APB Reloaded

APB Reloaded

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APB End of Dayz
I know several people have brought up this topic before, but I think its time LO, or APB Reloaded or whoever you want to call that runs the show, to put on the reality glasses and start thinking about ways to put together a plan in order to release a NEW APB. My suggestion is, APB End of Dayz. :Horzine:

Think of graphics like in Escape from Tarkov, and how they have addons for weapons, how it works. And think of everything that APB Reloaded offers more so than any other game out there? Its the experience, its not like other games. You dont create songs in most other games, you dont add graphics and your own art to your body, clothes and cars in most other games, and the constant mission queing for a match is unlike most other games. All I'm saying is, there are things about APB that are good and unique whether you want to recognize them or not.

There are definitely bad things about APB Reloaded that need addressing, like the cheaters, the ridiculous *rake you over the coals* price gouging for weapons (however most of them are obtainable through JTs, it just takes a gazillion JTs and time playing for even 1 weapon :mcgun: ), and the glitches/bugs (if you haven't noticed them, you haven't been playing APB Reloaded long enough), however the basic concept of APB Reloaded at its very core is unique in its gameplay and creative side of things. And LO has been addressing several of the glitches/bugs lately, so that is good.

I say all of this because several of us know and can see the potential that a new release of APB could have on the gaming community. It was there in the past, but its gotta catch up to the times if you know what I mean. Outdated graphics, engines, and the likes aren't going to cut the mustard in an ever growing base of gamers looking for NEW games. They want good graphics, flawless gameplay, but I think more importantly, they dont want to play against cheaters. Cheaters ruin the experiences of players and can rot a game to its core, to where people just dont even want to play it anymore. This is where we are. :fishbones:

I cannot recommend APB Reloaded to anyone just starting out, because it simply takes so long to acquire anything in it to counter the people who have been playing for a while. Either that or they'd have to dump a ton of $ into it just to get those weapons. Either way, that mixed with the relentless macroing, cheaters and the likes are the reasons why I stand by my review of not recommending APB Reloaded. Things have been slowly getting better, however, I don't see how it will ever be enough to gain a large community again within APB without a revamp of the game, just my two cents.

I recommend taking the energy that is used in this APB Reloaded trailer video and create a new APB from it. Think of using the same song and video footage, but with all new updated graphics and gameplay spliced into the video.

Think if you were able to bring all of your items from APB Reloaded over to APB End of Dayz, wouldn't that be something?

Think, most of the coding is there, the graphics are not.

Think, could we run a goFundme?

Think, would anyone else be interested in a new APB End of Dayz? Investors? Publications? Gamers?

Anyways, I'm not a game developer, however wanted to share my thoughts. I still play APB Reloaded, even though half the time its cringe, because of the aforementioned reasons, however with a fresh new APB Reloaded ( #APBEndofDayz ) with the same gameplay aspects, and with an up to date engine and graphics, the sky is the limit for LO, APB, or whoever decides that they've had enough and decides to do it themselves.

Have a better name for what the new APB should be called, I'd like to hear it. Main reason I like it and think it works well is because "tis the season".

Cheers :angrychicken:
Last edited by Cr4zYcH1cK3nB0Y; Feb 8 @ 9:12am
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
The coding is the biggest issue with making any changes to this game. RTW had their own ways of doing it, and the company went out of business in 2010 so there's nobody around to explain how exactly it went down. The current devs have to un-spaghetti the code. LO should finish their matchmaking system as promised and make every gun as well as vehicle acquirable with in-game credits, and roll in a good ol' battlepass model. You can still slap hard with F2P weapons but just one permanent vehicle or weapon will set you back roughly the equivalent of a full day of minimal wage work in real life, not to mention the competitive advantage the weapons can give you. Pathetic. Since fortnite's revolutionary battlepass model which is now used in many games like call of duty, PUBG, CS2 or anything that has skins, nobody in their right mind will fall for purchasing anything from ARMAS. For a number of years the game's nothing but a cash grab, full of toxicity, couple hackers but it's exaggerated, and a couple of people here and there that used to enjoy the game in its prime time. Let's not get too deep into pointing fingers at LO as a company. Very shady. I got falsely banned, I manually changed some graphics settings using the game's .ini config file to get a few more fps on my old rig at the time and my account banned for alleged aimbot AND wallhacks!!! For which they had 0 proof, just some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ words from their scummy """support""" team. Eventually my account was unbanned, along with hundreds of others because of false bans, and it was cleared of all my purchases. I played every single beta closed and open, I purchased a physical copy of the game, I purchased a few months worth of Premium over the years(basically I spent real money on this ♥♥♥♥) and I played for over 2k hours after release way before it was listed on Steam, AND I used to be in a clan named WASP, which at the time was among top 3 in europe, and number 1 in the US. I'm a competitive player, I have like 8k hours of cs behind my back and my steam account is older than a majority of the people that use steam today. This ♥♥♥♥ pissed me right off. So don't give me smoke, I've been around the block :) What's also sad is that I'm only one of many that got falsely banned.

