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game switches to second monitor
Game randomly switches to monitor during cutscene/loading screens.
How to tell the game wich monitor it should use?
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Geekbyte  [developer] May 7 @ 1:32am 
Thanks for the report. We've had one other report similar to this when entering Supralight.

The game should always open and operate on your main monitor, whichever is your default.

I have a 3 monitor setup and it sticks to the default main monitor.

Are you running fullscreen, windowed or fullscreen windowed mode?
How is your monitor connected? HDMI?

If you use WINDOWS + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW Key does that move the game back to you main monitor?

(I'll move this to Bugs & Technical Issues.)
Pactain May 7 @ 10:52am 
Did some research a while ago, after installing windows 10 on a diff monitor (then switching back to the normal setup with 2x main monitors). Right now my setup is a bit screwed, but even then Everspace 2 runs fine on a monitor where I start it.

In short: the monitor you first set up your Windows will be considered default (or #1), and there's no way of changing it, except reinstalling Windows from scratch.

Few things to try:

* reinstall windows (it is involving, I kno :)
* verify that you're running Full Screen mode
* Codec setup. I've seen it in other games - cut scene is played as a video, and then some arcane codec setting controls the monitor. Hard to recommend troubleshooting here, I reinstall windows every 3 years, and use klite codec pack.
Cannukko May 13 @ 7:12pm 
I had the same problem. Uninstalled my video driver, restarted the computer, and reinstalled the driver, and that fixed it.
Last edited by Cannukko; May 13 @ 7:13pm
I am having this problem also. I have uninstalled the graphic driver with DDU and reinstalled, No help. My main monitor is a 3840 x 2160 and my second monitor is 2560 x 1440. I have tried in fullscreen and fullscreen windowed, both monitors are hooked up to DP connection. when I use WINDOWS + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW Key the game does go back to the 4k monitor but stays at 2560 x 1440 resolution and looks terrible, and the only way to get it back normal is shut down the game and reload until the next cutscene/loading screen it swaps again. I am not going to go through this at every cutscene/loading screen. The only way I have somewhat got the game to play nice is by using WINDOWS + P and selecting PC Screen only, but this turns off my second screen, which is a definite major inconvenience. Hopefully this can be fixed. Loving the game so far.
neock Jun 4 @ 6:06pm 
Originally posted by Geekbyte:
Thanks for the report. We've had one other report similar to this when entering Supralight.

The game should always open and operate on your main monitor, whichever is your default.

I have a 3 monitor setup and it sticks to the default main monitor.

Are you running fullscreen, windowed or fullscreen windowed mode?
How is your monitor connected? HDMI?

If you use WINDOWS + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW Key does that move the game back to you main monitor?

(I'll move this to Bugs & Technical Issues.)
im having the same issue. game constantly tries to switch to monitor 2 as of late. luckly, that win+shift+left arrow works for the moment.
EDIT: ok, works till i try and fix the res again, then its back to my second monitor...

EDIT 2: whenever i warp to a new zone and enter an area, it shifts to the second screen. this never happened untill recently. was chomething changed in the code?
and yes, the monitor its swapping to is marked as monitor 2 in the display settings. i need it to play on monitor 1
Last edited by neock; Jun 4 @ 6:26pm
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