchmakin is really bad.... but i never expected it THAT bad till my last 3 months of break
They tried to fix the seal clubbing problem awhile back. Golds literally couldn't join silver districts for awhile. The problem with that was that if you were a gold with silver friends, you had to force them into a threat level they weren't prepared for. So instead of flooding silver districts with golds, you had a ton of silvers in the gold districts. Couple that with the insane rise in dethreaters that came about at the same time (For obvious reasons) and you could play 2/3 matches with nothing but people trying to dethreat.
Ah I didn't know they gave it a try, and I also hadn't considered that problem. Man I kind of feel bad for the devs handling this, kind of a ♥♥♥ if you fix it ♥♥♥ if you don't kind of deal.
In the good old past there was a penalty for joining lower servers, you could join every district, but the lower you went the less standing and cash you got. That was a good system, but somehow... G1 thought it wasn't.
And yeah, performance is a nightmare. No idea how a game like this which is not really spectacular with regards to graphics can be such a low-FPS-stutter-queue. If you want to run this halfway smooth you need to have 3GHz cores (thus 3GHz per core eh) can do with 2, but better 4.
Dernière modification de Sniperturtle; 10 déc. 2015 à 1h08
pork 10 déc. 2015 à 1h47 
People may say that you get good from fighting really tough enemys, I say that is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. How do you get good when your desire to play is killed by people who just steam roll you. You get good from fighting people around your skill level and practacing.

I am a gold with 4 chars, 1 is max rank and another is nearly max rank and I hate it when other golds go on silver then spam "GIT GUD AUTISM SILVER LOLOLOL".
The Inspector a écrit :
People may say that you get good from fighting really tough enemys, I say that is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. How do you get good when your desire to play is killed by people who just steam roll you. You get good from fighting people around your skill level and practacing.
This is true, I had many matches where my team was just steamrolled and annihilated without having the chance to act. That doesn't help anyone improve.
I prefer to play on open conflict these days, had better and more balanced matches there than on the matchmaking enabled servers.
Dernière modification de Autonomous Bio Reactor; 10 déc. 2015 à 3h56
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Posté le 24 nov. 2015 à 8h58
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