Mini Motorways
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
DPC Casey  [developer] Dec 13, 2023 @ 1:46pm
Recent macOS 14.2 update impacting buttons in windowed mode - patched!
Hey folks,

We wanted to let you know that we’re aware an issue with the latest update to macOS has severely impacted both of our games. We’ve received your reports about buttons in both Mini Motorways and Mini Metro not being clickable, rendering the game unplayable. Obviously, this is not ideal!

Our team is working hard on figuring out what’s causing this issue, but in the meantime, we have discovered that if the game launches in fullscreen mode, it works fine. So we’ve released a patch that will detect whether users are running the latest macOS update, and if so, it will force the game to launch fullscreen with a popup explaining why. This will only impact macOS players who have installed the latest update.

We’re so sorry for the disruption - operating system updates can throw fun curveballs at all of us, this one is just a little more intense than usual.

We’ll update you as soon as we have an ETA for a permanent fix and in the meantime we appreciate your patience. Many thanks to those of you who reported this issue! If you notice anything unusual after installing this patch, please let us know either by replying here or using the support form on our website.
