Fireworks Mania
Unity Monetizations Runtime Fee

I feel pitiful. This game is Unity as well. You probably have heard the news. Do you have any say here?
Цитата допису: Laumania ApS:
Цитата допису JOELwindows7:

I feel pitiful. This game is Unity as well. You probably have heard the news. Do you have any say here?
Yeah I am following this. Its a really really really bad move on Unity's side for many reasons.

However, for now, I'm just continueing on Fireworks Mania as I'm in too deep to switch engine on this game and I hope and prey they come to their senses :S
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Цитата допису JOELwindows7:

I feel pitiful. This game is Unity as well. You probably have heard the news. Do you have any say here?
Yeah I am following this. Its a really really really bad move on Unity's side for many reasons.

However, for now, I'm just continueing on Fireworks Mania as I'm in too deep to switch engine on this game and I hope and prey they come to their senses :S
Цитата допису Laumania ApS:
Цитата допису JOELwindows7:

I feel pitiful. This game is Unity as well. You probably have heard the news. Do you have any say here?
Yeah I am following this. Its a really really really bad move on Unity's side for many reasons.

However, for now, I'm just continueing on Fireworks Mania as I'm in too deep to switch engine on this game and I hope and prey they come to their senses :S

Yeah. Feels bad. Everyone's game that had been went, had already been big. Porting just because of it is a nightmare, all efforts had been already for it.
Автор останньої редакції: JOELwindows7; 21 верес. 2023 о 11:33
Цитата допису Laumania ApS:
Цитата допису JOELwindows7:

I feel pitiful. This game is Unity as well. You probably have heard the news. Do you have any say here?
Yeah I am following this. Its a really really really bad move on Unity's side for many reasons.

However, for now, I'm just continueing on Fireworks Mania as I'm in too deep to switch engine on this game and I hope and prey they come to their senses :S
Luckily they changed the policy so it will just be based on unit sales, so no spying on users needed to tally up the bills.
Цитата допису Crashed:
Цитата допису Laumania ApS:
Yeah I am following this. Its a really really really bad move on Unity's side for many reasons.

However, for now, I'm just continueing on Fireworks Mania as I'm in too deep to switch engine on this game and I hope and prey they come to their senses :S
Luckily they changed the policy so it will just be based on unit sales, so no spying on users needed to tally up the bills.


But we must stay vigillant. We know their desperate attempts and we shall expect more of milking even more than necessary disrgarding human rights. both gamers & devs.

Just, be watchful.

Additionally, they said that Runtime Fee now only applies for games made after 2024 releases[]. So.. if we are here, should be fine.. sort of, coz uh.. supports just before that 2024, allegedly max May 2025..

see LTS release FAQ here[], and here[]
Автор останньої редакції: JOELwindows7; 9 листоп. 2023 о 19:01
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Опубліковано: 19 верес. 2023 о 2:25
Дописів: 4