Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

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Sacha  [developer] Nov 23, 2021 @ 8:52am
Save Rollback feature: details & instructions
Hello everyone!

Some of you have encountered issues with your playthrough, encountering obstacles that have not been resolved by simply reloading the most recent Checkpoint. To help players in that situation, we are implementing a Save Rollback feature as part of the patch released on 23/11. This will allow you to resume a playthrough from the start of the chapter of your choice, essentially resetting your Story, Perks, and Ability Progress to the state they were in at the start of that chapter.

We advise using this feature only if you have encountered an issue that is preventing you from progressing into the story further.

The Chapters Menu, located in the Main Menu of our title, allows players to replay any prior completed Chapter without saving or overwriting your progress, in order to let you experience the dialog or content you may have missed. By activating the Save Rollback feature, you'll be able to perform a Save Game after selecting Replay Chapter. Please see below step-by-step instructions to do so.

Step-by-step Instructions

First, from the Main Menu, select the Chapters Option. From there, pick the Chapter you wish to restart from.

Once you have exited the Loading Screen and returned to gameplay, you will be able to access the in-game Menu to unlock the Save Rollback feature.

You'll observe that both the Save Game and Load Game options are currently grayed out and inaccessible to you - this is normal. In order to unlock them, simultaneously press:
  • PlayStation: the L1, L2, and Triangle Face Button
  • Xbox: the Left Button, Left Trigger, and Y Face Button
  • Switch: the L, ZL, and X Face Button

After a successful execution of these inputs, you'll be able to see the Save Game option become available.

From there, you will be able to select a Save Slot to write your Save Game on. We recommend choosing an Empty Slot or, if unavailable, one that isn't your primary Save Game slot, indicated by a Green Checkmark in the Top Right Corner of the Save Game.

After having selected the Save Slot to write into, or the Save Game to write over, you will be loaded back into the Main Menu's Chapter Select.

From there, simply back up to the Main Menu, then navigate to Load Game.
Your newly Saved Chapter Replay file is in the Chapter you saved from and is now set as your Default file - once again indicated by the Green Checkmark - and resetting the Story, Perks, and Ability Progress, but keeping your unlockable items and files in the Galactic Compendium.

After loading into this new Save File, you'll notice that both the Save Game and Load Game options are now available by default. Progressing ahead to any Checkpoint in the Story will continue to Autosave over your new file.

Note that some items in the Compendium may appear missing from the menu after using the Save Rollback feature, but will still be counted towards unlocking achievements.

If you have any question or encounter any issue while using Save Rollback, please share them in this thread.
Last edited by Sacha; Nov 23, 2021 @ 9:02am
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
Xiofire Nov 23, 2021 @ 3:30pm 
This still does not reset the conversations in Chapter 3, making the bug I've encountered still unsolvable.

I started Chapter 3 and collected Rockets collectible. I accidentally started the cutscene that progresses the game before getting the other two collectibles at the start of chapter 3. I reloaded the chapter to start again and get the collectibles again. Rockets conversation will now no longer trigger so I cannot get his collectible, and the item isn't shown in my inventory/archive.

Please just let collectibles be collected like all other games. Let us go back to specific chapters and clean up ones we've missed. Requiring the player to get them all in one playthrough (or while glued to a guide for their first playthrough for those of us with limited time) is archaic and actually deterring me from playing this game.
Last edited by Xiofire; Nov 23, 2021 @ 3:31pm
대댕구 Nov 23, 2021 @ 7:52pm 
still dont fixed korean subtitle bug
Sacha  [developer] Nov 24, 2021 @ 10:52am 
Xiofire, OOWISMIK - this feature isn't meant for the issues you mentioned. As outlined in the original post:

We advise using this feature only if you have encountered an issue that is preventing you from progressing into the story further.
Last edited by Sacha; Nov 24, 2021 @ 10:52am
Xiofire Nov 24, 2021 @ 1:45pm 
Originally posted by Poticha:
Xiofire, OOWISMIK - this feature isn't meant for the issues you mentioned. As outlined in the original post:

We advise using this feature only if you have encountered an issue that is preventing you from progressing into the story further.

Thanks for the reply Poticha. Is there any word on if the team is looking into fixing these collectible bugs in a future patch?
marderfahrer Nov 28, 2021 @ 6:44am 
How about telling us ON STEAM what to do in the freaking PC VERSION?!?!?!
Nice list of all the consoles there, mate. Not much use after YOU nuked PC savegame file.

Nice maze in Chapter 6 btw. Nothing happens and now I have a great savegame that loads a black screen and nothing else!

No need for rollback on PC then I guess? I could just play 5 additional hours to get to Chapter 6 again, eh? OR, I could go play an acutal PC game that works.
SniperIce [GER] Nov 28, 2021 @ 11:51am 
Same Problem here im in Chapter 14 and opened the door after the last Workbanch but the game Event have not Started, now my team is there and wait that i open the door but it is already Open. Last Savepoint and everything testet the door is still Open.

Pleace give us a Save Rollback for PC or any other way to reset something like this
CacaFresca Nov 30, 2021 @ 9:50am 
Originally posted by marderfahrer:
How about telling us ON STEAM what to do in the freaking PC VERSION?!?!?!
Nice list of all the consoles there, mate. Not much use after YOU nuked PC savegame file.

