Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

Monowire post 1.5: Blades or Blunts?
I looked online everywhere and everything conflicts.

Prior to 1.5 it was tied to body/blunt. Some say it's now tied to blades. Anyone know the answer, if so, what's the source?
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
It`s considered blade now so reflexes and body. Everything that adds damage to blades adds it to monowire as well.
Basically it made mantis blades obsolete.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Rumpelcrutchskin; 2022. okt. 8., 22:30
What Rumpel said and the best source really is the game itself, including UI info on Reflex/Blades tree about monowire and the Blade perks obviously affecting it. Like healing on hit or getting bleeds in addition to poisons when you have chemical dmg on wire instead of physical.

The change was definitely a nerf to monowire compared to its pre 1.5 update abilities (stuns, easier to heal and some other useful stuff from Body/Blunt). However, with the nerfs to everything else like armour and weapon mods in post 1.5, the best place for Monowire and logically sensible place to begin with is in the Blade tree.

That's because Monowire tends to be a weapon that greatly benefits from Cold Blood perks, and Stealth perks in general with it's AoE ranged hits. Instead of stuns now you get bleeds, extra crit chance and reflex dialogue that fits better with monowire roleplay as a sleuth using a hidden weapon.

Monowire works uniquely well with the Blades 10 perk that allows you to heal on successful counterattack. You get it at Blades 10 I believe and is a good substitute for the Blunt heal at 8 or 10. Literally all you have to do to heal up is hold block, reposte and hit something in front of you up to 10-20 feet away and you restore health.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Balekai; 2022. okt. 8., 22:52
So the monowire benefits from the Sting Like a Bee perk?
Chaosolous eredeti hozzászólása:
So the monowire benefits from the Sting Like a Bee perk?

Think so, yes. I was using monowire with the katana build so most perks benefited both and Sting Like a Bee was a no brainer pick either way.
Yes. I went into a save of mine and respecced all my perks. Full build I had 3 Attack Speed. With no Perks taken I had 2 Attack Speed. Then when I added only Sting like a Bee I had 3 attack Speed again in stats with monowire equiped/out.

All the crit damage stuff (among other things) is hard to test, only because not much updates stats in stats window reliably. :/
Balekai eredeti hozzászólása:
Yes. I went into a save of mine and respecced all my perks. Full build I had 3 Attack Speed. With no Perks taken I had 2 Attack Speed. Then when I added only Sting like a Bee I had 3 attack Speed again in stats with monowire equiped/out.

All the crit damage stuff (among other things) is hard to test, only because not much updates stats in stats window reliably. :/

Thanks for your effots. Have an award.
I mean my two cents it should be under Tech
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2022. okt. 8., 22:24
Hozzászólások: 7