Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

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Having no direct x 11 open gl or vulkan is annoying
So, this may seem dumb but, the forced direct x 12 is a really dumb dev choice. The game really should have stuck with direct x 11 and 12 since 11 is more stable than 12. Having open gl would have made the visuals better and vulkan rendering would have made the game run so much better .

I swear this game needs some major rendering updates asap . Otherwise this game is just unplayable.
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kcthebrewer 14 lipca 2023 o 7:23 
If you had just mentioned Vulkan maybe this could be taken seriously

You forgot to mention how RT doesn't make a massive difference in this game and we should go back to Direct3D
TheSpiderKing 19 lipca 2023 o 8:29 
Początkowo opublikowane przez kcthebrewer:
If you had just mentioned Vulkan maybe this could be taken seriously

You forgot to mention how RT doesn't make a massive difference in this game and we should go back to Direct3D

I never played a game that uses RT even with games like resident evil 2- 4 remakes. With vulkan being a rather interesting rendering method that seems to give games a performance boost at least within the emulation scene. I think a variation of it being implemented could work as a alternative rendering technique.

Personally with how buggy direct x 12 is. I think most games should at least add direct x 11 or like what capcom does. Make a build for direct x 11 and 12 as seperate downloads .
I've tried to brute force marvel gotg with direct x 11 prompts but nothing seems to work.

Whats wrong with vulkan rendering? From what I've seen it does seem to have a performance boost over direct x 12 is many regards. Tho some things do seem to be held back for the currenting rending method of vulkan. So, I see nothing wrong with it on a 1344p laptop. Maybe people with 4k monitors see things I don't. But for just a UHD display I think Vulkan would still be a nice option to give.

Kinda like Xbrz pixel scaling is nice for retro games for a more rounded look. It just doesn't hurt to have options.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: TheSpiderKing; 19 lipca 2023 o 8:30
Captain Worthy 20 lipca 2023 o 16:37 
I got a huge boost in performance recently and play the game at 4k with full RT now with FSR set to max quality and all other settings at maximum, and the DirectX12 isn't too bad anymore. Game looks pretty dope, with decent framerates.

But this is all because I could suddenly afford to buy an RX 7900XTX... Not everyone gets this chance. :\
TheSpiderKing 20 lipca 2023 o 18:48 

Początkowo opublikowane przez Captain Worthy:
I got a huge boost in performance recently and play the game at 4k with full RT now with FSR set to max quality and all other settings at maximum, and the DirectX12 isn't too bad anymore. Game looks pretty dope, with decent framerates.

But this is all because I could suddenly afford to buy an RX 7900XTX... Not everyone gets this chance. :\

I was gonna get the game on switch but, the port got canceled. An could have worked at 1080p 30 fps if the game uses unreal engine 4-5 for the ai sampling tools . I wont beable to afford a rtx gpu -.- So im stuck with a low end computer for now.

I think because of the engine the game uses currently compared to past games. There may have been a push for direct x 12 only for visuals. Yet the resident evil remake games prove we don't need direct x 12 as the only build. An in most cases direct x 11 actually performs better than direct x 12. Even with drm baked in the game.

The devs really need to make a direct x 11 build. Since, not everyone is gonna have a computer with dx 12 support. It just sucks the devs couldnt have used unreal engine like marvel midnight sun. Cause, that game looks and played pretty well in my opinion.

I can run bloody fnaf security breach and blacksad so this kind of ♥♥♥♥ blocking by the devs is annoying.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: TheSpiderKing; 20 lipca 2023 o 18:50
jojorne 20 lipca 2023 o 20:58 
OpenGL was replaced by Vulkan. They still use it but for stuff that doesn't need performance like 2D games for mobile. Even though, they prefer Vulkan if they are going to make visual appealing games or games for Linux. Vulkan has more performance and use less battery. But for Windows you actually want DirectX 12 for a lot of reasons that include Xbox and DirectStorage.
TheSpiderKing 21 lipca 2023 o 9:03 
Początkowo opublikowane przez jojorne:
OpenGL was replaced by Vulkan. They still use it but for stuff that doesn't need performance like 2D games for mobile. Even though, they prefer Vulkan if they are going to make visual appealing games or games for Linux. Vulkan has more performance and use less battery. But for Windows you actually want DirectX 12 for a lot of reasons that include Xbox and DirectStorage.

