New World

New World

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Hexagon Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:10am
Game is bricking 3090 GPUs!!
Be warned, I have 3080 but I'm too scared to play now. People are complaining the game bricked their GPUs.

Edit:it seems now AMD users are reporting the same issue.
Amazon said it will limit the FPS in game menus but the issue want fully investigated yet, so we don't know the exact issue.
Last edited by Hexagon; Jul 21, 2021 @ 11:25pm
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Showing 1-15 of 138 comments
AdahnGorion Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:15am 
Its because Amazon wants people to get their hardware ruined, so you have to buy a new GPU from their site.....

On a serious note.

Most likely people have just been on problematic 3rd party sites and have various virus/malware issues, a long with a bottleneck in their hardware.. (low quality PSU, Ram, MB, SDD and then used all money on the GPU... that always ends badly)
Hexagon Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:19am 
Originally posted by Darkie:
Its because Amazon wants people to get their hardware ruined, so you have to buy a new GPU from their site.....

On a serious note.

Most likely people have just been on problematic 3rd party sites and have various virus/malware issues, a long with a bottleneck in their hardware.. (low quality PSU, Ram, MB, SDD and then used all money on the GPU... that always ends badly)

Well no, read the Reddit post man.....
Kashra Fall Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:22am 
Same story as all games that have uncapped frames by default. Stuck in que for a bit? Got your frames roaring over 2k-4k? Your card isn't going to like it, it's going to shut down. With the 3090 being the strongest on the market, this will likely be the story for fair amount of people. If you read further into the thread, someone explained that how he fixed it, was simply cap the frames and the problem resolved itself.

However, he also said "Due to the stupid que!" so yeah, the game isn't bricking the cards, it's the settings of the game by default that are.
Narkulus Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:23am 
So it looks like New World has uncovered a design defect in the 3090.
Hexagon Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:28am 
Originally posted by Nyuguu~:
Graphic cards should cap FPS by default.
This is a GPU issue not this game.
What card caps FPS at default? None it's either in game settings or in control panel.
Hexagon Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:28am 
Originally posted by Narkulus:
So it looks like New World has uncovered a design defect in the 3090.
Yeah some weak components giving up, funny it wasn't heard of with mining though
AdahnGorion Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:33am 
Originally posted by Hexagon:
Originally posted by Darkie:
Its because Amazon wants people to get their hardware ruined, so you have to buy a new GPU from their site.....

On a serious note.

Most likely people have just been on problematic 3rd party sites and have various virus/malware issues, a long with a bottleneck in their hardware.. (low quality PSU, Ram, MB, SDD and then used all money on the GPU... that always ends badly)

Well no, read the Reddit post man.....

Reddit.. hahahahahhahahaha

No I am not a peasant
BiJay Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:37am 
Only EVGA 3090s are affected. The reddit thread suggests it's a hardware problem.

Just cause the game reaches high FPS in a loading screen it's not the game's fault at first. Although they could implement a fix by capping it so the faulty cards don't brick.
Heroic Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:50am 
a game cannot brick your gpu. no discussion needed. if a gpu dies while gaming its a hardware issue and nothing else.
Goemoe Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:51am 
New World kicks every GPU to the max the second you start the game. Something very weird is happening there. When the very first screen appears with the blue button to continue, the CPU is up to 97% and more. Once your at the character selection it is fixed at 100%. It is possible, 3090s don't like it, but it is the games fault, not the players or GPUs
EnStorEn Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:56am 
Originally posted by Heroic:
a game cannot brick your gpu. no discussion needed. if a gpu dies while gaming its a hardware issue and nothing else.
You clearly know nothing, so shtfup.
Kashra Fall Jul 21, 2021 @ 4:02am 
Originally posted by Heroic:
a game cannot brick your gpu. no discussion needed. if a gpu dies while gaming its a hardware issue and nothing else.

Lol this is not true at all. If a game is running at 2-4k FPS, then you are asking a LOT of your card. However, if the card is malfunctioning with a few moments at the highest temp, then it is also showing a hardware defect, which the game can't be blamed for. It's a double edged sword. Computers turn themselves off by default to save the hardware if they get too hot, the card isn't doing that, but is instead bricking the entire GPU due to the uncapped frames.
Alzakiel Jul 21, 2021 @ 4:04am 
Seem to be mostly affecting EVGA cards and it seem that the problem has been known for a while already and under the good condition it simply die. So yeah i don't think it's really an issue with the game.
Heroic Jul 21, 2021 @ 4:05am 
ofcourse it is true. the cooling system on a card is there for a reason. on a proper working card the gpu would never run too hot to die even if it would be running at 100%.

everybody who is saying something different just doesnt have a clue, but if you guys google about this you will know iam right.
Lynx Jul 21, 2021 @ 4:07am 
Its a hardware defect not the game, if anything i would play the game just to check if your GPU has issues to so you can RMA it now rather than it showing its flaws in 2 years time.
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Date Posted: Jul 21, 2021 @ 3:10am
Posts: 138