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BlueMaxima Aug 20, 2019 @ 2:28am
Exploit in the Security Station section
When you're guiding whats-her-face through the security section, I found an exploit to make it way easier; look at another floor before you tell her to start walking. If the way on the floor you're on is free, she'll magically gain the ability to dodge every robot and walk through walls as long as you aren't looking. This is easiest to exploit with floor 9; there's basically no floor you can't cheese the hell out of if you use the 9th floor.

With that said, for the love of god, remove that section from the game or at least make it significantly shorter, it almost made me ask for a refund until I found myself accidentally walking through a wall. (Honestly feels like there should be some kind of optional objective switch in the security panel somewhere to turn off / temporarily disable the infrared sensors or something.) I signed up for fun 1980s OS exploration and tech related puzzles, not a poor man's arcade game with the controls of a Java phone from the 2000s.
Last edited by BlueMaxima; Aug 20, 2019 @ 2:33am
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
TheDeparture  [developer] Aug 20, 2019 @ 8:27am 
I'll see if we can make that section quicker & easier. Until that's ready, I'll leave the exploit in so people can benefit from this post. :) Thanks!
Armored Chocobo Feb 21, 2020 @ 7:10am 
Originally posted by TheDeparture:
I'll see if we can make that section quicker & easier. Until that's ready, I'll leave the exploit in so people can benefit from this post. :) Thanks!

It'd be great if you incorporate the exploit as part of the solution, because looking at the 9th floor to solve the other ones seems like a very Dum-Dum thing to do.
TheDeparture  [developer] Feb 21, 2020 @ 11:11am 
Oh, now you've got me thinking. It would be funny if there was a really simple solution at the beginning that had a story explanation. Like, you could just jump into a garbage chute & immediately drop down eight floors, skipping the entire puzzle.
lycrashampoo Sep 27, 2021 @ 5:32pm 
thank you for leaving the exploit in & looking at tweaks for this section, I frustration-closed the windows on like floor 3 & it hadn't saved my checkpoint when I reopened them, almost deleted the game right there ;_;
Last edited by lycrashampoo; Sep 27, 2021 @ 5:49pm
TheDeparture  [developer] Sep 27, 2021 @ 7:17pm 
I couldn't think of a good story solution that fit with the existing dialogue, so I didn't change that. But I did speed up the walking from what it had been when this original poor person tried it in Early Access. I could potentially speed things up more if you thought that would be helpful in getting through it quicker.

Regardless...yeah, no plans to remove the exploit anytime soon. 🙂
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