Well because, I do alot of emulation an junk with switch games. I still think vulkan would be better than direct x 12. Or, the devs should still put a direct x 11 build/ option. Since, from my experience . Dx12 is just not worth it. The ammount of extra power needed to run dx12 games is just not worth the hastle when dx11 games just run so much better . An tend to be less buggier.

Even, when I ran games with Denuvo Dx12 games just ran so much worse. Considering the game uses alot of data. A option or grapghics setting should have been implimented for those of us who can't or dont want to use dx12 rendering. I feel through way to may games in dx12 to even care for that renderer .
Cryiox 2 kwietnia o 7:06 
Imagine wanting OpenGL for a AAA game in 2023, lmao.

Or DX11 for that matter.
Początkowo opublikowane przez Cryiox:
Imagine wanting OpenGL for a AAA game in 2023, lmao.

Or DX11 for that matter.
You do know openGl and Vulkan rendering have improved alot. There not rendering methoid by any means. Dx12 is just to buggy to be considered good. Even compaired to Dx11 which still looks and performs better. Dx11 should be a option in all games.

I seriously doubt you can even provide any good reason as why Dx11 shouldnt be supported. Since, that same reasoning older game engines also shouldnt be used in 2024 and yet they do. Of which even AAA devs still use Dx11 and older engines since, there not buggy as Dx12

Why else do you think copanies push so hard for 30 fps instead of 60fps. Whch the gamecube was able to do . Which is sad when you look how tech has improved and declined in quality.
Gaz 18 kwietnia o 18:48 
You have a ♥♥♥♥ pc. thats the reality of it. DX12 is fine, assuming you dont have a ♥♥♥♥ pc.
Początkowo opublikowane przez Gaz:
You have a ♥♥♥♥ pc. thats the reality of it. DX12 is fine, assuming you dont have a ♥♥♥♥ pc.

Gonna have to press doubt on that. If dirext 12 is so better. Why it it bugger even on other gaming computers. :/ Really the only benefits ar visual like shaders or something. Wich isn't that much of a upgrade from dx11.

I'm pretty sure you mean the game engine is fine. Not dx12 itself. Cause, yeah the game engine and effects look great. But, thats not really handled by dx12. Even with newer games dx11 is more stable even with windows 11.

So dx12 just isn't fully there yet. Meanwhile, Vulkan rendering has added nice life improvements as well shader cache. So its no slouch. Personally I would preffer open gl but, thats never gonna happen.
Gaz 19 kwietnia o 6:01 
press doubt all you want.

you have no clue what you are talking about. the first pixel shaders were in 2001, with geometry shaders coming in 2007 for DX10. tesselation shaders arived in 2009. primitive and mesh shaders arrived in 2017.

i do not mean the game engine is fine, i mean DX12, or more properly, direct3d 12.

try blaming the devs for any issues, not the API in use.

According to the steam hardware charts, the vast majority of gamers do indeed have a DX12 capable card with the most recent numbers showing over 93% of people have a dx12 capable card. just because your hardware is so ancient you cant run things is really no reason to be spouting your nonsense.

for example -

Cause, yeah the game engine and effects look great. But, thats not really handled by dx12.

every single visual thing in that game would fail to work without DX12. it is necessary for a reason. it cannot work without it. it is how every every single graphical effect in this game is displayed.
Początkowo opublikowane przez Gaz:
press doubt all you want.

you have no clue what you are talking about. the first pixel shaders were in 2001, with geometry shaders coming in 2007 for DX10. tesselation shaders arived in 2009. primitive and mesh shaders arrived in 2017.

i do not mean the game engine is fine, i mean DX12, or more properly, direct3d 12.

try blaming the devs for any issues, not the API in use.

