Arma 3
Game of Ur 4 MAY 2015 a las 11:12 p. m.
Laser designator batteries vaporising with Zeus arsenal
Alright, I noticed this problem because I was on a server using a Zeus arsenal loadout box thing and I got a laser designator and put a battery in it. It vaporised when I opened it again. Yes, whenever there is one or more laser designator batteries in the inventory of that unit (or, well, you) and then you use the Zeus arsenal on it, one battery will vaporise. If I put in three batteries I can open it three times before I'm out of batteries. Designator batteries are also immune to loadout saving, so you cannot just reload the loadout you saved them in, they are unsavable and when you open it, one is deleted. I was also told when you die (possibly also get revived, the server had reviving) you lose them aswell.

This has made it so annoying to get designator batteries, oh, I want to quickly restock? NOPE! Gotta open the arsenal, reload the loadout, put a designator battery back in my vest and only then am I ready. Oh, I forgot something? Gotta open it again, get the thing I forgot, put another designator battery in my vest and then I'm ready. So, so frustrating. Oh, I forgot to add the designator battery? Well, now i'm several kilometres away and can't go back now! Please fix this.
Publicado el: 4 MAY 2015 a las 11:12 p. m.
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