Nice maze in Chapter 6 btw. Nothing happens and now I have a great savegame that loads a black screen and nothing else!

No need for rollback on PC then I guess? I could just play 5 additional hours to get to Chapter 6 again, eh? OR, I could go play an acutal PC game that works.

This method actually does work on PC, just plug in a gamepad.
yes, he will buy a useless gamepad just because he has a bug with a buggy game. nice post man, nice post :steamfacepalm:
what he needs is info on how to do it with a keyboard and a mouse. you know, the things that are superior to a gamepad for consoles aka low level gaming ;p
CacaFresca Nov 30, 2021 @ 10:32am 
Originally posted by Ǥɾᴧᴤʆᴧᵯᴧ:
yes, he will buy a useless gamepad just because he has a bug with a buggy game. nice post man, nice post :steamfacepalm:
what he needs is info on how to do it with a keyboard and a mouse. you know, the things that are superior to a gamepad for consoles aka low level gaming ;p

Lol, easy there elitist post. So angry, LOL!

Gamepads aren't "low level" gaming, nor are they useless. Some people prefer them for many games. I use both depending on the game, and pretty much every PC gamer owns a gamepad anyway, get real.

If for some reason you don't, I'm sure a friend has one they can lend you.

Also, if you use your head, you would just press the keys on M&K that correspond to L1, L2 and the Y button. You can do that by pulling up gamepad controls and comparing them to the M&K button mapping.
Last edited by CacaFresca; Nov 30, 2021 @ 10:37am
marderfahrer Dec 1, 2021 @ 3:38pm 
Originally posted by CacaFresca:
Originally posted by marderfahrer:
How about telling us ON STEAM what to do in the freaking PC VERSION?!?!?!
Nice list of all the consoles there, mate. Not much use after YOU nuked PC savegame file.

Nice maze in Chapter 6 btw. Nothing happens and now I have a great savegame that loads a black screen and nothing else!

No need for rollback on PC then I guess? I could just play 5 additional hours to get to Chapter 6 again, eh? OR, I could go play an acutal PC game that works.

This method actually does work on PC, just plug in a gamepad.

Erm, no, it doesnt. I used a gamepad. I paused the game. I saw the greyed out Options. I tried Left Button, Left Trigger and Y. Tried it simultaneously. Tried it one after the other. Tried it one after the other while holding every button I pressed. Guess what happens. NOTHING. Thats right. Just like what happens when I load the nuked save game. What a coincidence.

Also, pressing the corresponding keyboard controls does also nothing. Again. Color me surprised. I dunno what I was expecting.

I mean originally I was expecting an actual game I could play. You know, one without the developer completely screwing the pooch but at least owning up to their incompetence instead of patching in a cheatcode like way to continue a game from an entire chapter that you already have played just because they suck at actually doing something that isnt crap.

Here is a novel idea for the devs. If you know that you messed up this bad that a rollback feature is actually needed then MAKE A MENU OPTION FOR IT!!!!!!!!!
Why on earth do people have to find this discussion and the wonky cheat code that DOSNT WORK just in order to continue playing the game they paid for??? Bad publicity? Angry that you messed up and everyone will see the menue option as evidence of your own incompetence?
Well, you made your bed so how about sleeping in it? This is ON YOU. Not on us players.
Would be nice if you could just let us restart the current chapter in case we screw up.

Seriously, there needs to be a menu option to just "restart chapter" or persistent checkpoints/autosaves at the beginning of every chapter.

I don't really feel like replaying 8 hours of the same stuff just because I managed to skip a whole bunch of content by exploring in the wrong order. Nor do I want to be forced to finish the current chapter just so I can have the privilege of restarting it, ESPECIALLY if said restart risks removing collectibles and other stuff from my inventory.

Game was great up until this. Which is sad, because now I've played it for so long I'm sleep deprived, and my mistakes made indirectly from enjoying the game TOO MUCH are held against me.
dogedogego Feb 10, 2022 @ 4:03am 
If you're having trouble rolling back saves on PC, this trick to emulate an Xbox controller should help:
Last edited by dogedogego; Feb 10, 2022 @ 4:04am
Wolff000 Feb 17, 2022 @ 10:27am 
Seriously give no PC options other than plug in a controller? Garbage move. Also does not work on my computer.
richardnz Feb 19, 2022 @ 1:00am 
This game is seriously bugged and needs a much better save feature. Both in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 you can reach points where you can no longer talk to the team to get them to act meaning you cannot progress. However due to the woeful nature of saving and this clunky rollback feature (pc) you are stuck repeating stuff you already did for hours.

Also the rollback feature will put me right back to the start of chapter 2 even though I'm on chapter 3. How is that useful?

It's really bad to release a game this bugged and not provide adequate help to fix it. How do we get our money back? Oh right.
raied Mar 11, 2022 @ 11:18pm 
Even after several months, the game is still broken, it's like a dirty trick, I stopped playing after reaching chapter 9 I think, but it brought me back now after the last update to chapter 3 and I came back to the cycle of being expelled from the game in this fateful chapter and the translation shows the last line without being able to Read the previous lines.
Avengers and now this, this is the last time I deal with this publisher and this developer:steamthumbsdown:
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