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Game's ♥♥♥♥♥, some cracked kid that knows UE5 could probably replicate this game in a couple hours, rob the map files, slap some ♥♥♥♥ together and it would probably be better than what this game is today.

It's time to move on.

Well, I do know someone who just recently got banned for no reason. That's crazy, when you got it back it was cleared of all your purchases. I mean, how shady is that?

Well, WASP was pretty shady though too, you gotta admit. I always thought it was a cheater clan myself. But maybe its just players editing their "config" files like you did and some got banned :basementcop:

But yeah, it would be nice to see a team, individual, or otherwise put together an updated APB. APB End of Dayz! :zeds:
76561198198281203 (Banned) Feb 6 @ 1:21am 
The GM for this game is trans, so they are not exactly good with seeing reality.

And there aren't any developers or team behind this game. They just pay some indians to write really bad updates every 6 months.
they said no to pc updates because console was the way.
it was a long time ago but its all they would say.
i wish i didnt rather play gta
so i'll go back to red dead and war thunder. k
The game died back in the days of G1, but now it’s even worse, the support doesn’t help at all, they gave me a trade ban, they took away the Ursus that I had been trading for for a long time, the ability to donate was disabled in my country. So, my friend, don’t worry, and just don’t play this game, play something good without greedy developers
Reason this game died was a few years back when they rolled 3 EU servers into 1 because cheaters bullied everyone off.. how do you go from 3k pop on 1 (ONE) server to under 1k with 3 servers combined?

it was literally the same group from sweden region that kept closet-cheating for YEARS on end, even after getting banned countless times..
eventually people get fed up and move on to better games and forgot this one.

How it is even still alive baffles me.. Little Orbit is no better than GamersFirst, and them releasing all these gimmicks now like 64bit launcher and "better" matchmaking, lmao ... too little too late.
Originally posted by yamachibe:
The coding is the biggest issue with making any changes to this game. RTW had their own ways of doing it, and the company went out of business in 2010 so there's nobody around to explain how exactly it went down. The current devs have to un-spaghetti the code. LO should finish their matchmaking system as promised and make every gun as well as vehicle acquirable with in-game credits, and roll in a good ol' battlepass model. You can still slap hard with F2P weapons but just one permanent vehicle or weapon will set you back roughly the equivalent of a full day of minimal wage work in real life, not to mention the competitive advantage the weapons can give you. Pathetic. Since fortnite's revolutionary battlepass model which is now used in many games like call of duty, PUBG, CS2 or anything that has skins, nobody in their right mind will fall for purchasing anything from ARMAS. For a number of years the game's nothing but a cash grab, full of toxicity, couple hackers but it's exaggerated, and a couple of people here and there that used to enjoy the game in its prime time. Let's not get too deep into pointing fingers at LO as a company. Very shady. I got falsely banned, I manually changed some graphics settings using the game's .ini config file to get a few more fps on my old rig at the time and my account banned for alleged aimbot AND wallhacks!!! For which they had 0 proof, just some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ words from their scummy """support""" team. Eventually my account was unbanned, along with hundreds of others because of false bans, and it was cleared of all my purchases. I played every single beta closed and open, I purchased a physical copy of the game, I purchased a few months worth of Premium over the years(basically I spent real money on this ♥♥♥♥) and I played for over 2k hours after release way before it was listed on Steam, AND I used to be in a clan named WASP, which at the time was among top 3 in europe, and number 1 in the US. I'm a competitive player, I have like 8k hours of cs behind my back and my steam account is older than a majority of the people that use steam today. This ♥♥♥♥ pissed me right off. So don't give me smoke, I've been around the block :) What's also sad is that I'm only one of many that got falsely banned.

