Arma 3
The 22nd Airmobile Infantry Battalion
The 22nd Airmobile Infantry Battalion
The 22nd AIB is currently in a heavy recruitment phase.
People with leadership qualitys ARE NEEDED

The 22nd Airmobile Infantry Battalion is a Semi-Milsim Group with one goal play seriously but still maintain a casual atmosphere. The Airmobile Infantry is based off of Infantry deployments that were used in Vietnam, Helicopters would fly the Infantry to the LZ drop them off and occasionaly stick around to provide CAS so long as Anti-Air fire wasnt too strong. Those sort of tactics are what I plan to Implement into the 22nd AIB.

Requirements to Join-
Able to understand and follow orders.
Able to maintain seriousness in missions and training.
Having a Mic is not required.
We also do not have an age limit.

What Im currently looking for skillwise in a member-
As of right now we need just about everything Infantry wise this inculdes-

AT Riflemen
AA Riflemen

We also need Helicopter Pilots that are proficent with the MH-9 as well as the UH-80 Ghosthawk, we could also use a few blackfoot pilots. Futhermore we need a few people with experience with the editor, we are needing someone to create co-op missions for the battalion, so we can try new tactics and have a better idea of the tactics and understanding different situations, these missions will be used for training situations and Operation training.

For further information
Please contact

22nd Airmobile Infantry Battalion
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Posté le 7 juil. 2013 à 12h43
Messages : 2