According to the steam hardware charts, the vast majority of gamers do indeed have a DX12 capable card with the most recent numbers showing over 93% of people have a dx12 capable card. just because your hardware is so ancient you cant run things is really no reason to be spouting your nonsense.

for example -

Cause, yeah the game engine and effects look great. But, thats not really handled by dx12.

every single visual thing in that game would fail to work without DX12. it is necessary for a reason. it cannot work without it. it is how every every single graphical effect in this game is displayed.

I think some of of your information is a bit strewed. 93% of gamers having dx12 seems a bit high expecially when and after covid happened. Plus with still have some part shortages going on. So, that number seems somewhat inflated.

I'm fairly certain some dx12 effects could run on dx11 to some extend unless the model shaders were reworked some. Maybe there's programming that's hardcoded in dx12 that can't be reworked in dx11 than fair enough.

However, having options is still better than using a rather buggy version. Even, when resident evil 2-3 remake came out dx12 was super buggy. Making the dx11 build superior. With emulation dx12 just isn't that good. Maybe dx12 supports better draw distanc or something. An you don't like older dx versions which is fair if you don't like dx11 and prior builds.

However, some of us still prefer older dx builds for reasons.
Gaz 19 kwietnia o 6:32 

I think some of of your information is a bit strewed. 93% of gamers having dx12 seems a bit high expecially when and after covid happened. Plus with still have some part shortages going on. So, that number seems somewhat inflated.

like i said, 93%. what i didn't say, but is made clear by that, is that DX11 cards make up under 1%. DX12 is not new. the first DX12 card was the radeon HD 7970. it released in 2011. 13 years ago.

I'm fairly certain some dx12 effects could run on dx11 to some extend unless the model shaders were reworked some. Maybe there's programming that's hardcoded in dx12 that can't be reworked in dx11 than fair enough.

no, strangely enough, DX12 effects require DX12.

However, having options is still better than using a rather buggy version. Even, when resident evil 2-3 remake came out dx12 was super buggy. Making the dx11 build superior. With emulation dx12 just isn't that good. Maybe dx12 supports better draw distanc or something. An you don't like older dx versions which is fair if you don't like dx11 and prior builds.

So, you've chosen this hill to die on, yet it's clear you don't have the slightest clue what DX12 is or does. did devs release buggy games? yes. how is that the fault of DX12? are you suggesting no games have released and been a buggy mess with DX11?
Początkowo opublikowane przez Gaz:

I think some of of your information is a bit strewed. 93% of gamers having dx12 seems a bit high expecially when and after covid happened. Plus with still have some part shortages going on. So, that number seems somewhat inflated.

like i said, 93%. what i didn't say, but is made clear by that, is that DX11 cards make up under 1%. DX12 is not new. the first DX12 card was the radeon HD 7970. it released in 2011. 13 years ago.

I'm fairly certain some dx12 effects could run on dx11 to some extend unless the model shaders were reworked some. Maybe there's programming that's hardcoded in dx12 that can't be reworked in dx11 than fair enough.

no, strangely enough, DX12 effects require DX12.

However, having options is still better than using a rather buggy version. Even, when resident evil 2-3 remake came out dx12 was super buggy. Making the dx11 build superior. With emulation dx12 just isn't that good. Maybe dx12 supports better draw distanc or something. An you don't like older dx versions which is fair if you don't like dx11 and prior builds.

So, you've chosen this hill to die on, yet it's clear you don't have the slightest clue what DX12 is or does. did devs release buggy games? yes. how is that the fault of DX12? are you suggesting no games have released and been a buggy mess with DX11?

I think your jumping the gun to speak. I'm not saying dx12 shouldn't be used. But, it needs more patches before its actually good. dx11 still would be better for a optimized experience while dx12 would be better suited for higher eng gaming machines. Not mid range gaming computers. Which dx12 does seem to be a bit buggy with.
Gaz 19 kwietnia o 6:45 
i'd be willing to bet a lot of money any issues you have are down to your PC. the vast majority of software issues are caused by the pc the software is on being a mess.

Were there some DX12 games that had a lot of issues? yes. but you are totally missing the point. DX12 didnt make companies release buggy games. they did that.

however i need to say, guardians of the galaxy was not one of them. Sure, i had the odd crash here and there when i t was new, and some later on, which i eventually sorted as like i said, the fault was with my machine, not the game.
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