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Game's ♥♥♥♥♥, some cracked kid that knows UE5 could probably replicate this game in a couple hours, rob the map files, slap some ♥♥♥♥ together and it would probably be better than what this game is today.

It's time to move on.

WASP? mad cheater clan, who were you?
I know they had their "sting" squad which was literally just a group of 4 togglers that couldn't deal with losses so everything got switched on on the final stages of missions.
Originally posted by yamachibe:
The coding is the biggest issue with making any changes to this game. RTW had their own ways of doing it, and the company went out of business in 2010 so there's nobody around to explain how exactly it went down. The current devs have to un-spaghetti the code. LO should finish their matchmaking system as promised and make every gun as well as vehicle acquirable with in-game credits, and roll in a good ol' battlepass model. You can still slap hard with F2P weapons but just one permanent vehicle or weapon will set you back roughly the equivalent of a full day of minimal wage work in real life, not to mention the competitive advantage the weapons can give you. Pathetic. Since fortnite's revolutionary battlepass model which is now used in many games like call of duty, PUBG, CS2 or anything that has skins, nobody in their right mind will fall for purchasing anything from ARMAS. For a number of years the game's nothing but a cash grab, full of toxicity, couple hackers but it's exaggerated, and a couple of people here and there that used to enjoy the game in its prime time. Let's not get too deep into pointing fingers at LO as a company. Very shady. I got falsely banned, I manually changed some graphics settings using the game's .ini config file to get a few more fps on my old rig at the time and my account banned for alleged aimbot AND wallhacks!!! For which they had 0 proof, just some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ words from their scummy """support""" team. Eventually my account was unbanned, along with hundreds of others because of false bans, and it was cleared of all my purchases. I played every single beta closed and open, I purchased a physical copy of the game, I purchased a few months worth of Premium over the years(basically I spent real money on this ♥♥♥♥) and I played for over 2k hours after release way before it was listed on Steam, AND I used to be in a clan named WASP, which at the time was among top 3 in europe, and number 1 in the US. I'm a competitive player, I have like 8k hours of cs behind my back and my steam account is older than a majority of the people that use steam today. This ♥♥♥♥ pissed me right off. So don't give me smoke, I've been around the block :) What's also sad is that I'm only one of many that got falsely banned.

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Game's ♥♥♥♥♥, some cracked kid that knows UE5 could probably replicate this game in a couple hours, rob the map files, slap some ♥♥♥♥ together and it would probably be better than what this game is today.

It's time to move on.
just what oompa loompa id expect from a "false banned player"
i remember when we were still able to catch the full list of players connected through steam sitting on vac banned accounts kek, youre all falsely accused and wronged by the devs in some mysterious way

ive played on some of the most toxic and tryhard games imaginable and never managed to catch a single one of these "false bans"
Speculations about a new APB game is just downright copium.. Let's face it, it's never ever going to happen... The current one costed 125 million dollars to make, the current devs simply don't have that money.. They don't even have enough to make up for a tenth of the cost of the current APB.. And even then, there's not really going to be a interest in it anymore to make up for development costs... Especially with how GTA already exists and GTA 6 being released before there's even a hint at a new APB..

They scrapped the engine update entirely and couldn't even be bothered to fix problems that the game has had for a while now.. Such as the remember option after typing in a code from the authenticator app, if i hit "remember" on it then it should remember my login.. But no, gotta type in a new code every single time which is downright annoying...

And last but not least, the anti cheat.. The anti cheat hasn't really been doing it's job for a very long time by now... I still see people cheating in the game to this very day...

Anyway... Try to enjoy APB for what it still is regarding it's flaws until it does shutdown eventually, seeking anything behind a engine update or a new APB game is pretty much a waste of time..
Last edited by R A Z E R; Mar 3 @ 9:25am
Originally posted by R A Z E R:
Speculations about a new APB game is just downright copium.. Let's face it, it's never ever going to happen... The current one costed 125 million dollars to make, the current devs simply don't have that money.. They don't even have enough to make up for a tenth of the cost of the current APB.. And even then, there's not really going to be a interest in it anymore to make up for development costs... Especially with how GTA already exists and GTA 6 being released before there's even a hint at a new APB..

