Border Officer

Border Officer

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cheesecake Apr 2, 2019 @ 6:19pm
The Steam page has been released!
The steam page of our game is released today. We are very happy for this. :) You can send us your ideas and questions related to the development of the game by opening the title. Other than that, you can mail for private contact.
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Shadow Hawk May 31, 2019 @ 8:33am 
I like this game it is very addicting. I hope that you can add more stuff to this like have it so you can fix the car and upgrade car parts so it doesn't break down all the time and go threw so much gas and oil.

Also be able to upgrade your house buy and replace stolen items. may be buy a new car truck or house. Or upgrade your house to a small cow farm. buy some land send your kid to school so he can work and help out. may be have a small coal mine that the uncle can work at and have him steal some coal. for the house.

May be have the game start out in poverty and make it so the player has the challenge to go from poverty to riches.

This is a great game and could also turn out to be a awesome fun Challenging kind of game,
I love the challenge so far but don't let it die here.
Thank you for the game.
have a good day.
cheesecake Jun 1, 2019 @ 9:52am 
@rockfordlongpre Thank you very much for your comments. We are constantly updating and developing from the moment the game is released. We have a plan to add what you're talking about. We're currently working on the border and we're bringing new updates there. We hope it's a great game when it's over.
SABERTOOTH Nov 3, 2019 @ 12:29pm 
I have some concerns about the game. While there are bigger issues, fixing these nuisances would make the game less frustrating to play:
- Having I for inventory makes sense, but it's the only key on that side of the keyboard. Maybe adding R as a secondary option would help.
- Closing out of things is weird. Sometimes you press Q, sometimes, you press I, and sometimes you have to click a button. Having Q work for all closing actions would really help.
- E is used for a lot of interactions. But adding the ability to also left-click to interact would be more convenient.
- Whenever I get out of the car, it re-orientates me in a weird direction. Make it so I face the way the "cut scene" makes it look like I'm going to face.
- Allow me to skip the cut scene of waking up from bed on the first day.
- Lots of general errors in English need to be fixed. The wife is referred to as "he" and the uncle is "she"
- Have it save more often. Sometimes I have to start way back.
- Most of the time when I come back to the game, my inventory and trunk are back to the starting items. Also, once, I came back to a game and it made it me as if I'd started a new day, since the amount of money for rent had been deducted from what I exited the game having.
Please fix these! :steamsalty:
When I open border officer and press new game it loads to 90% then freezes
SABERTOOTH Dec 29, 2019 @ 6:18pm 
Originally posted by jason.patrick.cawley:
When I open border officer and press new game it loads to 90% then freezes
Just wait a minute. It will load. It can take a bit, but it will load. See this tip and more in my Border Officer guide:
Please give it a thumbs up! :steamhappy:
Aux|ParanoidRacer Dec 31, 2019 @ 1:25am 
will cheseecake update the game at some point and add what lacks fixing bugs?
mommy_of_death Jan 5, 2020 @ 2:24am 
Fix a bug with the documents when I check the documents (in the game) and give them to the bot, they fall at the table (into an unknown slot, from the side of the bot), and they cannot be lifted.
Oruç Reis Feb 24, 2020 @ 7:15am 
@cheesecake The game freezes because of the surrounding grass.
please tell me how to close the grass. or bring such a setting.
Last edited by Oruç Reis; Feb 24, 2020 @ 7:17am
RicardoRPH Apr 4, 2020 @ 1:56pm 
Wuja Jan 27, 2023 @ 10:31am 
Hello. is there any way to turn off the grass? The game runs smoothly at 60 fps until you look at the grass. please reply
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