Arma 3
Character/Soldier customization [who's with me?]
What the title says.

> select his skin color

> camouflage clothes

> accesories for the suit

> accesories for weapons

> 3 or 4 selectable male voices

I'm sorry if some of these features are already confirmed. I didn't know.
< >
11/1 megjegyzés mutatása
The confimed features are:
skin colour
camouflage clothes
accessories for weps
male voices (the tone)
For accessories on the suit, I'm not sure what you mean like that, like a vest or NVGs on the helmet?
< >
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Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. jún. 3., 14:20
Hozzászólások: 1