They scrapped the engine update entirely and couldn't even be bothered to fix problems that the game has had for a while now.. Such as the remember option after typing in a code from the authenticator app, if i hit "remember" on it then it should remember my login.. But no, gotta type in a new code every single time which is downright annoying...

And last but not least, the anti cheat.. The anti cheat hasn't really been doing it's job for a very long time by now... I still see people cheating in the game to this very day...

Anyway... Try to enjoy APB for what it still is regarding it's flaws until it does shutdown eventually, seeking anything behind a engine update or a new APB game is pretty much a waste of time..
clearly not with little orbit as an owner of the game, more likely that the game were to be revived if the community was granted access to the files to edit and fix things over time.

kind of in a similar way that a community team lead updates for left 4 dead 2 but without the problems caused by immature leaders behind it who didnt know anything and just simply ride it out for free advertisement for their own youtube channels until they got kicked off the team more or less.
Originally posted by Tykeisha:
The GM for this game is trans, so they are not exactly good with seeing reality.

And there aren't any developers or team behind this game. They just pay some indians to write really bad updates every 6 months.

whats the gm username
Last edited by Narancia; Mar 4 @ 4:43am
Jausla Mar 4 @ 7:20pm 
This game is legit fun
Grahf Mar 11 @ 11:35am 
This game died when it went F2P the original launch wasn't perfect but at least it had a player base for a short while lol.
Vazkulator Mar 11 @ 11:41am 
Originally posted by Grahf:
This game died when it went F2P the original launch wasn't perfect but at least it had a player base for a short while lol.
thats a good point and all, especially with the amount of cheaters who just simply made new accounts as soon as they got banned like a symtpom treatment around an infected wound gaping wide open that is completely left to leek out pus and a nasty smell whilst the admins are like "here, have an ibuprofen"

the game still suffered from poor performance and has been in need of an engine update for the longest time now, both problems need to be tackled before we can see a recovery.
Originally posted by Vazkulator:
Originally posted by Grahf:
This game died when it went F2P the original launch wasn't perfect but at least it had a player base for a short while lol.
thats a good point and all, especially with the amount of cheaters who just simply made new accounts as soon as they got banned like a symtpom treatment around an infected wound gaping wide open that is completely left to leek out pus and a nasty smell whilst the admins are like "here, have an ibuprofen"

the game still suffered from poor performance and has been in need of an engine update for the longest time now, both problems need to be tackled before we can see a recovery.

ip banning and good banning practices is really what should of happened from the beginning. Not really worth doing it now since the game is pretty much on its deathbed. Not FUD just facts.

That's one of the reasons why I brought this topic up again, even though I know its been talked over and over about before, because there is a reason why many of us keep coming back to this game. Its not about the graphics (even though the majority of newer gamers think a good game absolutely MUST have good graphics), its not about the consistency (there are bugs everywhere, who are you kidding?), and its not about the customizations that you can do within the game (even though top notch at doing so), so let's be honest here, it's about the gameplay, that's why the ones who have been around for a while are still on and keep coming back to APB Reloaded.

I'm sure most of the people who are playing APB now a days are gamers who played in games that had much worse graphics than APB Reloaded does. Games like Doom, Super Mario Bros, Master Blaster, etc, etc, but that's not why we play or come back to APB Reloaded, it's because of the GAMEPLAY, period.

Now, take that gameplay, put a new "ENGINE" in her to give her the power she needs to run well into the future, put some new wheels on her to give her some grip / stang, and give her a nice new fresh coat of paint to make her look shiny and new, and hands down, keep the same gameplay! You can't tell me that it wouldn't be a success unless there were absolute trash management.

The only other thing I would suggest to change is maybe some of the sounds a little... tbh I dont like all the cursing from everyone all the time and it sets the mood for more arguments to break out within the community. Not saying get rid of it, but at least minimize the use of it so that it's not all that you hear everywhere you go. The music and other sounds within the game are good though, and just need a fresh coat of paint :)

Anyways, thanks for commenting on the post everyone. Maybe someone who has "eyes to see" will see this and have the resources and/or will to do something about it. I felt led to bring awareness to the community though for whatever reason.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." I mean it's pretty obvious at this point, that's why I suggested APB: End of Dayz as the title. #APBEndofDayz

Have a good day everyone!
Cheers! :served:
Last edited by Cr4zYcH1cK3nB0Y; Mar 11 @ 9:53pm
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