

elseer Nov 26, 2018 @ 8:01am
low level - sell for gold or convert to rp (Refine Points)
I am new ot the game and am Level 14. I have allot of green items with values aroun 1 or 2 sp. Each is amrked with a 1 rp value as well. Do I sell thease for cash or convert to refine points for later use? On the same topic I have various gems with values from 500 rp to 5000 rp do I just keep thease, convert to rp for later use or sell them?
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Kadven Nov 26, 2018 @ 8:48am 
Interesting problem that I'm sure will bring a lot of debate. Back in the days before Heart of of Fire there would have been no question, e.g. convert to RP. Now though I would think that assuming that you want to try out crafting, that would seem sensible, e.g. try everything in the game, hence the need for gold, I would convert the low level green items worth just 1 RP or a low RP amount to Gold.

I certainly would not convert those gems worth 500 RP to gold though, these should be converted to RP.

Sure some will dissagree with this though, just my opinion.

elseer Nov 26, 2018 @ 9:45am 
thanks!!! Ill wait on some responces but that was what I was thinking. prices seem low and im never at a lost for a healing kit. Im not buying dungeon/nature kits (Im a sorcerer) and still have 100 quartz from just the magic nodes.
Adinos Nov 27, 2018 @ 2:15am 
Well, there are a few things to consider regarding your future gold expenses.

If you are going into crafting, your gold expenses will be significant, and in that case you should identify and sell every single piece of green trash that you get.

If you do not have VIP, rank 7 (I think) or higher, you will need to spend quite a bit of gold on Injury kits. In this case you should sell enough of the green trash to keep yourself supplied with Injury kits, but convert the rest to RO.

Otherwise, convert everything to RP.

There are other potential gold expenses (such as cost for unslotting enchants), but I consider them insignificant.
elseer Nov 27, 2018 @ 8:28am 
thanks for the counter point! I apprecaite the input :>
DanielUK Nov 29, 2018 @ 1:42pm 
Originally posted by elseer:
I am new ot the game and am Level 14. I have allot of green items with values aroun 1 or 2 sp. Each is amrked with a 1 rp value as well. Do I sell thease for cash or convert to refine points for later use? On the same topic I have various gems with values from 500 rp to 5000 rp do I just keep thease, convert to rp for later use or sell them?
refinding low level gear at 1 rp to me is pointless at later levels ( max level) you will get around 150rp for blue grade thats when u wanna be working on rp as for gold u will passivly gain gold while leveling and at max level your gold pickups will increase massively
elseer Dec 1, 2018 @ 11:37am 
I am finindg that out for myself. I am enjoying professions and I've found that I can make rp by refining profession byprodcuts so Im selling everything for gold to fund my professionals and injury kits . for now, I am stockpilining rp sicne you need all kinds of stones that you get from packs to use rp anyhow.
Wolverine Dec 1, 2018 @ 12:27pm
get the Griffon from the current event, and equip it with insignias for Wanderer's Fortune, that should help with getting some extra RP.

adding a Dragon's Horad/Fey Blessing/Quartermaster Enchantment to your Neck/Belt might also be an good idea.
MERLO! Feb 24, 2023 @ 3:46pm 
Hi i know that some time has past since the OP's question.

I would like to know the awnser to the same thing tho - in the current situation.

Is there any easy way how to determinate if the item should be sold to vendor or converted to refine points?

Maybe even calculator?

Thanks for any advice! :)
elseer Feb 24, 2023 @ 6:11pm 
too be honest I would start a new thread this one is old and should be laid to rest . I long ago left the game.
NavFamG Feb 24, 2023 @ 6:44pm 
Originally posted by MERLO!:
Is there any easy way how to determinate if the item should be sold to vendor or converted to refine points?

Sell everything for coins on the lvl 1 to 20 run as you'll need to spend it on buying health potions. Once you're at the level that you can make it through fights without needing to heal, than you can go the RP route.
76561198379507013 Feb 25, 2023 @ 5:50am 
I have noticed for some time that posts that are many years old have been reactivated. And this is not accidental.
Is it because there are fewer players and, therefore, there are fewer people here on the forum?
Steam knows the answer.
We look like authentic idiots responding to completely outdated topics, as recognized by himself Elseer, who left the game years ago.
NavFamG Feb 25, 2023 @ 7:34am 
Originally posted by fr.perola:
I have noticed for some time that posts that are many years old have been reactivated. And this is not accidental.
Is it because there are fewer players and, therefore, there are fewer people here on the forum?
Steam knows the answer.
We look like authentic idiots responding to completely outdated topics, as recognized by himself Elseer, who left the game years ago.

I don't know. Something that's said a lot is 'did you search the forums? If you have the problem, odds are someone else did too'. So looking at it that way, the posters attaching new items on to an old thread makes sense. It's painful enough to see a string of 'is this game good' posts etc.... one after another because they didn't read / search the forums.

Granted in this case the OP is from the old game version so the question being asked again makes sense and I'll agree that a new post on the subject wouldn't have been amiss.

Not sure why it would have anything to do with fewer players as doing the search function or not really doesn't have anything to do with how many are playing.
Last edited by NavFamG; Feb 25, 2023 @ 7:35am
76561198379507013 Feb 25, 2023 @ 11:17am 
Recycling posts from years ago happens all too often, here on Steam and also on ARC.
The strangest thing is that it only happened after the drastic drop in commentators; which cannot be a coincidence.
When the forums were full of people, I never saw this happen, and I've been at this for many years.
Wolverine Feb 27, 2023 @ 9:56am 
Well, these days i'd check if the item in question is worth some AD on the Auction House, may be someone wants it for fashion reasons and is willing to pay something for it, otherwise if you need RP just join events like the Siege of Neverwinter, i'm getting Diamonds (worth 25k RP i think) from the daily/repeatable quests every now and then...
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Date Posted: Nov 26, 2018 @ 8:01am
Posts: 14